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Everything posted by jigsnreels

  1. Just another bizarre policy decision from Ford Nation...
  2. I think it's a Washburn EA-20. Washburn did put out an EA-22 signature model for Nuno, but I'm pretty sure it came out after Extreme II.
  3. Wasn't this guy, was it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60og9gwKh1o
  4. Amazing pic. A once in a lifetime encounter - sadly. Thanks for sharing the photo, and for you and your son's respectful treatment of one of those very few remaining freshwater giants...
  5. Nice bunch of gators, and that bucketmouth's a beaut! Congrats!
  6. x2 - what are you going to do? I think it's been acknowledged that you weren't specifically looking for one (your gear proves it), and you took care to release it as respectfully as possible, by leaving it in the water and not hauling it out for some chest-puffing trophy pics. An experience like the one you had is an extremely rare occurence, so I certainly wouldn't scold you for posting a pic...
  7. Yes, fire ants are venomous, and for those who are unfortunate enough to be allergic to their venom, they can be deadly. You're a lucky man.
  8. At first glance I thought that had to be a buffalo. That is one giant sheephead! Sounds like a heck of a fight!
  9. Heh heh - listening to "I Don't Need No Doctor" from the same performance right now. Slammin'!
  10. Probably the time I went out for an afternoon session and realized on the way that I'd forgotten my license, and an MNR vehicle happened to be parked at the spot I was planning to fish at, just to seal the deal.
  11. Those are some nice looking fish. Pics are great, btw!
  12. I was on campus this morning helping my wife out with a special event, and we had our little daughter with us, so at one point I took her for a little walk to the bridge over the Thames so she could get a break from the crowd and watch the ducks. Once we got there, I looked down and saw several nice-sized smallies right under the bridge, and my little one even got to see a couple of good jumps, which was fun for her but absolute torture for me. Two weeks, me beauties. Then I'm comin' for ya...
  13. Too bad they can't send the bill to the genius who threw it in there...
  14. Sorry, double post... erm, nice smallie!
  15. Pretty nice bonus fish there...
  16. Pretty sure he'd prefer to keep his toes... :-0
  17. Hilarious vid, thanks for sharing!
  18. Most definitely not. And welcome. :-)
  19. LOL. One of my family friends in Nova Scotia bought the original (Canadian) Pony when it came out in the early '80s. It began to rust within a month of purchase. I test-drove the Tucson (fully loaded with nav) last year and was really impressed with it. Ended up going for a different car altogether but it made it into my final 3. I only have a single-car garage so the Santa Fe was a bit big for our needs. The new redesigned line of Hyundais are pretty nice vehicles overall.
  20. I've done the St. John Standard course three times. I'm happy to report that, so far, I've never had to use it.
  21. "Sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll... take out the drugs and you've got more time for the other two." - Steven Tyler Congrats, man. And let's hear it for shoplifting!
  22. Hey, a true artist never blames his tools. Especially when there's so many other things to blame...
  23. That better be a really fast boat.
  24. No kidding. Might as well use it as throat spray.
  25. Billings Bridge is pretty good. I used to live in Ottawa South and spent more than a few afternoons fishing there (instead of going to class, lol). If you're driving you can leave your car at Billings Bridge Centre (the mall on the south side of the river, there's a Mickey D's there) and just follow the bike paths along the river, you'll find lots of good spots. Just beware of the swans.
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