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Everything posted by RangerGuy

  1. Now that's a HOG! Way to go!
  2. Ok so I just remeasured the mounting bases for my blind. The angle iron would have to be 4 X 3 inches. Here is a pic of the bracket. It's kind of hard to explain but this bracket is meant to be bolted to bench seats or a raised deck of some kind. It allows the blind to fold down towards the bow for driving and storage. My plan is to get 4 L shaped pieces of the appropriate size and bolt them to the lund sport brackets then bolt this to the L shaped piece so I can fully remove the blind in fishing season I'm thinking it might just be easier to take a drive to the metal place with bracket in hand.
  3. Thnx If I can't find any I'll have to hit MetalSuper Market
  4. I'd say no less than 1/16" or 1/8. It's just for mounting my quickset blind to the lund brackets
  5. Anybody got a short piece of 4" angle iron lying around they want to get rid of? I only need 2-3' feet of it.
  6. Nice! Man I gotta get down to LSC sometime LOL!
  7. Beautiful Brown man! Congrats! They are a fantastic species! Not sure if it's the same here but the guide I had in England told me, he finds browns will pick a home and stay there for a very long time or until something scares it off.. Go back and find it again with a fly rod Every time you go back and get him he'll be bigger and smarter HAHA!
  8. Other factors are how bright the room you will be putting the TV in. I've heard Plasmas are better in like a basement and LCD, LED are better in a brighter room. Personal preference I think. Seriously look at Samsung, costco has some killer prices on thier upper end LCD tv. My brother-in-law has a 46" Sony (not sure of the model) but it's about the same level as my Samsung and my tv has a way better picture. People say it all the time that even the news looks better on ours. I've had my samsung series 7 (i think thats what it is haha) for 2+ years with no issues at all.
  9. My buddy did this to my ranger (we had the same boat 680t 2 model years difference). He did this on his boat all the time so did it on mine. Late November on the second day of the weekend fishing trip we changed lakes and as he backed up the hull let loose on the bunks and we almost dumped my ranger on the concrete launch. I heard a loud crack, guess it was the ice on the bunks letting go and my boat went flying, luckily he felt it let go and gunned it in reverse shooting my boat into the water, it was a very close call. Boy did that wake me up LOL! Needless to say mine is attached until she's in the water.
  10. Man that canned moose is good!!! Have you tried making jerky out of the goose.. It turns out really good Here's a recipe I just found. 1 cube beef boulin(sp?) 1 clove of garlic chopped 1 jalepeno sliced cut meat into cubes brown meat add boulin 1/2 garlic, and 1/2 the jalepeno to the bottom of jar. add meat pour in liquid until it reaches 1"below the top add balance of garlic and jalepeno pressure cook for 90 minutes at 11lbs of pressure People really seem to like canned goose and duck..I'm going to have to try this
  11. This is a bit of a strange request but I've not had much luck knocking on doors in my area. So I thought I'd put this out there, doesn't hurt I figure. I have 2 Labrador Retrievers that I compete in Field Trials with. One of the issues we have in this sport is access to good training grounds. After you run a few weeks/months in the same grounds it becomes a little difficult to work on new things. Retrievers need lots of experience working in different enviroments and terrains. So I'm hoping somebody might concider allowing me access to thier property for this purpose. I'm sure we can work a deal out like I come and help around the property,fix something that needs fix'n. Also, I would be more than willing to provide a few days on the water or duck blind every year. Also, anybody that can put me intouch with someone willing to allow access thier property for this purpose that works out as a good property for the training. I'll give your choice of a day fishing or duck hunting Currently I train at a public marsh and a private farm, but we need more areas. I'd be looking at anything 2 hrs and under from Richmond Hill. Here's a few samples of the type of properties I'm hoping to gain permission to train on. A few of these pictures are from actual field trials that land owners have allowed to be run on thier properties.
  12. I asked hummingbird ..they responded that they do not show hours. Not aure why, but actually they display very little data.. I was a little disappointed that my 798 would display so little info it's not even worth connecting it to the motor (in my opinion)
  13. Talked to them the other day..they were very helpful. Thank you everybody for the input
  14. That's AWESOME!... Good on you.. I will be buying a big bucktail outfit next year and forsure gonna grab some of your baits
  15. Those are crazy brookie's!!!!
  16. Yup Just wanted to share the story, to help easy your pain LOL!.. we all do "silly" things sometimes ...hehe!
  17. Ok.. I'll fess up so I never do such a stupid thing again... Last fall end of November, there is a light skim of ice on the marsh I was hunting.. I was super excited because this meant most of the small ponds etc would be frozen. I launch in my momarsh, get to my spot have a great morning, have to break ice 3 times off my decoys but get a bunch of birds and call it a day with a tired dog and I'm hungry HAHA! I packed up my gear, went to grab my life jacket ( one of the expensive mustang inflatable ones, boat is to small to wear a normal one and stay flexible enought to move safely ). Couldn't find it anywhere, I thought some how I knocked it overboard but I rarely take it off unless I'm going to be sitting for a long period of time. I'm p'd off because I just lost a $200+ dollar life jacket, by now the wind has kicked up and I know the bay I need to cross will be on the line of being very dangerous for my boat. Was a pretty scarey ride back to the ramp when I get there I see it sitting on the hood of my truck ARGH!!!! I'm an idiot.. Thankful me & Suzy got back safe but man.. I still get angry at myself when I think of what could have happened for 1 moment of stupidity!
  18. Great Video, It's ok man my neighbors think I'm nutz as well. 2 years ago I had my layout boat set up in my backyard, just like I was hunting ducks. Called and threw birds for my dog to retrieve. So I could teach her where to get in and out of the boat before moving to training on the water LOL!
  19. Wayne, very sorry for your loss... They certainly don't stay with us long enough..
  20. Great Fish Guys! I gotta put my 2 cents in just cause it's Monday HAHA! People kill me!!! Smash someone for mentioning you need a "PROPER" net... For the record .. YOUR 100% RIGHT!!! I would expect somebody with "Pro" in thier username to know better "I personally wouldn't bother spending all that dough on a bigger net the one you have probably works fine 90% of the time" I'll spend the money on a boat/motor,musky rods & reels, video camera etc but can't drop enough to purchase the appropriate tools to handle this quality of fish. Bolt cutters and a proper size net are as important to muskie hunting as any lure or rod/reel combo in the boat. "Sometimes people aren't prepared for an epic fish like a 55" musky, it happens".. Show me one serious musky hunter (especially one that calls himself a "Pro") that isn't expecting/hoping to catch 50"+ fish. A proper size net actually has a calming effect oh ski's, and is less stressful when they can actually float upright and swim while the angler is preparing for the picture. Yes reeling fish in causes stress, I think this is obvious. That's why these nets/cradles were designed to help REDUCE STRESS AT THE BOAT! I fished ski's with the wrong net for a short period when I started,it only took a few decent size ski's to see that a better method is required for landing these fish. Oh did I say GREAT FISH!!!!.... Are you goin to get a fiberglass mount made?..
  21. I can do it but.. it's 400lb motor and I"m nervous of dropping it LOL!
  22. I'm looking to make an adjustment to my outboard hieght that doesn't require the long drive to my dealer. Wondering if anybody has dealt with this shop before. Please PM me your experiences either way Thanks!
  23. Great report man! Looks like the everybody had a good time.. And you deserve a nice pat on the back for saving that fella..many people would have just drivin by.
  24. Man.. I thought I was doin good put'n time on my motor LOL! You already got 20 on her HAHA! that's awesome.. I went home and re-read my manual. Funny thing it shows service at 20 hrs the one on the website says 10 ..wierd... Anyways, I contacted my dealer and they are gonna work it so they do it on a Saturday so I don't have to make the trip twice... Now that's service!!! I'm going to do the same thing, first service at the dealer just to protect my investment. If you get a chance Mike can you take a pic of your motor down on the transome. So I can see the hieght of the Cavitation plate? I'm just curious because my mechanic was surprised that I wanted the motor lifted, so I tried goin up 1 hole. But I don't see the cavitation plate until I trim.. I think I should probably see it when it's on plane trimmed or not.
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