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Everything posted by Jen

  1. It has been a while since I have posted and that is because I haven't managed to catch any fish... Although I have been working pretty hard at it. Went out with Sonny a couple of weekends ago, opening weekend for bass. He picked me up in Port Maitland on Lake Erie with my youngest son, spent a couple of hours trolling... which to a little one is rather boring, unless of course your Uncle lets you drive the boat! No fish though. Then I spent a couple of days up North on Mountain lake getting our place ready for Canada Day weekend... we have a 12 ft aluminum boat up there, and a little motor that has sat in the garage for 6 years. Wasn't sure it would work and the boat needed a little work but with a little help from friends it all came together nicely... We invited about 30 ppl to come and join us camping for the weekend... the pictures will give you an idea of how the weekend went... Although there were no fish, I can not say there was any lack of trying. The drive lures ready! Easton and the boys helping to set up First Nights Sunset Getting that motor ready... and it ran, unbelieveable! Easton replacing the wood on the boat Instant dock ( needed to cover all the swamp grass to get the boat in the water) Thanks to the guy on Hwy 6 that sells skids... great idea! finally in the water, (don't laugh, those waiters kept the leaches off ) Easton couldn't stop laughing. He was much cuter! Bass here we come! (Huge bass, we could see them, threw everything at them and not one was interested... ) So we figured some live bait might work... grab kids and off we go A stop at boat lake to see what they were catching Then a little more bait hunting, all we came up with was a painted turtle That the little boy in the picture above caught on a hook and worm. Not great for bait but the kids loved watching it for a while. Sonny making the world warmer. Me and the boys after a long day of camping, fishing and not catching at the camp fire...mmm smores! Heading home Once home and unpacked my need to catch fish was still there... so I headed off to Lake Ontario to see if I could manage a perch or two... seems this wasn't my weekend for fishing, but the sunsets were rather beautiful... Thanks to Easton , Sonny and everyone else who joined my family for the weekend... It was an awesome time! Happy Canada Day everyone. Hopefully my next report will include fish! Cheers, Jen
  2. I must read your reports three times, and then stare at the pictures even longer... Love how you put your whole hearts into a hobby you both love... Way to go, you are living everyday what most ppl only dream of... I am terribly jealous and at the same time in awe. Well done to you both... and you are right, Bly does have a knack for some beautiful fish, although in saying that I think the fish you are bringing in are just as beautiful. Cheers, jen
  3. OMG Shawn, amazing catch... WTG Cheers, Jen
  4. Sounds like you managed to survive the weekend... seagull attacks and all. The weather was certainly odd, although it made for some amazing sleeps at night I will bet. You seem to have a wonderful time with your kids Mike, nothing like coming home from a long weekend, sitting back with a cup of tea and reading your reports. Although in saying that, you really are going to have to work much harder to keep up with those children, as it seems they are outfishing you dad!!!... LOL Great REPORT , yet again Mike... Take care Cheers, Jen
  5. What an awesome award... way to go!! You will have to show us the picture of it hanging on the wall eventually under the photo of that salmon... Cheers, Jen
  6. Congrats on the very enjoyable time in the south, the fish, and the wedding. Getting home after a wonderful vacation like that is always the best part... you sure did plan it perfectly... Cheers, Jen
  7. Hey Lexx, Have you ever stayed up in Sauble Falls? There is a provincial park there as well as lots for you to do with your four year old, lots of inland lakes close by as well as swimming at sauble beach... you can't beat the sand castle building there. Cheers, Jen
  8. So those bass are easy Eh SONNY??? Go figure, all the easy ones must have had a night out on the town Friday and that is why we were not catching them Saturday morning. Great report, thanks for the morning on your Boat, Zachary will never forget it... specially the fact that you let him drive and talk the entire time. We both know how you like peace and quiet in your boat. Nice Cat... sorry we missed it.. Can't wait to do it again.. Will post a pic or two of you and my little guy from Saturday when I find what I did with my camera... Cheers, Jen
  9. Weather not being on your side, it looks as if you made the very best of all the good moments. Liam is absolutely beautiful, and seems to be at ease around water. You both looked so relaxed... When my boys were his age, I can remember never being able to take my hand off of them while out on a dock...the moment I did they would fall in. Now days they do the same but usually its from one pushing the other. You look happy Gerritt and that is truly what vacations are all about... may the peace and tranquility you found while up in gods land stay with you for a long time. Cheers, Jen P.S. Was that a bald eagle nesting on the hydro pole?
  10. Welcome Back Gerritt- Look Forward to your report... Did you enjoy your vacation?? Cheers, Jen
  11. Jen


    Welcome to the OFC community... Cheers Jen
  12. Be safe Bill, Enjoy every moment and make many memories... Can't wait to hear from you about all your adventures when you return. Cheers, Jen
  13. I was sitting talking with a group of people last night and the topic of Mud Puppies came up... has anyone caught one, where and do you have pictures? Cheers Jen
  14. That is not a really good one to advertize... I can assure you that your catch when fishing on shore will decrease substantially after a post like that... (so sorry, I couldn't resist!... )
  15. Rick, can you send me the link, address, whatever ... that I can go to for the purchase of banner advertising, or specific instructions on how to buy advertising on the site. When you get back of course. Cheers, Jen
  16. Well I have been reading, and it seems everyone that is at Lakair has left their laptops at home... dang... heheh Have fun everyone and be safe, next year, I am definately taking time off to be there! Cheers, jen
  17. How come opportunities like this only come up when my weekends are double and triple booked... I would have loved to volunteer for something like that. It is a great opportunity to learn so much for anyone that has the time! Cheers, jen
  18. Yet again Steve I am going to say NICE BOAT... Look Forward to seeing all your reports from her... dang you could even do catered (fishing as a bonus) dinner cruises on that baby... Can you handle classical elevator music??? hmmm Cheers, and enjoy, WELL DONE! Jen
  19. Hi Steve, I read your report and thought, that is truly wonderful. The numbers you caught certainly make up for all that time spent waiting and wishing at the beginning of the season. Always enjoy reading the adventures you have been having. The whole length vs weight issue with carp is an interesting one. I read all of the carp posts and look at all of the pictures and wonder how come they can be so big and yet not huge on inches. Each fish is truly different looking, even if some say they are ugly. I very much look forward to hearing about the 40LB carp that is next on your catch list. What, in your opinion, is the heaviest and longest carp swimming in the areas you fish? Cheers, Jen
  20. Funny, I didn't even log in last night, not expecting a late report from anyone. And Lo and Behold, log in this morning and you have done it again... Awesome report... it truly is wonderful to see you doing together what you truly love. Thats what time management is all about. Now... you are taking a laptop to Lakair< right?? Will miss your report but look forward to them upon your return. Be safe but most importantly, have fun! Cheers, jen
  21. I am pretty sure what Barnie's Band of Gold was referring to is that we are a community and to get to know you, an introduction is always nice. Where you fish, what you like to fish for, what makes you smile... ie: your sons first catch... or when your wife outfishes you... those sorts of things. It isn't begging for help... specially not here...its just being curtious and social. Stick around a while, you will find it very enjoyable. Welcome to the OFC community BP Swing... can't wait to read your reports... I wish I could help with your question, but haven't yet moved on to Muskie fishing... although it is on the list for this year! Cheers Jen
  22. It sounds to me like you and your wife to be are going to have a year made of dreams come true. Congrats on the upcoming marriage, the new job and the huge fish... can life get any better??? Cheers, Jen
  23. Hi Tony, I am not partial to frozen fish, and have found this method works really well. Even better if you are scaling the perch leaving the skin on... Fresh very cold tap water, squeeze all air out of the bag, seal and freeze... works great in the cooler to keep everything else cold on your way up north as well... lol The flavour once defrosted and cooked is the same as if the fish were fresh... and I am picky!
  24. To begin with, fishing is usually left to days other than Monday... But since my family had decided while sitting around the patio on Sunday that they were heading out , I put my hand up to tag along. By the time all was said and done, Sonny had himself, his wife, his son,my father, sister and her son all in their boat for a night of perch fishing... Yes I would go with them out to Dunnville, but fish from shore is what I had decided. Thinking there were already way too many ppl in that one boat for my liking. You see I fish for the peace and quiet of the moments... and the joy of the catch... even if the fish arn't being caught I always enjoy myself. With that many ppl there would be no peace, no quiet and too much joy when you catch something... lol We headed out right after work... Dad picked me, my sister and her son up, quick stop at Sonny's to meet up with his clan and we were off. Arrived at Fishmasters Bait and Tackle in Dunnville sometime around 6:30 - 6:45...thank goodness Steve was still around serving customers. After purchasing our minnows, a new supply of crappie rigs and weights, it was Sonny's turn at the till... New Rod, some time talking about what we were doing for the evening and then just like that , I have a boat to go on... which is cool cause we all know that you catch more fish out in the channel then from shore...THANK YOU SO MUCH STEVE FOR INVITING ME! On our way out, Fishmaster showed me his new boat for Pickerel Charters on Lake Erie, wow! This is what my family looks like while fishing! It was an amazing night of fishing, minnow on hook, into water, fish in boat. ( I will just add here the hooks I chose to use on the crappie rig were ticking me off big time as the line wasn't heavy enough and they kept getting tangled. If that hadn't been the case I would have for sure doubled my catch... LOL, ok yeah I know, excuses, excuses.) The perch were biting non stop. Some very big ones as well. Steve anchored in a spot where there were a ton of fish, and then motioned Sonny to move right in beside him. I will add here that we all now understand why this man is called Fishmaster... he just catches fish, no matter where or when he goes out. A true joy to fish with. It was amazing to watch both my nephews catching fish, their moms happy and Sonny running from one pole to the next putting minnows on hooks and taking off fish. My dad even held out his rod a couple of times since Sonny was being so willing. We fished till almost dark. On the way back Sonny decide to troll a bit and managed to hook two nice Pickeral... although one managed to throw the hook, his wife added the other to the live well. ( I wondered what was taking them so long to get back to the dock... mosquitoes were eating me alive as they stared off into the bulrushes at beautiful mass quantities of FIREFLIES) All and all another great night on the water, and a family fish fry to come. An example of the size of fish Sonny usually catches...( LOL, can you believe this smelt tried to eat a minnow almost the same size as itself... ) Here is where I will add a little note... We got back to Hamilton at midnight, arrived at Sonny's and he hands me all the fish and his fillet knife... mmmm hmmm I see how this is going ... Little sis and I head home to start cleaning fish... 2:00am finally done... Next time I go fishing with Sonny, I am practicing catch and release. What we started with, thank goodness Lynette was helping This is the end result... Now we just have to find a day when everyone is available for a fishfry... mmmmm
  25. wooohooo Steve, way to go !!! Glad to see you are up and out there fishing... Cheers, Jen
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