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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. You guys did an ABSOLUTELY AMAZING JOB - Congratulations to everybody involved... you put together a fantastic little auction and I think you really blew everybody away with the support you received from the folks who donated prizes and those who stepped up and made bids! Congratulations and I can't thank you guys enough for all the support you've given us with the Fish-a-Thon over the past few years. Without the time and generosity of folks like yourselves it wouldn't be what it's become today! Mike & Danna - you guys are simply awesome! Ciao for now, Ryan
  2. It's called a thermocouple and looks like this Dan is exactly right about the heat sensor thingy heh... It's a safety thing to make sure your furnace doesn't keep pumping gas into your house if there's no flame... if it's dirty it won't detect the flame... For example furnaces with pilot lights, the pilot flame usually heat's the thermocouple and the thermocouple sends a signal to the board that says everything is a-ok and that there's flame... if the pilot flame goes out the thermocouple cools down and no longer sends that signal, so the furnace shuts itself down. I don't know for sure if the thermocouple your problem but it was always the first thing we looked at when I was an apprentice... ( I changed career paths shortly after ) Does your furnace have flashing lights on it? Usually there's a flashig light that will tell you the main problem based on codes...the codes (combination of flashes) are usually on a sticker on the inside door?
  3. awesome stuff Phil! Now I just have to convince the wife to let me take them out after dark! haha Might be better to hit the lake before sunrise! Cheers, Ryan
  4. Awesome work man... Almost back to seasonal temps today! booo
  5. Congrats buddy! :thumbsup_anim: Another fishin' partner! Now go get snipped... it's a piece of cake and the buzz you get from the Valium is unreal! lol Best wishes to mom and baby!
  6. Facebook is down for a few hours were going to need a bidding extension! ;o)
  7. Have fun dude! Feel free to drop me a line anytime!
  8. haha i'll let you know this afternoon when the whole family is pounding back 42 sides of panfish! They're awesome eating man... and I've got it made.. my mother-in-law is a local Port Rowanite and grew up cleaning fish for the local commercial guys so she's a pro at cleaning gills Again - I hit up my mother-in-law! And if I play my cards right she'll pass her panfish cleaning tricks down to Averie and I'll never have to clean one t'il the day they put me in the ground... My dad does a good job with his electric, and my mother in law hammers through them real good with a regular knife! I don't even try because I massacre them! lol They are tanks in there - but there's no shortage of little ones to... You can catch plate sized fish all day if you're using the right baits... if you go to small you catch 20 dinks for every decent fish.. And you're right.. great eating.. Thanks dude - everybody uses tubes, but it was my first time trying to small Slammers and they just hammered them! Good Luck! Hey brotha - I can assist you on your panfish quest this summer if you need! lol Really though, I usually keep 20 to 30 gills each spring and that doesn't even put a dent into the population... I also film a lot of underwater footage in the lake and there's thousands upon thousands of them. In recent years the crappie population has crashed and I seriously think the bluegills insane population explosion is what did it? Also, nobody else really keeps the little buggers... the biggest problem is that the locals like to keep 24+ inch largies! lol What bugs me is my serious lack of being able to catch perch... they're like walleye in there... the big fish are in pre-spawn still in my lake... lots of little ones up in the shallows enjoying the warm weather though! go get'em
  9. Nice spot - we found a good school of perch but they'd just stare at our baits.. sneaky little buggers! I mised one that must have gone close to 2lb - it was a giant! Bluegill are in the Subfish family, same as Largemouth & Smallmouth bass.... IMO they fight way better than crappie... Thanks! Unless you're getting into 15+ inch crappie, I find gills have more meat on them... they're usually a little thicker on the back... great eating to I have my ways Frankie Keep in touch and we'll get in a slam some fish for opener... hopefully there's still some trout up shallow.. we caught a couple of incidentals mixed right in with the bluegill last night I've never had Simcoe perch, but Bluegill are on the top of my tasty fish list...
  10. Welcome to OFC - this is a great place to be! That is one quality Perch! Cheers, Ryan
  11. I was going to add this to my post from last night but I want to hit on everybody's comments there and I wanted to point out that we absolutely hammered them on tiny pink Slammers... those are my new fav. panfish baits! We came up short on the crappie tonight but laid a serious beat down on the gills... The action was so insane we didn't even want to stop and take pictures... all we have is a photo we took of our evening feast... Many more fish were thrown back... I said it before and I'll say it again.. this weather is awesome! Cheers, Ryan
  12. L2p- thanks man! It was a good time! SBK - thanks buddy - nothing beats time out with the little ones! Musky or Specs - you're absolutely right... They're already moving down.... If we want to target trout on opener it'll be trolling bottom bouncers or dipsys
  13. Way prettier fish then those god awful looking muskies you usually target! haha good work man - I'm a big fan of Carp fishing... don't get to do it as much as I'd like! cheers, Ryan
  14. Buddy trout opener is going to be a mess if this weather keeps up! There's already bass and bluegill up in the shallow's... by the time trout opens we're going to be fishing them with dipsy divers! lol Thanks brother - It's insane really... The lake is already in full blown spring mode... I can't complain about fishing in shorts at this time of year though! Thanks J.O.P! My boy is just getting into it, and he had the most fun he's ever had fishing... He had a great time with his grandpa... that's what it's all about! Averie love's fishing, but she was frustrated tonight.. she missed like 10 fish in a row and just about lost it! hahaha
  15. I took out the old man and the kids to hit up some really early season bluegill. There was no rhyme or reason tonight - we caught fish on tiny crankbaits in 2 FOW and others on micro jigs right on bottom in 15 FOW... Tougher bite then usual for this time of year but we had a great time and caught some good fish! Can't go wrong for a Thursday evening in March! Get out there an enjoy the weather! Averie's first fish of 2012 - we had no ice season... boo Lukes's first of 2012 - Grandpa got the assist... haha Where'd they got man? Averie had a bit of a tough go tonight but she kept pluggin' away The kids during their movie break... Daddy caps off the night with the biggest fish of the evening.. as usual! haha It's hard to beat catching big gills on small crankbaits! Group shot with grandpa before heading home... Have a good weekend! Cheers, Ryan & the Fam
  16. You're tellin' me! lol awesome!
  17. A decent article I came across this morning... http://www.thetelegram.com/News/Local/2012-03-22/article-2936510/Wave-of-opposition-to-possible-Fisheries-Act-changes/1
  18. haha that's awesome Simon!
  19. I checked out the big creek dam in Delhi, ON - a little farther south but the suckers are in full force! I used to bottom bounce a worm, or fish them with my steelhead set-up, under a float with a chunk of shrimp... Good luck!
  20. wow I'd take that spot over fishing them in a ditch any day! awesome! Cheers, Ryan
  21. The auto's are great.... I wear one when I'm shooting Facts of Fishing all the time, and I'm holding up a 25lb + camera all day... I don't even notice it's there and one of these days I might "forget" to put it back in Dave's storage before I hop in my truck at the end of a shoot!
  22. that post made my morning! Thanks for taking the time! Good work dad. Cheers, Ryan
  23. Big Thanks to Mike and Family for doing this up! They're awesome and we can't thank them enough! :thumbsup_anim:
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