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Everything posted by redpearl99

  1. I'm looking to get an inexpensive baitcaster. Does anyone have any comments on the above noted sets? thanks
  2. any updates? im going to holguin in a few weeks
  3. So i've been fishing for all my life but I've been getting more into it lately. I use to go salmon fishing with my dad at Port Credit when I was younger but have never been out on the lake before (which is weird because I have my boating license). During the week I work at a corporate / litigation law firm in downtown T.O. I would be happy to get lunch for the boat or pitch in gas money. If there are two spots open then maybe Christopher could come along as well. Let me know, and this pic is from my last outing with Christopher
  4. I'm wondering if anyone is going salmon fishing this weekend and has an extra spot open. I'm a student and don't have enough money for my own boat but I've always wanted to go out on lake ontario.
  5. I would sooooo love to come..... but I have to go to a wedding
  6. congrats, I was on bala for the last 5 days. Great place
  7. when is the prime time to fish for these smallies? I actually caught 2 today, but they were very small. would it be better to use a popper or a buzzer bait?
  8. ok guys, so Im here on bala and im having some difficulty targeting the pike and smallies. I've caught about 30 rockbass, but having gotten a single smallie or pike. I don't know what to do. this entire lake seems to be filled with rock flats, I can't find any weedy areas. can anyone help? thanks
  9. what was the total for the day?
  10. does anyone know any good bait shops around the Bala area. I know Purk's Place is in Bala, but given their negative reviews online I'd like to avoid them if possible
  11. what should I do if I don't have a trolling motor? should I just go to different points and throw an anchor overboard and fish that spot for a while?
  12. so is it a common thing to leave the bail open? will you still be able to see the strike on the rod tip that way?
  13. thanks for the tip, another question is, seeing as how I've never caught a walleye and this will only be my girlfriends 2nd time fishing. would it be a good idea to set her up with a pickerel rig with 2 minnows and get her to toss it over the boat and wait not too far from shore? I'm going to try and get some pike and smallmouth on lures but I dont think she's practised casting enough for an entire day of lure fishing
  14. So my sister's boyfriend has invited me and my GF up to his cottage on Bala Bay next week and I hope to get as much fishing out of it as possible. The good thing is that he has a motor boat I can use and I now have my own boating licenses. The problem is that I've always been a shore fisherman and don't really know what to do when I get out with the boat. the Second issue is that Bala and Muskoka apparently have lots of walleye and smallmouth bass, But iv'e never caught either of these fish before. My local lakes have only held largemouth, pike, carp and some salmon. I know from reading previous threads that I'm suppose to look for rock hump and drop offs in the water, but without a fish/depth finder I don't know how I will be able to do this. So can someone please tell me where I can find maps showing the depth of the waters in bala and lake muskoka? Also, I would appreciate if someone with some experience in that area could give me a couple pointers so I dont waste my time reinventing the wheel Thanks
  15. I saw a license plate frame last week that said "Women love me, fish fear me"
  16. so you guys thing leeches are better than crayfish? would u use a bobber with the leeches or let them sit on bottom? also, if you don't use a bobber for crayfish, then isnt there a good chance that they'll just go hide under a rock or something?
  17. Im going to muskoka next week and would like to know what is the proper method of fishing with live crayfish... I've never used them before. Am I suppose to just cast out and let it do its own work like you would with a minnow or worm? or are you suppose to slowly reel it in like you would a worm? also let it sink completely to the bottom or use a bobber? thanks
  18. So I was at a Jack and Jill party and there was a raffle table with $25 bass pro gift cards. So I bought $20 worth of raffle tickets and entered them all in the table with the gift cards and won 3 times for a total of $75. Made my day as today I went and bought some new goodies
  19. I use US Address for shipping my car parts all the time. they're the first exist after the lewiston bridge boarder
  20. but wouldn't a glowing lure attract a pike so much more at night than a dark lure? Also, would these vibrax spinners be good for smallmouth bass (muskoka seems to be full of them)?
  21. My Maui Jim polarized glasses cost me $150. I was going to get them in prescription lenses but that would cost an extra $400 so now I'm just going to use disposable daily contacts for when I wear them
  22. what car you have?
  23. http://www.basspro.com/Blue-Fox-Classic-Glow-Vibrax-Spinners/product/10204637/97963 has anyone tried these? wondering if they would be great for night time muskoka pike and bass off the dock
  24. way too small for auto tools. with a 2 gallon taken the most you could really do is inflate tires and airbrush.
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