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Stern Rules

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Everything posted by Stern Rules

  1. Some people eat suckers and they're supposed to be okay. I'd be more apt to eat a sucker than a carp but if done right I'd try it. Carp are supposed to have floating bones which turn off some people. Eels are kinda creepy but they are also supposed to be good and next summer I am gonna try one. So you shouldn't knock it until you try it. You just never know. You might be surprised.
  2. Has anyone ever ice fished the Waterford Ponds? Eric or Richard would know. Would appreciate any info. Might give it a try this year.
  3. Did you eat that bowfin, Mike? I hear they're edible but not that great.
  4. I wish I had half the year you did. Good job.
  5. Thanks for the info. I'm heading there in the morning.
  6. I have Sirius and it's great. I only really listen to Howard Stern but there are some great channels and you can listen online like mentioned before.
  7. Nice pics. That pin-up girl is a hottie.
  8. Was that a cormorant and if so, did you ring it's neck?
  9. Was that Cambridge?
  10. That's the level it was last year at this time and I also looked for lures. Couldn't find my spinnerbait. Get there early.
  11. Poor Bill. I love that guy! We need to get him down here for the fishing or sportsmen's shows.
  12. It did look fresh, Clamp It. It wasn't mushy and wasn't picked at at that point. When I came back down a seagull was picking at it. It definately wasn't there long and that was shortly after sunrise. What a waste of good fish.
  13. Went to Bronte today and only saw 3 chinooks from the park up to the 403 but did see this rainbow laying on the shore. I hope nobody left it there on purpose.I didn't know they were even in there.
  14. Obviously the CO's can't be everywhere but it's good when they do catch poachers. That's why people should use the tip line when they see something illegal. Two guys in New Brunswick a few weeks ago got caught with 49 brook trout, limit is 5 each. They got a $1700 fine and lost their gear. It's not worth it.
  15. Nice pics!
  16. I would definately say it is well worth the drive, except the Toronto traffic. I'm an hour away and I make the trip at least 10 times a year! Good thing I'm rich. You'll be like a kid in a candy store. The mall is nice too but I don't usually go anywhere else except Bass Pro. Be prepared to stay awhile and have lots o' cash. Bababooey!
  17. Last of the pics.
  18. Forgot to take lots of scenery pics this year but here's a few. Not all are fishing related.
  19. Went to New Brunswick for 2 weeks and we had NO rain while there and it was hot as hell so not a lot of brookie fishin' done. Creeks were low and the spots I did hit were crap except for the first one. Went to go out on the boat with the brother-in-law. Got the boat in the water but motor didn't start. So that day was shot. The flounder trip fell through. I was not impressed. Did get out for some perch and chain pickeral. Only got out a couple times but hammered the pickeral both times. Not really big ones but bigger than I usually get when I'm down. Tried some new lures and spinners I got from BPS and they worked great. Here's a few pics.
  20. I've asked Italo about rock bass and he said they're good to eat. I think he mentioned them being better in the colder months like the fall but they are good apparently. If he says so, believe it.
  21. Tough call on this one. Fishing in someone's pond is inconsiderate. There are millions of other spots to catch fish but to shoot at someone for that is a bit extreme. If it was salt that's a bit different but still harsh. But if they were there many times before they deserved something. It definately does give fishermen a bad rap. Not all of us are rude and inconsiderate. Maybe he should hook up a good electrified fence.
  22. No offence but what does hockey have to do with fishing?
  23. I spent 4 hours there. It's impossible to just go in for a few minutes. I didn't even check out the tank or seminars either. The catfish samples were good. Should've gotten some of that hotsauce. Yummy.
  24. I still got money and I think I should go back and get more stuff.
  25. You gotta love those sales at Bass Pro.
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