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Everything posted by charlesn

  1. Yeah, replacement cost is definitely more. Then again, some people will ship their props off to a specialist to have them blueprinted, tuned, or whatever for $500 or more in order to gain 2 mph. Is it worth it? Hard to say. Depends on your priorities and how much cash you're willing to burn. Having eaten (as in literally eaten due to having the prop wash come over the bow into my face as he eases on by at 72 mph) JPD's prop wake on many a chilly morning some days I would say that there is no cost too high for that extra few mph. lol Charles P.S. Thanks Brian, do you want me to email ya a 150 MB video of her in a jolly jumper to the sound of Michael Jackson's Billie Jean? lol
  2. That's OFNCer JPD on the front page with a 7+ smallie. Charles
  3. Mike, I think at the 50 HP mark, it is sorta questionable the gains you will receive from a SS prop. I'd think there might be some, but maybe not. I know at the bigger HPs it definitely does make a difference. Unless you hit something really hard, the SS prop is better than an aluminum as an aluminum prop will get all dog-eared in a hurry whereas the stiffer SS doesn't get affected by minor hits unless you really do something harsh to it. I might be the wrong one to ask though as I go through 2 SS props a year and back when I ran aluminum, went through 7 repairs in one season... You may be able to find a 15-17" SS prop used or on-line for about a hundred bucks. If you can try before you buy, that's even better. Good luck, Charles
  4. If they no longer have a public boat launch, clearly the people they are targeting with this mainly is shore angling tourists. Seems very unfair to selectively target just them. The enforcement of it will also be questionable. Who will do the enforcement? Their police force? Certainly not the MNR COs of which there is such a shortage. If it is a privately hired scrub, why would I give any identification or even acknowledge them if they come over and pester me about some local license. Definitely sounds like something to be acted against now to prevent the copy-cat syndrome from other townships. Charles
  5. Roy, Mark Kulik owns a Triton TR20 Bass Boat. The boat in the picture may or may not be his rig. It'll look Swwwwweeeeet on the water for sure. Way to go Mark, don't worry about any nay-sayers, go out and enjoy it. See ya out there! Charles
  6. Western Fairgrounds in London. In the building across from the Slots. Charles
  7. I'm jealous! I only have 1 outboard. Definitely feeling HP envy. Charles
  8. Last season a Chronzy told his viewers that if a bass boat came fishing near their dock to throw rocks at them. He later apologized. I think there was a thread on OFC about it. I will try to google the story for you. Charles
  9. The randleman fight was insane. Randleman was coming off a huge upset KO of Cro-cop. He picks Fedor up and absolutely slams him down on to his head/neck and gains side control in the process. About 0.02 seconds later the fight is over and Fedor has won the match easily. Fedor is not human. Charles
  10. Like you say Terry, not even the people doing the enforcement know for sure, so it is hard to really say who is right and who is wrong. The angler/hunter harassment law is definitely something that needs to be enforced more to protect our rights. At the same time, it doesn't help to have prominent tv personalities advocating throwing rocks at people legally fishing around cottager's docks. Charles
  11. I've noticed that both sides of this issue have made some matter of fact postings and that this issue seems to result in confusion for all parties from every viewpoint. Maybe that is part of the problem? Wouldn't it be nice to have things be clear so that we can know what our rights are and also so that we can avoid situations or confrontations like the one snag had. I've fished all my life and as a boater for 10 years and I've never been able to answer concretely one way or the other whether fishing in a marina is legal or not. And not from lack of searching on-line either. I've been kicked out of several marinas, bays, canals and when I asked other local anglers, they did not know if it was legal either. I don't want to cause trouble or a disturbance so I will always just leave if asked (regardless of how politely asked), but if armed with the knowledge that I had a right to be there, maybe I would be more willing to take a stand and educate on behalf of fellow boaters in the future. But as it is, how can one find out for sure when there does not seem to be a resource with the "final say"? I don't want to be a jackass and find out later I was in the wrong because I respect all users of our bodies of water and I'm out there for relaxation and fun, not to spoil anyone's day. Charles
  12. Ya, that would be a tough fight for Silva. Lindland has beaten many of the top guys and he also lost a very controversial decision to Rampage. That said, I think Fedor will absolutely annihilate him. I mean a guy that can fight at 185 against the undisputed #1 MMA fighter in the world? Matt Lindland is a brave dude. Charles
  13. Clampet, Anderson Silva is already the Middleweight (185 lb) champion of the UFC, so your prediction is correct! I agree Bitsmith, I think he is mainstream enough and has just enough 'street cred' as a BJJ practitioner to be a great colour guy at the events. Couture is the perfect counterpoint with his ultra-knowledgeable low-key style. Bas can be just as over-the-top as Rogan at times. Charles
  14. I think DSE (Pride's parent org) is looking for someone to buy them. Losing their television deal in Japan due to the ties to the Yakuza was pretty big. Haven't been able to replace that tv deal even though they sell out 40-50,000 seat stadiums for a live event. Zuffa already bought up the competing WFA and WEC (I think), that was how they got Rampage's contract. I don't think it would be a huge stretch to see Zuffa buy Pride, if only to prevent HBO or Bodog from buying them up and setting them up as competitors in the US. It would also give the UFC an instant international foothold and undisputed dominance in the MMA arena. CroCop is sick, but Fedor is not human. Charles
  15. I think in the pre-fight interview, Lutter said that Anderson Silva would need to train the rest of his life and still not be able to get to Lutter's level of JJ. When you talk that kind of trash and make yourself out to be at some world class elite level and then get subbed, it is pretty embarrassing. But it did look like he tapped to the elbow strikes as opposed to the triangle choke. He lasted longer than most would in defending that tight of a triangle. I wouldn't say Silva is that well known for his submissions, he won 1 fight in his professional career (18 wins) by a submission to something other than Strikes (triangle choke win over Daiju Takase). Charles
  16. It was a decent card. The first fight was 2 guys that wanted not to lose it seemed like. Even when Cote had him hurt he was cautious. Rampage looked a little lacklustre, almost as if he was afraid he would not have a great showing. After Heath Herring's disappointing loss, UFC would've been probably quite upset if Rampage also lost. Mirko is scary good. Reminded me of the time he fought the Lucha Libre fighter from Mexico in Pride. The guy in the mask basically ran away until CroCop finally cornered him and kicked him in the head. As he kinda sagged down unconcious, Mirko gave him a nice short hook to the face for running away so much. lol As far as I know, there has been only 1 death attributed to MMA, and it was a fighter from the US with a pre-existing medical condition that could not get cleared to fight in the states, so he went overseas to an unsanctioned organization and died from injuries related to the pre-existing condition. Charles
  17. Brian, the CRK CFT staff should be there all days. JP will probably be there most days working with WFN. I could be as fast as Ben Johnson and not be safe from JP, he knows where I live. lol Charles
  18. I will be there Sat and Sun. Most likely just hanging out/loitering in the CFT booth or the WFN booth with JPD. He's doing some hawg tank seminars that should be worth the time. If nothing else, you can go to heckle him. haha Charles
  19. lol, I can't give away my trade secrets now, can I?
  20. I'll be at the Bass Pro one, hope to meet many OFNers there. Please come by and say hi. Charles P.S. Brian, come to the Bass Pro one, we'll go do the NASCAR simulation race after. I'm still undefeated lifetime (2-0)!!!!
  21. Rick, It's your board, you guys will do as you see fit. The problem lies in my humble opinion in that there seems to be 2 sets of rules, with the stricter set being applied to the "nobodies" and the much more liberal set applied to the "somebodies". I guess tenure matters so some people have earned more rights than others. That's fine, but it should be stated explicitly so that people are not surprised when things transpire as they have. I recognize that as a nobody maybe I didn't have the right to use or suggest the OFC poker tourney. The thing is, when I asked about it on the original thread, of the mods only Roy replied and when pressed for clarification he followed with a very smug retort about it being just an opinion and that he was allowed to have those still. No other response came and the only PMs I received were of an inquisitive nature. Sorry for being the cause of this hubbub, it certainly was not intended to be another cabin fever outlet. Just supposed to be a fun gathering of people from this site. Charles
  22. Rick, As I understand it, on-line poker was not banned in the US. The funding of on-line poker accounts however was made very difficult for US citizens. However, there are still ways to do so albeit not so simple as a few mouse clicks any more. In an attempt to discourage or kill on-line poker in the US, they went after the funding mechanism as opposed to the sites themselves. It makes sense for them though, not as much for us here. In the states, they TAX gambling winnings. Something that was impossible to do on web-sites. Here the gov't does not, so there is less reason to ram through any legislation. I can find out if the name can be changed, just wanted something that could be recognized by the people here. Charles
  23. C'mon, let's not get too hasty. When people come on here and post something requesting help for an individual or a cause (e.g. muskys in Simcoe raffle), are they not advertising or being "in your face"? In either case it is an unsolicited request for money for a cause people may or may not support. Don't let the methods deter from the righteousness of the cause. Most of the telemarketers and salespeople are not actual employees of the charity but an outsourced third party I'd bet. Sorta like spam in person. It obviously is a time proven technique or they would stop since no one enjoys being treated like inadvertently stepped on dog poop. They might get remuneration based on the proceeds they bring in, thus the hard sell. I just smile politely and move on if I don't want to support it, it's not that hard and certainly not enough to ruin my day. Charles
  24. I go to see my friends and tournament competitors that I otherwise would not see until bass opens. A chance to catch up, gab and look at some shiny new boats. Ya, it's a dirty cash grab, but like many have said, it beats doing the laundry or getting an early start on spring cleaning. Charles
  25. Good luck to both teams. I've enjoyed more ncaa football this past fall/winter than ever before in my life and it's great to see young scholar athletes compete so well and so hard for the love of the game as opposed to the love of money. Charles
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