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Everything posted by Muskieman

  1. Close to 1200 plays/views !! Chris and the Puckhogs say thanks !! Keep the votes and views coming ..
  2. They won't be revealed yet , they'll only publish the top 50 , it will go by the amount of " plays "
  3. We have 2 PS3 and 2 X360 , my son uses his x360 to stream Netflix and whatever video he chooses , same with my daughter , we pay for their XBox Live acct , my sons friend recently got a X1 for his birthday , my son prefers his X360.. I have a PS3 in my cave and one in my room , I use it to stream Netflix , YouTube , Facebook , OFC and also use it as a DVD player , I play a few fishing games and a racing games , our WBTV box has been in a drawer for almost a year now ... I suggest either console , pick it up at a pawn shop , save the bucks for fishing gear we also have a Wii behind the bar that we use for YouTube and Netflix , an inferior product , but works well . No special accounts needed for the PS3 or Wii .
  4. Help them out by sticking it in someone else's head please vote vote vote
  5. They're getting there , top 50 move to the semi finals , if they happen to win , they get a recording contract and also will play the song live at the " winter game ? " and also live durning some of the playoff games , on behalf of the Puckhogs , I thank you for the support
  6. My Memère had 22 kids in 18 yrs .. every time Pepère would come out of the bush for the season , they get " busy " I guess , all kids raised in a 400sq ft farm house , she always said " I raised 22 kids in a 400sq ft house , nowadays (1998) they're having a hard time raising 2 kids in a 3000sq ft house " Things sure have changed .
  7. I heard a rumor yesterday that it was caught by Brown Island at the mouth of the French , but again I heard a rumor , also a local guy claims to have landed a 59' weighing in at 56lbs .( no photo) dead camera batteries , but I do believe that Nipissing may be harboring a WR fish . Randy
  8. Seems like every year the fish are getting bigger and bigger , I have to wonder , is it because more anglers are targeting Muskie and go out later and later in the season , or with good genetics is the species evolving into a general population of larger specimens , I'd like to hear Darwin's take on the subject.
  9. My Mom is from a family of 22, she's 77, my Dad was from a family of 18 he'd be in his 114 th year. I'm only 40 , needless to say I'm an accident , but I'm happy to be around. I have many stories that have been passed down , for the girls ,canning greens for the winter , raising Pigeons , Rabbits , Goats ( cows were too costly to maintain ) Chickens and Ducks, mending, sewing , knitting etc... And the boys would be responsible for tilling the land , fetching water, stockpiling firewood for the winter, prospecting, gold panning, fishing , hunting ,trapping , they were never bored and always had something to look after, It wasn't an easy life that's for certain. Randy
  10. I know that there are a whole lot of hockey fans here at OFC... My lifelong pal Chris and his band , wrote this tune for a contest on the CBC... please help them win by voting once a day , and sharing on Facebook and other social media sites Thanks , enjoy ! http://music.cbc.ca/#/play/artist/The-Puckhogs/For-The-Love-Of-The-Game Randy
  11. Vancouver , a bunch of useless door knobs.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fishnsled


      No arguments from me, just a bunch a levers. lol.

    3. misfish


      bunch a levers.



    4. Muskieman
  12. When I was about 4 I remember asking my Dad when he started to see in color .. Nice pictures ! Are you sure it's a Sugar Shack and not a Moonshine operation
  13. .... edited , that was the Steam Whistle talking . Sorry . I agree lock 'er up
  14. For the first time in 15 years I have a clean shaven face, it's all for a good cause ... I know for a fact that some very active board members like myself have suffered or are suffering and battling some sort reproductive cancer. Will you donate ? Will you participate ? Maybe we should start an OFC Wolfpack ? http://ca.movember.com/mospace/8025525 Randy
  15. ** correction , it is legal to hunt with an air rifle on Ontario ( it wasn't before ) just called a CO buddy of mine , if it's over 500FPS you'll need a PAL and your small game permit , if it's under 500FPS like in your case , just the small game permit .
  16. You wouldn't need a PAL / POL to own the rifle , since it's under 500FPS , but it isn't legal to hunt with an air rifle , if it were you would need a hunting lisence , smallest legal caliber in Ontatio is a .22 rimfire .... I believe some provinces still allow .177 rimfire . Hope this helped
  17. 4 guys sitting around having drinks and one of the men had to use the restroom. The three others talked about their kids. The first guy said, "my son is my pride and joy he started working at a company at the bottom. He studied business and began to climb the corporate ladder, became president of the company. He's so rich he gave his best friend a top of the line Mercedes for Christmas. The second guy said, "damn, that's terrific! my son is also the pride and joy. He started working for a big airline, went to flight school to become a pilot. He became a partner where he owns the majority of its assets. He is so rich that he gave his best friend a brand new jet as a Christmas gift! The third man said. "well that's terrific! my son studied in the best universities and became an engineer, started his own construction company and is now a multimillionaire. He also gave an expensive Christmas gift to his best friend, a 30,000 square foot mansion! The 3 guys congratulate each other just as the 4th guy returned from the restroom and asked what are all the congratulations for? One of the three guys said, "we're talking about the pride we feel for the successes of our sons... "wat about ur son?" they asked the 4th guy. The fourth man replied, " my son is gay and makes a living dancing as a stripper at a nightclub. The three friends said, " that's a shame...what a disappointment. The fourth man replied. " nah, I'm not ashamed hes my son and I love him..and he hasn't done too badly either. Just this Christmas alone he received a beautiful 30,000 square foot mansion, a brand new jet and a top of the line Mercedes from his 3 boyfriends.
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