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Everything posted by charlesn

  1. I guess the next time you're going over the limit on the 401 in your Z71 it'll be okay if someone runs you off the road into a ditch and injures or kills you and your family then? After all, you were breaking the law so they should use Any Means necessary to prevent it from happening. We see complaints on here all the time. If you see a poacher, take a picture, take a license plate, report it to TIPS. Do the right thing. If you try to take the law in to your own hands, then you're no better than the perpetrator. The blame for all of this resides with the enforcement. They should be out there protecting the resource and they should also be out there protecting the anglers. Charles ** Lazybum beat me to it!
  2. Does anyone know where in the GTA I can buy a UV flashlight? Would like to try it out. Thanks, Charles
  3. We can joke about it, but it must be working. It's a big business. (Spamming/Scamming that is). After every disaster (Tsunami/9-11/etc.) the scam artists are out targeting a certain profile of people. It's sad but all we can do is educate people and try to protect them from these scpammers. Charles
  4. Lots of tiny pike and bass there. It's been many many years since I went so I can't help on locations (it's a small lake anyways), but I caught them on traps and spinnerbaits. Good luck, Charles
  5. Rich, What resolution does the Samsung record to SD at? I have a Canon Elura 100 that I have used, and it records at only 320x240 resolution for the SD card. I have a feeling that will look terrible on a big teevee unless there is some way of enhancing the image. Does anyone know of a way to make a 320x240 avi look presentable for a regular tv? I want to make DVDs for my relatives to give away at my daughter's first birthday party. Charles
  6. How big is the family? If the family or group is about 6 or 7, one thing you can consider that is really fun is to rent a pontoon boat with a bbq on it. I did this once with a group of friends and it was a blast, eating drinking (no alcohol) and fishing. Not super serious fishing but I recall My team of two won the derby something like 18-9-2 over the other two teams. This was on Little Lake right in Barrie. Not sure if they still rent pontoons, had to be 5-6 years ago now. I think the place was called Cedar Park Campgrounds or something like that (I could be way off). Unfortunately for you, I think shore spots that are given out on the internet are bound to be busy. That's just the nature of the beast. As far as not living up to expectations, the effort you're going to shows the trip will be a success regardless of the fishing. Good luck, Charles
  7. Given the choice between any single big hook lure (spinnerbait, buzzbait, worm, jig, etc. usually on heavy line) or a multi-little-treble hook bait (popper, jerkbait, rattlebait, crankbait usually on lighter gear)... Gimme the big meat hook every time. If you fight it for 3 seconds versus 30 seconds, there's less chance of something going wrong. Charles
  8. Was there a while back, not sure exactly when, sometime in July I believe. Back then the water level was pretty average for that time of year, I dropped my boat in and didn't have any problems getting around on the troller (20' bass boat). I caught 5 and missed a few in about 75-90 minutes of fishing. All largemouth. All decent size. All on the toad. There are deeper parts at the south part of the lake, as well as near the west dam. Maybe those deeper areas would be a place to check out. Good luck if you go, Charles
  9. A sharp lesson learned. From watching the FLW television show Redfish tournaments, you see how important an eighth or sixteenth of an inch can be. 26.9" is a keeper, 27" is a throwback with $50,000 on the line. I feel for the guy, bad luck to be sure. Charles
  10. I'd use the deep cycle. Have done it on 5 boats and counting and it hasn't been an issue yet. I'd say if anything, with today's proliferation of electronic gadgetry run from the starting battery, the deep cycle comes in handy. I run 4 group 31 Interstate deep cycles and never worry about the batteries. I can run 2 livewells (fill and recirc), 2 GPSes, leave the nav lights on, pump-out, 2 bilge pumps, and start/trim my 225 HP outboard without a worry. At one point I also ran an oxygenation system off the starting battery as well. I think as long as it is not pulling double duty on the troller, you will be fine. Charles
  11. You're way too happy Brian, please stop that. lol j/k Never beat yourself up for a lost fish or bad finish or whatever. It's all fun and you'll remember even the worst of the worst times very fondly as time well spent with friends on the water. Charles P.S. Thanks for your money at the recent clubbie, too bad you're missing your chance to take some back on a lake closer to you this Saturday.
  12. Terrible news. My condolences.
  13. In terms of production line boats (so to speak - since neither Bullet, Allison or Stroker is what I would consider a mass product - more of a niche custom boat line), I'm pretty sure the Allison has it. But if you've seen them, you can see why. Very narrow and they are super light. The Bullet and Stroker both seems like a better fishing layout and is still very very fast. Let's face it, 30 mph can still be dangerous to a novice driver. It's about seat time and common sense. On plane a bass boat throws less wake than a tin can at 30 mph. I've owned both and had both perform "fly bys" and there is no doubt the tin can is worse because the fly by (usually through the area I'm fishing) lasts longer and causes more wake. Charles
  14. perfect!
  15. We have formalized testing and licensing for our roads and has already been pointed out, does it stop people from being jerks? I don't think there is a way to cure it. I saw a father and mother pulling a couple of tubes on the weekend. The kids fell off, and the parents just kept on going even though many around were yelling and waving at them to slow down and turn around. I could understand being a jerkoff but to put your own kids in danger? Sad. I had a spun hub at the time and could only go at 7.6 mph. I was throwing 3-4 times the wake I normally would at WOT so I also was a magnet for the pleasure crafts wanting to jump my wake and "impress" me. Oh the agony. Normally I can jump up on plane and leave even most jetskis in the dust for some solitude. I'd like to see a license and testing for using the boat ramps too since everyone's IQ seems to drop in half under the pressure of a busy boat ramp. Charles
  16. Sandbagger? C'mon Brian, you know I would never purposely underestimate the size of my fish... You're right about it being cheaper to pay for the gas as a rider than owning one of these things. It's a very expensive hobby to be addicted to, that's for sure. Thanks man.
  17. Good job on the big fish of the event Brian. Where you saw me was where we got all our weight too. I think most teams were on the same pattern and that's why we all had such close weights. Had a blast and look forward to the next event. I'm sure Ryan had a blast with JP, but now he will be encouraging you to buy a 70 mph bass boat. Charles
  18. Terry, that thing is cool. You should start a tournament series. Everyone has to start in the parking lot with the boat folded up and upon the shotgun blast off you have to carry the boat to the water like a surfboard. lol Charles
  19. e21 is a Toronto based company. Big into golf and getting in to fishing. They won some awards down at ICAST which is the fishing industry's manufacturer showcase/symposium. Sometimes thinking outside the box is necessary for evolutionary leaps in product improvement. Time will tell if this is one of those or not. Charles
  20. Brian, IMO the hooks are garbage. Lose a lot of fish on them compared to gammy ewg trebles or even mustad triple grips for example. I'd swap out the hooks but look to stay as close as possible to the weight to minimize impact on the action. I get mine from one of the Canadian distributors - a buddy of mine. $25 a pop for the Vision 110s. Let me know what colours you're looking for and I'll try to get some for you. Awesome awesome totally awesome baits. Crappy hooks that have cost me a lot more than the $25 price tag. The outbarb does make it easier to untangle the hooks from the line when the front hook catches the line, but that's the only advantage I've seen to them. Charles
  21. Justin, keep working on it. The hook up and landing rate is PHENOMENAL on these baits with the right gear. Well over 95%. If you get a big explosion that misses, those are usually small pike. Check the body of the bait for the telltale slice cuts or for missing feet (grrr!). I use the toad for pre-fishing and have had bass hold it in there mouths for over 90 seconds before finally being cajoled to drop it. Don't set on the explosion, wait til you see the line swimming off and then set the hook as hard as you can. 65 lb braid and a 6/0 EWG are the ticket. Glad to hear those Rideau bass still love the toad. Charles
  22. Nauti, you should definitely not discount looking across the pond. boattraderonline.com is the site I used to find my last three bass boats, all purchased in the US and all when our dollar was significantly less powerful than it is now. Your money will go further than it has in a long time against the greenback and it will be worth the hassle I bet because you will get a lot more boat for your dollars. Lots of posts on OFC about how to deal with the border crossing too. Good luck in your search, they say the best two days are when you buy the boat and the day you sell it. Charles
  23. I fish em on 65 lb braid with an Owner 6/0 EWG. They will sink if you are not retrieving them but I've caught them while they are sinking as well. They will turn over but it's not a big deal. Often once it is chewed up, I'll flip it over and re-hook it to get a few more fish out of it. Charles
  24. 1 simple tip for the horny toad. Keep throwing it. It's one of the best baits on the market. I don't leave home without em. Charles
  25. Just in case you hadn't heard, there is a new show on the horizon, OFC's own Dave Mercer is getting a 30 minute show starting in December. That's great news as he is a true entertainer and has the fishing skills to back it up. Charles
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