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Stern Rules

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Everything posted by Stern Rules

  1. Has anyone tried fishing Waterford yet? How does the ice look?
  2. Those are some beauties for sure. Good job.
  3. If you get a chance to catch the repeat of Dirty Jobs this week, check it out. The most of the show was on sea lampreys. They electro-shocked them, tagged some, sterilized them. I thought it was interesting. Also, the new season of River Monsters starts tomorrow at 10pm.
  4. It's official. Howard has resigned for another five years. I was getting worried but our prayers have been answered.
  5. I tried to order some jerky mix from them before and when I told them my address they said they can't send that to Canada. Had to do with the food and drug administration or something. Even the guy said that was stupid but that was gov't policy.
  6. Any deer's a good deer. Good job.
  7. I just caught that episode yesterday but Pete Bowman told me Saturday at the OCS that he retired. Can't believe it. Gonna miss the guy.
  8. I've been caching for a few years now. Most GPS's are accurate to within like 3m so it's not exact but also depends on if the person logged it accurately. They're usually fairly close. Some caches are better than others but it's fun to explore a new area. I like it.
  9. I don't mind paying whatever the licence itself costs. My point was almost $10 for a piece of plastic that you need in addition to the licence is ridiculous regardless of whether it's because of the HST or not. That might not be a lot of money to some but I think it could be a bit cheaper. Down home you just need a licence and that's it. If you want to keep salmon you have to get tags but that's in the price of the licence. And why do they put spots for 5 stickers on the back when you have to renew every 3 years. I don't understand that one at all. Don't mean to offend anyone, just my thoughts.
  10. I got my renewal form yesterday and the card now costs $9.68. Wasn't it six something before? What a rip. I think that's way too much considering we still have to buy the license. I emailed them a couple weeks back to see if the design this time is gonna be different considering the last 2 were the same. No, it's gonna be the same. Personally I like when they change it every time.
  11. I saw 2 out at Waterford Ponds last year. Wish I had the camera. I saw them diving a couple times.
  12. I absolutely LOVE Stern. Don't know what I'll do if he doesn't re-sign. I listen to some of the other channels occasionally but Stern was the reason I got it in the first place. Miserable Men is good but hasn't been quite the same since Levy left. I'm still pissed about that. Sorry about your radio. That's why I don't leave anything in the car. Pain to keep wiring up the antenna but at least it won't get stolen. I got Sirius on my iPod but it doesn't have the Stern stations on it. I've been taping the show from my computer for the last year so I've got some great clips when he's gone. I'll continue for abit but don't know if I'll keep it or not. If Levy was still with MM I would for sure but not sure right now. Hopefully they'll at least continue to re-air the past shows, especially on Mastertape Theater. If you haven't heard the show lately, he finally said he's done with Eric The Midget. I'm sure most of us are happy about that. If he's done, I'm gonna miss Sal and Richard and the wackpackers. Let's cross our fingers although I'm thinking he might be done.
  13. Well that was something to see. Thanks for sharing.
  14. We caught a few of those sculpin when we were out on the Bay Of Fundy a couple years ago. I think I had a flounder but I lost it before I got it to the boat. I take it you never got any flounder?
  15. I caught the last 10 mins. That last fish was huge.
  16. Beauty. Good job.
  17. I've seen this one. I knew as soon as he let the rod touch the boat he'd snap it. Bummer.
  18. Good luck.
  19. I'd have to agree with that. Never saw a non-typical on a trail cam before.
  20. Nice walleye. Too bad you couldn't keep it. One question, what were you using for your video editor?
  21. Camel burgers were good.
  22. Definately Black Angus. I've been there and Lake Land Meats too. From Black Angus I've gotten elk, bison, boar, kangaroo, ostrich, rattlesnake, alligator and camel. Haven't gotten to the rattler yet but the rest were good. The 'roo burgers are great and camel aren't bad either. I paid $46.99 for that rattler and the gator was around $16 /lb. Definately worth a try. There's a Black Angus in Thornbury and Mississauga.
  23. That's a nice buck. Nice shots.
  24. It's supposed to be the best time to fish the 2 or 3 days before and after a new and full moon with the new and full moon being the best days.
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