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Everything posted by charlesn

  1. Unfortunate but probably not worth your time to fight it unless the ticket is a lot of money, your time and expenses to fight it will be more than the ticket, plus it will be hard to beat on the basis of "it's not fair". For the $40 or whatever it is to do the test on-line, it's probably worthwhile to do it asap. If you do this and let the judge know you did this and provide proof of having the card now, maybe they'd reduce the fine? Charles
  2. Been there once, Fished the big lake Mesomikenda I think it was called. Good smallie/pike fishin' and I think the season there is open all year, but not sure when the ice would be off the lakes. Have thought many times about heading up there in late May for some ice-out pre-spawn smallies but Mistress Erie won't let me go. Beautiful area. Good luck, Charles
  3. Yo UA, I wouldn't take offense, it's from an Arnold movie (Kindergarten Cop). It's not a toooomah. Picture Arnold saying that to a five year old. I'd go get it checked out asap though. Doesn't sound very pleasant. Charles
  4. Sorry about breakfast Brian... My subconscious clearly decided I needed beauty sleep (as I'm sure you noticed) more than steak & eggs and a side of peameal... lol Very good job by all the volunteers and boaters and organizers. Was proud to be a part of it and when I explained what was happening to several joggers and park visitors, every one of them gave kudos and I think we helped to elevate the image of bass fishermen just a little at least. Charles
  5. PM me if you have any specific questions. Good luck. With the dollar they way it is, you are hitting it at the right time for sure. I feel bad for our dealers, but obviously their older inventory will not reflect the current strength of the dollar and that's not your fault so take advantage and get yourself a dream. Charles
  6. Cool! The UCBaby experience was so great we went back for a 2nd time, but it was unfortunately too late and the baby was too big by that point. I spent some time wondering about the technology, I think it is computerized rendering of normal 2D ultrasound readouts, but who knows. In any case, when my girl was born, she looked just like she did in the 3D ultrasound so I'm pretty sure the technology works. Best wishes for a safe delivery! The best part of your life is about to begin. Charles
  7. Try setting the hook and having it fly through the air into your gelcoat or cowling. They are pretty darn hard. Have never had one break on me. Charles
  8. This is how I would rank the fluoros I have tried on price/performance: 1. Sunline 2. XPS 2. Seaguar 4. Gamma 4. Sugoi 4. P-Line 7. Stren 7. Vanish 9. Triple Fish When using any fluoro as a main line, I've had nothing but problems. Much prefer it as a leader. Charles
  9. Brian, a 100 pack of tubes is about $30-40. A 100 pack of black nickel Gammy 4/0's tube heads is $40-50. One day this year myself and 2 guests went through over 50... For the 3-days it was over 100. So it was like losing 3-4 Megabass Vision 110s... ouch. Try the tungstens, you'll be hooked. Charles
  10. The one foot raised thing has been solved by ingenious engineers. You install the foot pedal in a cut out insert on the deck that makes the pedal level with the deck. I've used this for 2 years now and it definitely makes a difference in foot and leg fatigue. If you're not a person that will be fishing docks or very tight areas, the maneuverability advantages of the foot control are then overstated. I've used a hand control in a flooded forest and with a 20 foot bass boat, I hardly got a cast in for fear of bumping a tree and having a rattler land on my head. Charles
  11. One disadvantage of the MK is the slow start feature. Even with the power cranked to the max, it spools up and keeps things smooth. That instant 100% power was great on the motorguides for when your fishing buddy was outfishing you and you needed to pull a crazy Ivan to drop him in the drink. I've owned 2 MGs, both nothing but trouble and 5 trouble free MKs so I can't say anything but positives about them. Charles
  12. Didn't even think about the environmental impact but feel better knowing it now. I use them because they work. I do not own a single lead worm weight anymore. Cost me a bundle, but the performance advantages make it worthwhile. The hardness also lets you read the bottom/cover/structure better. I know I won't switch back to lead. It's not like a jighead where you might go through 50-60 in a day on break-offs. More like 20 break-offs in a season since mostly using 30 lb mono or 65 lb braid. Charles
  13. Food? OK, you don't have to ask me twice. When and where? Charles
  14. The Big Brother Big Sister Catch a Dream event is on opening day in Orillia. A very rewarding experience to take a Big and Little out on the lake for what may be their one and only trip of the season. There's a BBQ after and sure to be lots and lots of smiling little faces. That's where I'll be. Charles
  15. Brian, why the heck do you want to tan... At best you'll end up with farmers tan to go with the raccoon tan. I wear long sleeves and full pants with socks and shoes (no socks and sandals for me) and also try to be diligent about the sunscreen. The sun is nothing to mess around with. Skin cancer is still a form of cancer and that's nothing to be played with. Charles
  16. Awesome! Charles
  17. Last year I spent about 50 days on the water. 48 before my daughter was born, 2 after - and that was only because I was down in Tennessee picking up the boat. In 2007, I didn't get out fishing until the last Saturday in April and my boat wasn't in the water until well into May when normally it's been wet since first weekend of April. Fish a lot less obviously, but don't consider it a sacrifice. If I'm with her, I think about fishing while she's napping in my arms. When I'm fishing, I think about her anyways. Can't wait until she's old enough to hold a rod. Charles
  18. Lew, $6 baits... Maybe for some of them, but even for those, we need like 6 of each colour due to those pesky toothy critters of yours. We also need about 30 rods and reels each for various applications. There may be a more expensive fish to chase after, but the bass is certainly up there in terms of costs... Losing something like a Megabass Vision 110 ($30 USD apiece) to a slimer is about enough to make a grown man cry. Not because of the cost, but because of how hard they are to find up here. Talked to a bassin' friend and his bait count was at 58 plano 3700 trays full. Yup, FIFTY EIGHT!!! That does not count the unopened stuff on pegboard. lol, rather ridiculous and nuts and he's sorta reserved compared to some other friends. Luckily I have much more self control than they do so I'm well under the 50 Plano tray mark if you don't count spinnerbait, buzzbait, flippin jig, tube and crankbait trays... And I don't have a pegboard wall either. Also if the wife ever complains, I just show her a photo of JP's tackle warehouse/room. Sometimes the junk/tackle collection is half the fun. Giving stuff away always feels good too. Charles
  19. My new boat is too slow for you Brian. I'm still eating JP's wake on the lake. Might need a bigger motor or lighter passengers. Charles
  20. Let me know if the "it was a gift" works... lol Coulda saved about $10,000 in taxes on my 3 boats that I got as gifts from "cousins" in Texas, Tennessee and Kentucky. For their birthdays I gave them large sums of cash. lol Charles
  21. Lew, I would guess that the mapping could be the culprit too. They keep coming out with updated and improved mapping chips, but with so many lakes I'm sure it will be a long time before they are all perfect. I remember about 5 years ago it would be common to drive around on the lake and be shown as driving around on land in your boat. Charles
  22. The cost to you will be based on the selling price. Have the old ownership for the boat and trailer with you. Motors are exempt I believe. Bring the bill of sale with you. Very easy to do. If transfered within the family, can be considered a gift and tax free. Charles
  23. Styles make fights. Rampage just has the style to give Liddell trouble. Rampage on the other hand has been beat down too many times to count. I don't see him being any better than he was in the past, but maybe... Shogun owned him in a terrible way. Really other than his freak elbow dislocation against Coleman, Shogun has looked incredible. Rampage lost to Ninja Rua too, but crazy Pride judges gave him the decision. Many thought he lost to Lindland too, another "questionable" decision victory. Silva whacked him twice although Rampage did put a good showing in for the 2nd fight and had Silva hurt in the first round. I think Hendo has a good chance at being a 3 belts at once title holder and I don't think he's even the best 183 lber in Pride (Paulo Filho). Charles
  24. Bummer. Will feel like something is missing in February then... Thanks Brian. Charles
  25. Maybe I'm comprehension challenged or maybe sleep deprivation is getting to me. What exactly does the above mean? No more SFS? Or that the Spring Fishing Show is moving downtown? Or merging into 1 big-arse show in March with the Toronto Show? Can anyone clarify? Thanks.
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