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Everything posted by Jen

  1. Hi Hearingfish: Maybe some of these might give you an idea or two... good luck! Dick Felix Toronto Jazz Trio Toronto wedding band, Live jazz band for weddings and private functions, Live music for corporate events. E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://www.dickfelix.com Address: 1 Ventnor Ave City: Toronto Ontario M4C 2Z6 Phone: 4164291692 Fax: N/A Serguei Tchepournov - Violin Players Music for weddings, parties, receptions... Solon Violin, Duo-Violin and Piano, Violin and Harp, Trio, Qartet. All tipes of music- Classical, Jazz, Pop, Nostagia 40, 50, 60's... E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Address: 161-1066 Falgarwood Dr City: Oakville Ontario L6H 2P3 Phone: 9053381495 Fax: 9053381495 johnson sax "saxophone player Toronto, Ontario" Johnson Sax saxophone player In Toronto Rady For yOur Event Party Wedding saxophone player Assyrins Canadian saxophone player Toronto, Ontario E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://www.johnsonsax.com/ Address: Cel: (416) 998-1958 City: Toronto, Ontario Phone: (905) 819-1680 Fax: N/A Brazil Nativa The Brazil Nativa Dance Company We specialize in: Corporate, Private, Fundraising, Festival, Weddings. E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://www.brazilnativa.com Address: N/A City: Mississauga Phone: (905) 820-8035 Fax: N/A excalibur entertainments - special events, weddings, corporate events Top UK Entertainment Agency Tribute Bands, Star Impersonators, Corporate Event Agency Manchester,Excalibur Entertainment Agency for top Manchester, UK entertainment E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://www.excaliburentertainments.co.uk/ Address: 24 LORDS STREET CADISHEAD MANCHESTER Mobile-07957- 404- 019 City: CADISHEAD MANCHESTER Ontario M44 5FF Phone: 0161-211-6552 Fax: N/A
  2. GM and DC look rather close... and where is Ford on the list...hmmmm! LOL
  3. This thread only makes me giggle... Sorry guys, maybe me and my two sisters were just born to fish but all of us love it. My brother on the other hand would prefer it if we stayed at home... LOL. But then I do have to admit, there is nothing like a five star hotel occationally, so there is a girly girl in here somewhere! Morning sunrises and fresh fish for breakfast can't be beat... Neither can falling asleep under the stars in front of a glowing camp fire! Oh how I miss summer!
  4. You have nothing what so ever to be embarrassed about! Cheers Jen
  5. Blond you know! Its fixed, I am sticking with just saying trout!
  6. The morning began with my phone ringing... (Seems I always have a hard time hearing the alarm, even when it is for fishing. Might have something to do with laying in bed the night before wishing morning would come and not falling into a deep sleep until just before it is time to wake up) cousin and brother will be here in half an hour. On the road by 5:30, Horton’s at Dundurn and Aberdeen was closed... eeek... that’s bad, had to stop in Dundas. This is where I have to make a quick note...saying THANK YOU to the girl behind the counter at Timmies for opening six minutes early... Pick up dad and change vehicles; four of us are heading off to Hanks fish huts for the day. Tired but really looking forward to a whole day on the ice. Razzing one another about who is bad luck and betting on first fish etc. You know how that long car ride gets filled with all the” what if" conversations... Especially when you are all family. Arrived in St. Jacobs a little late, traffic was slow and the roads were not the greatest. Plus dad was driving; he knows nothing about pushing the limits. As we were waiting for our ride out to the hut we talked to several people coming in from night fishing. Some whitefish, some trout, most had a good night but were glad to be heading home. We had a great time socializing and watching all the traffic heading out onto the ice. Trucks were getting stuck right left and centre... just a little higher under body, or a little to the left, and they might have done fine... although it was nice to see that not one stuck vehicle was out there without a bunch of ppl around helping to push them out. We got to our hut around 8:30am... settled in, poured coffee dropped our lines in the water. Row hook, sinker and a minnow, two way spreader, jigs, and a tip up. Throw a line in the hole outside the door that just happened to be there, three way spreader) and now we sit back and start with the stories of long ago... this is the best part of fishing... as the clouds clear and the sun sparkles across the snow covered ice. Time to dream, to chat and to exaggerate many a moment because we are NOT catching any fish. MNR guy popped in for a quick visit in the late afternoon, nice sleds they ride... omg, checked our licenses, eyes darting around the hut quickly, wished us well said not many others out there were catching and off he went. I so enjoy visitors. All day there were two men about 500 yards from us out on the ice fishing. It must have been very cold. I kept wanting to wander over and invite them in for a cup of coffee. So cold out there with the wind howling. But every time I thought of getting my overalls back on they moved further away. Maybe next time. Hut next to us pulled in two nice trout... the guys on the ride back had one whitefish and a trout, so all and all it was a slow day on Simcoe. We didn't catch a thing. However, I will be back, if not for the fish, for the wonderful company and moments in wonderland. No pics I am afraid, as Sonny was rushing me out the door, asking me if I had everything, I forgot the camera. But I did remember lunch. Cheers to all Jen
  7. So , did you bring home the test ??? JK, well done , it is on my list of things "to do" Have my restricted and non restricted fire arms, just have to book the hunting...grrr
  8. What an amazing post... it makes me feel so much a part of this community, cause I have never had the courage to post my inadequacies when it comes to cleaning fish... perch are hard cause they wiggle when you are cutting them.. jk... Glad to see the smile on your face in the last picture. It makes the whole day worth it! Cheers Jen P.S four of us spent the day on Simcoe with Hanks for whitefish and trout and didn't get a fish, so your meal looks like a feast from where I sit. Well done!
  9. An Amazing Idea, Done!
  10. Nice post Fishmaster... great to see you out with your family and specially the little ones. Isn't the puppy cute!
  11. Very very cute, vagina truck! OMG It is wonderful to see how dedicated people are to brands. That we will go through the years with a general loyalty and appreciation for our vehicles and the companies that make them.
  12. WOW, Truly an amazing group of people...
  13. Well I have to disagree with you on that one Gerritt, I have owned a lot of vehicles in my life and by far both of my current Dodge Vehicles have blown me away. No worries when it comes to repairs or maintenance, although the truck eats gas the car makes up for it. In the past I have owned several Ford made products and none of them have ever given me the piece of mind that my dodge vehicles do... Maybe that is because I know a lot of the ppl working on the line at the Ford plants both in TO and in Ohio. Dodge Ram Laramie, 5.3L Hemi, 20 Inch tires, and a tent for the bed of the truck for when you want to pull up beside the water and sleep a while... can't live better than that. Unless of course you have this, and it will cost you $40,000 dollars and can only be driven on the ice
  14. Hamilton Mountain, snow has been coming down for about two and a half hours, at a 45 degree angle... Looks like we are getting hit again... glad I canceled my appt's and got to stay in today...
  15. Was suppose to head out Lake Erie way this aft to show houses... think maybe I will cancel that little appt.
  16. Sounds like you have the 2 days of unexpected freedom totally under control... A project on the go, beer, even it it did belong to the neighbor in the fridge... the kids settled and total control of the remote... what more could you have managed? Well done.
  17. No Idea about the fishing up there, but I really like the name of the lake. Where is it?
  18. Oh and I do have to add here, that once I started getting out there on my own, my family is being much more receptive. I actually got out on the ice with my bro and a cousin this past weekend... what a blast... and even more enjoyable because they were there!
  19. I have to vote Awesome! For years I have tried to convince my Father and Brother to take me ice fishing with them. It is a mans world... this whole family fishing thing. So the answer was always no or avoidance in general. If you want something bad enough you find a way, so , I have gone myself, out to friends ponds etc and never managed to catch anything... but this year I decided enough is enough and made the decision to get out there on my own and fish... Find friends, beg for their advice, company and experience. It has been awesome, from the perch on Lake Simcoe , to being skunked for whitefish and walleye, the days spent on the ice have been filled with wonderful lessons and lots of learning. Although I have to admit there is a skill involved that I do not have yet... I wouldn't have traded a moment of it to do anything else. Free time is precious and when you find something you love to do its worth every second.
  20. Oh my they make those suits big, but I am betting she is a size 0... Great picture... thanks for the laugh this morning!
  21. Thank you so much for sharing that with us, looks like your son had a great time! Way to go dad!
  22. What a beautiful day! Steve, Sonny, and Fred Sonny Raffle Prizes to raise Money For Sick Kids We started the day at 5:30 am at Timmys of course... then off to Fishmaster Bait and tackle to pick up the rental hut and minnows... on the ice by 6:45. In time to see the sun rise... absolutely gorgeous of course. Kick off was at 7:00am, after trying for quiet some time to put our own holes in the ice, (cousin needs to sharpen the blades on his auger), Fishmaster was kind enough to come out with his power auger and get us set up. I would guess there were between 50-80 ppl at this tournament, scattered from the dam to the mouth of the river. Early morning a 4+ pound walleye was weighed in and then only two other fish the entire day plus one crappie. All in all even though we didn't catch anything, my brother (Sonny) cousin and I all had an awesome day. After being on the ice the warmth found at the Dunnville Hunter and Anglers Club was much enjoyed as was the excellent company and good times. Sonny managed to walk away with the raffle prizes his heart desired. Even though there were no fish caught we all truly enjoyed our day. Kudos to Fishmaster for putting on an excellent event! Thanks for all the help today! Nice meeting everyone Cheers, Jen
  23. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showforum=28
  24. I noticed they moved it to another section... one for advertising... have another look Photoz
  25. Doing a little happy dance for Dave... he is on OUR TEAM... wooohoo
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