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Everything posted by Jen

  1. I will be heading up to Grey Bruce next week... I will grab a flyer from the local real estate company and zip you off a pm when I get back. We have 70 acres 1300 feet lakefront on Mountain lake and the value sits somewhere in that price range. The prices on acreage with waterfront up there are still very reasonable. That is if you do not mind small lakes, like, Boat Lake, Mountain Lake, Spry Lake. Cheers, Jen
  2. Ok, I like Cliff's recipe! Being an upstanding member of the 2% here! cheers Jen
  3. That sounds like the best way to have spent an Easter Weekend... Thank you so much for sharing! Cheers, Jen (our team had better start catching fish, Joey is doing really well!)
  4. I would not baste them with anything, sounds perfect just the way you have it... Jen
  5. Very impressive... Congratulations! Lots of hard work... Cheers, Jen
  6. Welcome Alex! Look forward to your posts. Cheers, Jen
  7. End of the work day week day works for me... my list of wants is never ending when it comes to Bass Pro Shop, nothing wrong with adding a few more items, and scratching some off!
  8. Jen


    HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!! TSK TSK TSK G, You do know now that the easter bunny isn't going to bring you any chocolate? Made me giggle... Where do you come up with these things? Cheers, Jen
  9. I just wanted to say a special thank you to all the people that helped me in the last week. I was in a three day course Tuesday -Thursday to obtain my Hunting Licence. I would also like to make note that Tim Green was an awesome instructor! There were several times where I found I needed help with the content or the slang in the conversations the guys were having during the course and found my answers through people here. Thank you again to everyone for your help. What a great group of people and an amazing resourse. Couldn't have done it without you... 100% on exam! Cheers Jen!!
  10. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you , Happy Birthday dear Bly, happy birthday to you! Special days that come once a year... I hope you find it not only full of little joys but lots of laughter. Cheers, Jen
  11. Great songs G, I will definately pick up the CD's... even though my kids are older I am sure they will love them! Mixed in with Billy Talent, I know I will love the break! Cheers Jen
  12. Great post, awesome fish... ( haven't seen fish in a while, other than in pictures so I am jealous!) Cheers, Jen
  13. Welcome to OFC ! You will love it here. Cheers, Jen
  14. Stories like that should not be read while at work... I am laughing so hard my assistant had to come and check on my sanity. OH MY!! What a bad day that was in your life! Glad to see you have a sense of humour about it all. Thanks for sharing! Cheers Jen
  15. Congrats Headhunter on the house purchase... Now the packing begins... Enjoy, Jen
  16. Good Morning All, Have a super great day! Cheers, Jen
  17. I have xp on my computer which is a benefit... as all the pictures in my files are too big to post on here... so this is what I do... Select the pictures you want to post. Send them to yourself in an email...xp will ask if you want to make pictures smaller say yes. Then open your email, copy the pictures to your desktop, Hit browse button in the area below the screen you type in on here Choose to go to desktop, pick the picture you want Hit the upload button The program will put the photos in your attachements file (there is a box right above the browse button that says attachments) If you click on the drop down menu in that box it will show you what pictures you have up loaded You will see a green + beside the picture on top of a page and a red x , click on the green + and the link to your picture will appear in text in the box above. To check that you have done it all right , choose preview message. Hope this helps Jen
  18. Hello Bryce, Welcome to OFC, you will find the people and posts to be very informative. I have property up near Sauble Beach and have often fished the Sauble River at Sauble Falls, right next to the provincial park. It is about 5 min north of town. If you go into the variety store on the North East corner just North of the parking lot the gentleman there will tell you everything you need to know about the area and also sells bait including roe sacks... We have caught mostly trout, but during hot summer days the fishing is difficult unless you are willing to walk a long way from the bridge. It is a great swimming place for all those teens camping at the parks close by. Good Luck and if you get a chance while up there try fishing on Boat lake or at the boat launch directly adjecent to it. Just ask directions while up there, it is on the road that goes east west from Oliphant to Wiarton... Amazing bass, channel cats, ling, and pike, just watch out for the water snakes . I look forward to reading your posts. Cheers, Jen
  19. Jen


    Well, as you know we all ask questions for a reason. Easton is going to kill me, however, I must post the pictures. I am still shaking my head... He and I were out fishing today, as we have been doing often in the afternoon when we have a moment. We have not been fairing well in the fish category, but today was different. We were having a good day when a woman showed up and fed the birds, I had just commented to him that there were so many when he cast and the next thing you know he was telling me a seagull had his line wrapped around it. He gently pulled it in. (although we debated cutting the line and just letting it go, in the end reeling it in was the right choice.) If I hadn't been so busy, crying from laughing so hard, being bitten by the poor bird, bleeding, telling Easton to hold its head, and unwinding the line from its little body, I would have taken more pics... one with the OFNCOMMUNITY.COM tag on it. He may have managed to get points for his team in the "other" category. ( that is a joke, just in case anyone wondered). I am pretty sure they don't allow Birds Easton... p.s. The bird was eventually untangled and flew off to enjoy another day and the people in their cars enjoyed a little lunchtime entertainment... at our expense I am sure.
  20. Seeing as there are so many seagulls around when fishing, I am sure there are many stories about them grabbing lures or getting tangled in line. What, if you have caught one, have you done?
  21. And if it needs breaking in I can give you a list of lawns that will need mowing soon! Since we all know you are going to be wanting to use your new TOY a lot! hehehe
  22. That was an absolutely wonderful glimps into your lives... It took time for TJ to do that, and in itself, that makes an amazing birthday present... Happy Birthday Monique, fourty is just the beginning I hear... lol Enjoy your very special day! Cheers, Jen
  23. Jen

    Hi All

    Welcome Glenn, look forward to hearing all about your adventures! Jen
  24. Hello Tony, I sell real estate in the Greater Hamilton Area, if you are not already contracted with a realtor, pm me, as I would be more than happy to help you in your search. Cheers Jen
  25. Basskicker, That link takes me to Photo Bucket but will not run your slide show , even when I log in! Is it me? (very possibly) Jen
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