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Everything posted by Jen

  1. Monday January 28th, I headed on onto the river for the first time to try for some walleye through the ice. What a morning it was, learning how to use the vexlar…yet I did manage one fish for my efforts. It was a great time and the weather was perfect. My first Walleye ever through the ice… I took these pictures tonight of my boys out their trying their luck. They didn’t catch anything but had a great time watching other people bring in their catches. I can not believe the thrill of watching a fish come up to your lure and actually getting it on the ice. Cheers, Jen
  2. Thats not lake Y thats the Lower Grand River Dunnville.. It was wonderful meeting you guys yesterday! Look forward to seeing you again soon! Cheers and have a great week! Jen
  3. Clamp It you will have to try Dunnville ...you 2 did very well last night and today ..nice to meet you Jen
  4. Someone years ago gave me the Nick Name : JEN It stuck , so when online rather than use my real name which is rather long I use my alter ego... heck, she fishes better than me anyways! LOL JEN is so much easier to type then BERNADETTE
  5. Went out a couple of days back with Uglyfish and Fishmaster to try drifting at Port Dalhousie, After all the warm weather we have had it was going to be a toss up as to whether or not we would catch fish, but a day off is a day off... So we decided to brave the elements and head out anyways... As you all know you can not catch anything if you do not try... off we went. The day started out at 6:15 am with me picking up UglyFish, a quick stop at Tim Hortons then to St. Catharines to meet Fishmaster for a 7:00am launch. Water was mucky as you can see from the photos but we had fun none the less. There were a few shore fisherman catching fish but otherwise it was a slow day all around... A couple of interesting catches though... I have never seen or caught a mud puppy... look forward to seeing one alive someday. If you ever get an opportunity to try a chocolate fondue don't pass it up... Had to add that picture because it was in my photobucket, it is the end of the day, I am hungry and was reminded just how wonderful it was! Cheers Everyone, and Happy New Year! Jen
  6. Hmmm, deciding on species already at his age...??? Congratulations on your son... you will find so many moments of joy... to bad they can't stay little forever! Look forward to all your posts! Cheers, Jen
  7. Congrat Bowen Live2Fish... Looks like everyone had an amazing day...
  8. I have three boys and for Christmas bought us all ice skates. None of my boys have skated much and neither have I for years and years. I didn't realize how much fun it can be to fall down with your kids. LOL Hopefully by the end of the ice season we will all have improved greatly. Cheers, Jen
  9. I have heard there is a problem with ice huts being shipped into Canada. The material they are manufactured from does not meet Canadian safety standards. Maybe it is a fire retardant issue? Jen
  10. I just wanted to make a quick post to say thank you to a fellow OFC'er. Andy "Landlocked" set up several insurance policies for me in the past couple of months and did a great job which warrents thanks... So " THANK YOU " Andy for all your hard work. I would recommend him in an instant to anyone who is looking for not only fair insurance prices but fast efficient work done by someone who knows what he is doing. Your customer service went above and beyond. Cheers, Jen
  11. There is fishing here 24/7 - Guys have been doing good with catching Crappie whatever time of day it is and the moon lights the ice really beautifully at night. Today there were some perch caught as well as crappie and bluegill. Even a couple of large mouth. The FISHTV things are awesome to see what is coming in and out of the marina as well. There were kids ice skateing on the pond while their dads fished not 100 ft from them. Kinda awesome if you ask me. Domenic is my nefew and definately a cutie to say the least. He is becoming a great little fisherman. In regards to fees at the Marina, if you buy something at the store parking is free, if not parking is 5.00 for the day. In the summer months there will be a 5.00 parking fee with a free boat launch. Steve is always around if you need information or a hand. Cheers, Jen
  12. Opps sorry posted in Fishmaster name ....Jen Today has been a blast on the water... from chainsawing holes in the ice to playing with my nefew. With the warm weather fast approaching Sonny came out to get in a little ice fishing. He brought his son Domenic... They had a blast catching crappies in the pond while Steve was out sinking Christmas trees to create a little more structure in the Marina. This afternoon will be my last goose hunt and then midnight ice fishing... hopefully I will have fish pictures to post soon. Cheers and happy new year everyone! Jen
  13. Beautiful Buck Chris... it sounds as if you will have no problem filling that last tag... There is nothing like tenderloin after a long day outside... Enjoy and Good luck on that last tag! Jen
  14. It all began with meeting the people I would be hunting with for the week. There were seven of us in total with a couple added for a day or two. Steve (Fishmaster), Sherri and Steve C., Paul, Blaine, Kiko, and Bruce. Monday started out at 6:00am with extremely cold weather and a whole lot of excitement. We had sighted in our guns the day before with Challenger Slugs at 75 yards. Everyone was ready to go. I had no idea that hunting would be such hard work. We must have walked at least 4000 acres this week. By Wednesday evening we had two Deer hanging both 8 Point Bucks, one weighing in at what we figured was just over 200lbs with a beautiful rack belonging to Blain and the other was an 8 Point as well but somewhat smaller taken by Steve (Fishmaster) however it ended up being a four point buck because it's antler broke when it was shot. On Tuesday, on block (which for non hunters means you are the one that is suppose to shoot the deer when the doggers push them out of the bush) I had two doe's jump right over me. This being my first time hunting I ducked rather than pointing my gun at them. I hadn't realized how big these animals are when running right at you. This happened on several occasions ... deer there and me not firing or firing way to late. By Wednesday night I wasn't sure I would be able to fire at a deer at all. Kiko and Blaine were heading home so we spent the evening cleaning and preparing the first 8 Point buck for them to take with them back to Huntsville. Again I was terribly intrigued with the entire procedure... including the wonderful meal we had of loin cut right from the deer. My mouth waters just thinking of it. Thursday came and everyone was too worn out to do the morning hunt. There were also many chores that needed to be done. Steve and I headed out in the afternoon to sit and wait for the deer to come to us. The amazing part of this whole week was all the things I saw that I had never noticed in the past. Rabbits, birds, squirrels, coyotes not to mention the tracks left behind by all sorts of animals... there wasn't a moment that went by that I was not in awe of something. If I had bigger pockets they would have been filled with all the wonderful finds I had discovered while walking through the forests of Southern Ontario. The memories would have to due though; as I was supposed to be hunting... so back to concentrating I went. There is nothing like watching the sun set across an open field, night quickly approaching as you listen to animals all around you awaken and start moving around. Yes, I will have to admit it was somewhat scary. Friday morning re-energized yet still sore we gathered again with a game plan and agenda for the day. After pushing the first bush with no luck we stopped for lunch... onto the second bush I was on block, on a corner joining bush to field, Steve and Paul were dogging (pushing the deer out of the forest) and Steve C. was blocking the other side of the field. This is when I saw for the first time what Antlers look like coming through dense forest... they sway! From side to side... A Buck was walking straight towards me. Oh NOOO was my first thought as I raised my gun... if this animal runs towards me I know for sure I will die of a heart attack... and I waited... watched as it looked to my left and then to my right taking a step forward... it didn't see me, I had a shot... Head down on my gun, sights lined up I remembered that I had sighted my gun in for 75 yards... this animal was standing maybe 10 to 15 feet from me... I dropped the barrel figuring the slug would climb, removed the safety, checked the bush behind my target, both looking and listening then slowly pulled the trigger. He fell... tears filled my eyes... I had actually managed to shoot my first deer... There are many moments beyond this that I could share, of what went through my mind, my heart and my soul however to put them to words would not do the feelings justice... The end point being I had accomplished what I had come there to do. What I have worked towards this year in studying and mentoring. I was now in that moment a true hunter... still with so very much to learn. On the gound was an 11 Point Buck... wow came to mind. On Saturday morning I shot my second deer, a button buck. It came through the bush injured from a shot Paul had taken... I raised my gun, sighted it in again checked behind my target and shot. This animal did not fall but kept moving to find a quiet place at the base of a tree. As I stood watching it Steve (fishmaster) approached, yet again that feeling filled my mind heart and soul... to those that hunt you understand what I am talking about to those that do not hunt it is indescribable... A combination of pride, sadness and accomplishment all rolled into one. Thank you so much to Steve (Fishmaster), Steve and Sherri, Blaine, Kiko, Bruce, and Paul for including me in your group this year. Without each and every one of you, your advice, help and guidance I would not have managed to experience all the joys of hunting. You are an incredibly brilliant group of people. Again THANK YOU! 11 Point Buck Shot at 12:00 Noon, December 7, 2007.
  15. Steve, Feel free to post that anywhere you wish... it is with great sadness that this post was created. I hope it brings a thoughtful moment to many! Jen
  16. We all have passions, things that fill our soul and drive our bodies. There are days when others would stay home in front of a warm fire and we venture out no matter what the weatherman says, we are adventurers. We have confidence found in skill, drive, need, and desire to be one with the outdoors. These are the things that make us human. Fault aside, our judgement is not always based on safety or forthought, it is based on feeling. Serge was doing what he loved, what filled his heart and sated his desires... for that I admire him... For his family and friends I am sad. May his memory make you smile, his drive give you inspiration and his spirit stay with you always. Condolences and my heart felt sympathies... Jen
  17. Well Gavin the report was awesome... yet somehow felt like a good bye... During the time I have been here, your quest and inspiration has inspired me. I fully anticipate your ongoing contribution to OFC no matter what soil you find your feet planted on. Once fishing gets into your blood it is there forever... so... NEXT QUEST??? Looking forward to hearing of your safe arrival and seeing all the beauty you discover on your journey. Cheers, Jen
  18. No Thanks Needed... Congrats ... Cheers Jen
  19. Good Luck to everyone this weekend... Can't wait to see the pictures! Be Safe, have fun, and most of all Laugh a lot! Cheers Jen
  20. If the weather man would make up his mind that would be awesome...That way I wouldn't have to have three different seasons clothing all sitting in one closet... Winter wonderland is what I am looking forward too... would prefer skipping the slushy muddy moments of winter! Good Morning by the way... Jen
  21. I heat both my trailer and 10x10 bunkie with a loft using the Buddy Heater... it can be run with a longer hose to a big propane tank which means I never have to worry about waking in the night to replace the tank. The other feature I love is it is kid friendly... any bumps whatsoever and it shuts down. The downfall to this is when it is really rough out on the lake the little bugger keeps needing to be restarted... Enjoy Jen
  22. Wow, how wonderful. Nice Doe... and yes I would love to hear the entire story as well! Having experiences like that with your son are irreplaceable. Cheers Jen
  23. Gotta love the internet for finding pictures of the way things used to be... Congrats on the New Place Fishmaster (Steve) Where you are! 42° 53' 40" N / 079° 36' 00" W - [Dunnville/ON, CA] Distance 0 nm Betamik Harbour MarinaBETAMIK HARBOUR is located on the shores of the "HERITAGE" Grand River in the historic small town of Dunnville. BETAMIK HARBOUR is situated on 32 acres of waterfront property, only 2 miles from the mouth of the Grand River at Lake Erie. It is accessible by boat, automobile, float plane and by train transportation. Thought you may enjoy a few pics of the way things used to be at your new home Cheers and good luck with all your plans Jen
  24. I have to comment on Cliffs message... "So, if I had to rank it....it would be 9 out of 10. I have a chance to get an OFAH qualifying walleye, but whitefish will elude me this year....making me one short of all ten categories. Oh well...I'll have to get out on Simcoe next year to try to catch one!" You do realize you can catch an amazing whitefish through the ice in Simcoe don't you? There is still hope and time to make that a 10/10. Will let you know when I am heading up there! Cheers, Jen
  25. Thank you To all that served and to you Gerritt for remembering on behalf of us all ... Jen
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