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Everything posted by Jen

  1. I rent a couple of places a year... although I love the creature comforts of cottages, what I have found is the lakes they are on do not tend to yeild many fish. Over population and fishing may have something to do with that. From looking at the pictures that you have posted the prospectors tent seems like a solution to many of the concerns one might have while camping in regards to bugs, food storage and preparation and allow for you to see a very quick return on atleast your taxes every year. Would love to see some inside pictures and a screened porch on the front for card playing in the evenings as well as a reduction of bugs inside ... your idea is a very good one... although let me say this I have 70 acres up north with a trailer and 10x10 bunkie... in the 10 years I have owned it, I have offered my family/friends the use of it... but because there is no hydro ( run off generators) they have never once taken me up on the offer... seems the more work involved in using a place the more ppl shy away from feeling confident enough to spend their vacation time there. Consider making it as user friendly as possible and if you go this route, put me on the list for a week definately. Cheers and good luck Jen
  2. I tend to agree with you Gerritt
  3. Welcome to OFC! At the age of 24 you certainly have an awesome outlook on life! Nice introduction....
  4. I am curious, what were they catching with the shrimp?
  5. What a great way to spend nights... wow cheers, Jen
  6. Your grief and loss is unimaginable...You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! Jen
  7. Driving home late last night was like travelling through a zoo. Raccoons, foxes, deer, bunnies and even what I thought were wolves.. three very beautiful ones... although I have never heard of wolves in the Haldiman area they could just have been very big cayotes... and on a night when I didn't have my camera... Be safe out there guys... specially north where the animals get bigger Cheers, Jen
  8. Fish or no fish, your trips, adventures and tales are always enjoyed... You are a man of great patience and Nancy... well she is just amazing... How the heck did you find her Ken??? Sounds like an amazing trip... Cheers Jen
  9. Jen


    Welcome to OFC... I look forward to seeing your posts! cheers Jen
  10. Welcome to the Board Lyra!! That would be an awesome gift, just the fact that you are here is impressive... sounds like you guys are going to have an awesome future together... I look forward to your fishing posts! Cheers Jen
  11. My prayers are with you and your family... Jen
  12. It is hard to find words to write that will convey what it is that is felt after reading your post... Losing a parent, a mentor a guide ... someone who you loved unconditionally is heart renching... may the memories of every moment you shared fill your heart and balance your loss. My condolences to you and your family Jen
  13. Unbelieveable fish Ron, WOW>.. thats definately a picture you should be hanging on the wall in the front hallway, so as to be reminded of that moment for the rest of your life... Way to go! Cheers Jen
  14. Talk about living a dream... Congrats to you and all your girls... What a beautiful family you have ... Cheers, Jen
  15. A few things, although I am willing to learn.. If you know someone who could give me some tipson doing body work on cars thats my next project.
  16. It seems I come to this place to document all my firsts... Today was one of those... After dropping my first goose from the sky this week I just had to do a wild game dinner... It truly was spectacular... The hunting day, From a goose that was maybe 6 pounds before it went in the oven. This is what it looked like after a couple of hours. I was surprised how easily it came off the bone. The kids totally enjoyed tonights meal, and only found one little piece of steel so no major complaints. Now I think I need to get back to fishing this week... Hunting has been my focus but reading all the posts here makes me miss having my line in the water. Cheers, Jen
  17. I very much enjoyed reading all about your summer... What a beautiful place to be able to spend time with friends and family. Thank you so much for sharing. Cheers, Jen
  18. Jen


    I totally agree with you ... knowing that all the hard work you put into learning is paying off makes those cold mornings worth every second... congrats on your Turkey... Cheers Jen
  19. Jen


    Well it took me long enough... This morning (pretty sure it is Thursday) Steve and I went hunting... He had found this great field and with the farmers permission we set up before dawn... If you read my previous post from the weekend you are aware that I have this thing about learning and watching... when it comes to shooting I wasn't doing so well. This morning changed all that. I figured I had paid enough attention and today , waste of shells or not, I was going to shoot... The pictures are not great, but atleast they tell the story. Thanks Zoe for fetching so beautifully today! And Thank you to Steve for your patience and being my Guide... I couldn't have picked a more patient person. Although next time do you have to bring so many decoys???LOL It is a start and helps with the motivation to have actually managed to drop a bird from the sky...now more practice for me! Squirls maybe?? Cheers, Jen
  20. Hamilton Mountain, Although I work in Dundas
  21. Sometimes reading a post makes you very sad and very happy all at the same time... Sounds like you had a great day... and I m a little jealous... but congrats. Cheers jen
  22. 69.25 approx acres - 1600 or so feet of lakefront with a trailer, bunkie, well, and road in - $220,000
  23. Thanks for posting your report... looks like you had a great day! Cheers, Jen
  24. Supposedly Joey the geese are very smart and see it... However I am not really certain about this it did seem that everytime I moved my gun to early they flew off before landing.
  25. It may appear that there was sleeping involved in this hunting weekend , but that was not the case for me. Sara, who has really no interest in the sport found that catching up was worth while for her. I on the other hand never once took my eyes off the sky and water... you can't hunt for something while sleeping. In regards to Gerritt's comments, I didn't catch anything while fishing. I decided to stay back at camp with Sara shooting skeet and targets rather than fish where I didn't think the fish were biting. (boy was I wrong )
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