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Everything posted by RangerGuy

  1. I carry a lighter and flint rock...
  2. Congradulations! You must be one proud papa!
  3. Can't wait, not going to be good or my pocket book LOL! I just ordered a new gortex jacket great price from Cabelas.ca 214.00 Outer shell & inner jacket are both gortex lined.. They had the same price as the US awesome!
  4. Personally I am tired of hearing anything about first nations.. Tired of hearing their whining, tired of them soaking up my tax money, tired of them abusing the natural resources. Tired!!!
  5. Ok .. The fella is really working with me on this He explained his issue with paypal and I can see why he doesn't trust them. Seller has agreed to split the cost ..I give him a couple hundred up front and rest in COD... We talked on the phone last night, seems like a stand up guy, so now I'm gambling 200 instead of the full pop. Still a lot to gamble with but a little easier to swallow hehe! So it looks like I'm going to be the proud owner of a Titan Tiller Assist system YEPPIE!
  6. Wow! That is cool, I've only seen them up in Iron Bridge.
  7. Wow! Paradise! I can't wait to see how the cabin turns out...Congratulations man! My wife an I were saying how nice it would be to have a cabin/cottage!
  8. I'm pretty handy, have always done my own car repairs etc. I'm fairly positive I can do the repairs myself if need be. I did talk with the Tim Merten today, they still sell parts and he told me the only 2 issues he's ever heard of was a leak but was due to an assembly issue from manufacturing and was fixed and a hose that a customer damaged.
  9. I know I'm torn Maybe the COD is the way to go, good idea! were gonna talk on the phone tomorrow so my fingers are crosses this system is supposed to be real nice :-)
  10. Yeh Lew I'm gonna pass if I can't find a protected way to buy :-(
  11. So I have finally found a Titan Tiller Assist used. I have read a ton on these and nobody has every regretted buying one that I can find. Fella is in another province and does not want to use PayPal. He has a good reason not to use PayPal but still I don't feel send this kind of cash with out protection. He seems to be a honest person but hey these things aren't cheap. I'm looking for input how I could pay him and still be protected if he doesn't ship it. I hate automatically thinking like this but its the way the world is now :-( Anybody have a solution, I'd hate to loose this piece of equipment you can't get with out mercury anymore :-(
  12. Hi TeamEmptyPockets, I'd be more than happy to bring you with me. I'm in the Richmond Hill area. I usually hunt by myself so I always welcome people Members have offered me so much help over the years, I would love to pay it forward. Shoot me a pm and we can work something out
  13. Had to share this, I have a 5-6 year old Eureka Timberline 6XT Outfitter tent. The last time I used it was up in Sault Ste. Marie, when I was setting up the tent one of the cross member poles snapped on me. It was quite windy that day, one of the ground pegs pulled out while I was clipping the tent to the poles. I had nobody to hold the tent as I was alone. When I got home I called Eureka and explained to them what happened. They in return shipped me not 1 but 2! replacement poles.. No questions asked! I didn't even have to ship the broken pole in for warranty inspection.] This is the best tent I've ever owned, never leaks and still looks brand new even after 6 years of use! Thank you Eureka for the great service!
  14. I am planning to have the bottom of my b bumpers & panels done in LineX. We have a friend who has a black pick up he did this and it has stood up very well, looks good to. My truck is silver so it should look good as well with all my black trim and lights etc. All though I'm not sure if you have a linex place up in the Sault.
  15. Wow!! Now that's a fish of a life time...what a gorgeous fish!!! Thanks for sharing :-)
  16. Yeh ...testing can be very expensive.. Luckily. This one only cost me the difference in price because I returned the previous 4 blade SS I bought from Kawartha Prop repair, what a great place I'd really like to test the Vengance 17p... Like you said I'd be up a little higher to the engines top rpm again and maybe get a mile or so faster..but not a big deal... I never expected this boat to be a speed daemon hehe! Really, If I don't find one to test I'm ok ..this prop is much better than the 4 blade as far as prop slap and clucking goes... I only get prop rattle and the lowest rpm setting with my yamaha troll control buttons (500 rpm). I think a Flow Torque up will get rid of that.
  17. Thought I'd provide an update... I tried a 4 Blade 15p stainless, it gave great hole shot and smooth trolling , good bow lift but speed was very low 33mphlots of prop slap and fuel mileage was 25% worse, rpms pretty high 6100. kawartha Prop Repair was awesome they allowed me to exchange the prop I got off them for a Vengance 18p...What a prop...though I think a 17p Vengance would be perfect the 18 is good. Alone I get 37 mph @5500 with 3 adults I get 36 mph @ 5200 -5400 depending on trim level with plenty of lift and no prop slap. So pretty much the same speed but less rpms and better ride, fuel mileage is still up in the air. But considering how much I was testing holeshot etc. and the very little movement in my gas gauge moved This weekend would say its good lol!
  18. RangerGuy


    That's awesome for you Lew!!! Congrats! It rocks to win money, I got a lucky feeling last bought a ticket it won me 120 ...cant imagine break'n 1000 :-)
  19. Nice add-ons... I have stopped updating my Lund this year haha! I added a Remote Go-Light on a custom extended Ram mount and a SS prop. I really like your bracket set up.. I'm gonna have to do that next year
  20. Money to burn... really? because I live in Richmond hill.... Reason I'm not doing it myself is time and size.. I have done everything myself in this house (with help from friends when needed) kitchen,bathrooms, plumbing,drywall, stud walls etc and currently building basement. Do all my own car repairs, recent projects was an entire brake job on my 1990 Chevy pickup front to back including all lines, rotors,calipers,master cylinder etc.., u joints , bearings etc. in the driveway. I am very capable of doing this myself and will probably do my garage less the concrete pad myself. We have a large back yard fence will be roughly 225 by 65 wide. We want a standard privacy wood fence for one side and 6' chain link for other 2 sides, So if anybody knows a good contractor that would be awesome!
  21. Hey guys, You guys are funny LOL! I'm in the Richmond Hill area.
  22. Anybody know a good contractor. We have a rather large yard to fence and would also like a new porch.
  23. Coolest Gadget for me (probably because it's the newest addition) is my Remote Golight Spotlight..these things are ridiculously bright and with the spot light attachment I'll be able to see the full width of the channel I follow into the marsh at 3 am I mounted it at the bow on a custom ram mount extension and wired it with a TM plug right to one of my TM batteries.. No more holding up heavy spot lights over my head!
  24. Just read this while I sit on the go train waiting to go home. I'm thinking what the hell am I doin in the city....THANKS!!! What a great report and pics, solitude & mans best friend for company...doesn't get any better!!! thanks for sharing!
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