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Everything posted by redpearl99

  1. If i do get strong hooks, what size should they be in?
  2. Can someone please tell me what is the best hook size to use for trib fishing for salmon with roe bags? I have size 10 for steelhead but I assume that's too small for salmon. Red
  3. great, now I know where to hunt those walleye!
  4. thanks for the suggestions !
  5. I want to take my dad river fishing for the first time but I haven't been able to get any roe yet this year. I've checked out one of the fish cleaning bins a few times but all the roe was gone. I'm currently in downtown Toronto and would appreciate if anyone close by has any extra they can spare.
  6. they regularly have those rapala combos for $9
  7. anyone think this rain will finally cause them to head up the rivers?
  8. very nice!
  9. this is the package http://images.shoprw.com/kytrading/8366_24447A.jpg
  10. It is an LED UV flashlight. Home depot sells an LED flashlight by the same company for the same price and they both look the same on the outside. But the UV flashlight has different packaging and says "UV LED". The UV LED flashlight uses specially LED diodes to emit UV light rather than regular light. I guess you can think of it as a mini tanning bed light.
  11. I didnt have an old school camera to compare it with. But the spoons where brighter with the UV flashlight than when I put them out in the bright sun. The bright glow of that particular spoon lasted about 5 minutes. Chris, im sure there are brighter spoons out there. The spoon is actually much brighter in person than how it appears in the video.
  12. After reading some threads today about how to charge a glow spoon, I decided to go out an buy a UV flashlight. Some people said they use camera flash or regular flashlights, but some people said a UV flashlight is the best. After I purchased my UV flashlight from Home Depot for $9.50, I was so impressed that I decided to make the following video. I first charged a brand new glow spoon with a regular house lamp. I held the spoon almost right next to the bulb in order to get the most light possible. While the regular lamp did charge the spoon somewhat, it was not strong enough to show up on my cell phone camera. But when I then used the pocket UV flashlight to charge the spoon, it glowed like the sun. Night and day difference
  13. hold on, are you saying this picture is fake?
  14. The charters today at credit were coming out with 1-2 fish each. It wasn't too good.
  15. Toronto Urban Fishing Ambassadors is great for new guys
  16. a 93 pick up wouldnt have been tested via the OBD port so the lack of sensors or wires wouldnt mean anything. Vehicles that old are manually tested via the smoke pipe.
  17. btw, I can confirm that an airbag light will not affect your E-test. My airbag light is flashing and I still passed a few weeks ago, they only care about the CEL
  18. I'm fairly sure it's a part of every standard insurance policy. The driver has certain obligations in order to maintain continuous coverage. one of those obligations is to ensure you have a valid vehicle license.
  19. ^good trick
  20. they wont pull the code to see what the problem is, a CEL is an automatic fail
  21. if you guys ever go across the boarder to a mailbox you can get them off amazon for $44
  22. I will be there.... I'm to poor to participate but I can serve as the official referee
  23. Fished it last week. Nothing but rock bass and small smallies
  24. anyone in muskoka right now and want to meet up for some fishing in the next few days?
  25. what is so wrong about this? we do the same thing in other countries
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