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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. It always starts in the middle at the area I'm on and then the wind usually carves a bigger hole and then it starts moving the ice sheet around some people across the lake are getting ice ramming their shoreline from the wind
  2. Took some pics of the lake when I got home from work tonight !!!! What a difference in the last 24hrs !! The wind is really breaking it up today ... Should be all gone by the weekend .... There is actually whitecaps in the middle !!!! Almost fishing time... Woo hoo
  3. Well seeing how the govt won't grow a pair maybe us the voting people should stand up to this crap !!!!!! And just refuse to let it happen .... It should be majority rules and it sure isn't them that's the majority we are......
  4. awesome chris !!! nice early season start...thumbs up
  5. The MNR hands are tied due to the many years of cutbacks the govt will not listen to the biologists and will not listen to the people and fishermen the facts are still the facts the netting is decimating the spawning aged fish and the ones that are left cannot keep the fisheries going !!!!!! Too many years of unregulated native netting has ruined the fishery and as long as the MNR is being told what to do by the govt it's doomed !!!!! Stop the netting for a few years reduce the quota and listen to the biologists and the stakeholders and the FN
  6. well once they net all the lakes who will re-stock them ???
  7. I didn't know how to get the link up ?? Just wanted to show other views on the matter can someone put the link up??
  8. Please go to home page of Ontario out of doors and read the info saying native harvest is 3 times greater than angler harvest since 2005 and it's unregulated and the MNR agrees !!!!!!
  9. I just uploaded about a dozen pics on photobucket from my iPhone yesterday and it worked just fine !!!!! And did a pic this morning as well and no problems for me and I always do it from my phone as well
  10. Yes it was fishing is always amazing in the Ottawa river !!!! For everything ....
  11. No I didn't ice fish at all !!! I was snowmobiling all winter did over 3,000km this winter!!!! But yes I have had huts for years and years and ice fished many lakes including sturgeon lake where I live !!! I would rather be sledding than ice fishing but I still have a nice portable hut and all the goodies !!! I have not ever heard of anyone catching a whitefish here ??? How many years ago was that ??
  12. I made the 65km drive to work yesterday morning at 4:30am and it was brutal both hwy 36 & 7 were a skating rink !!!!! Cars in the ditch as well and in Sunderland we went 6hours with no power lots of trees down as well !!!!!!! It was nasty drive for sure ...... Come on spring
  13. Ya mike that's what it looks like at my lake !!!! Still pretty much frozen over !!!! But yes I will have my boat ready snow or rain it's the same ritual every year !!!!!! Tight-lines
  14. A pic from my boat at 4am last July on the Ottawa river !!!!!!! Come on summer.....
  15. Here is some pics of the bobcaygeon dam I took last Saturday !!! There was lots of fish there I took some pics of eyes in shallow clear water and a few of the river up from where I live
  16. last Saturday when I got my boat out of the storage barn I stopped at the boat launch about a block from my house and backed up my boat to the ice on the lake for a picture !!!!!!! Be a while yet !!!!!!!!!
  17. Gannon's narrows is open a fair ways into buckhorn and yes it's open near the town of buckhorn as well and pigeon is starting to open in the north end near nogies and a good ways out from the river towards big island sturgeon is still mostly frozen but open where the rivers dump in Emily creek is ice free !!!!!!! Can still walk out on sturgeon where I live. Grrrrrrr it's never gonna leave !!!!!!
  18. you beat me too it,thats pretty much what i was going to say !!! its the best way for surei have rod set-ups for everything ....great reason to never stop buying tackle,it really is an addiction....
  19. Your right gerrit but we as a group of anglers are not allowed to speak the truth cause we might offend someone !!!!! Hey you live near Brighton just drive into shannonville at hwy 2 as see the natives spearing the spawning walleyes and filling pickup trucks for personal use !!!!! The opp are there as you are only allowed to watch from the bridge !!!!!! And they do it all night long with generators and big lights all setup !!!!!! Check it out its not far from your place at all
  20. ya its crazy specially if you hook a 30lb king on 300feet of copper,or out 10colors !!!!! with a crosswind,and the waves rolling in off the bar !!!! lol...
  21. yes thats what i was gonna say bill....
  22. awesome steve !! some happy winners there,and some big cats for sure....
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