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Everything posted by Tomcat

  1. Thanks Mike for taking the time to put your report together and sharing the week's adventures with us. A real pleasure!!
  2. Thanks for sharing that trip via a great report with pics and videos.
  3. Just returned Thurs afternoon from a trip to Cabela's in Scarborough, Maine. Amongst other things, I picked up some Johnston Silver Minnows, some Dardevles, some Terminator titanium leaders and some Spro fluorocarbon leaders. Just wondering whether you would mind sharing your rationale for colouring your Johnston Silver Minnows black. Thanks in advance. Have a great trip.
  4. Two weeks ago, I received an invitation to participate in a 2012 fishing trip to Lake Evans in north western Quebec. I recently started my due diligence on Americree Ltd, an outfitter on the lake. While the primary target is trophy northern pike (catch and release only), the secondary target is walleye to help provide sustenance during the week. I'd appreciate hearing from any OFNers that have experience on the lake or with the outfitter. I'm aware of the controversy between the current principals and the former principals associated with similar domain names. As well as sharing your experiences with the lake, the fishing, the accommodations, the locations of the outpost camps, etc. I'd appreciate learning about your experiences with Americree Ltd., the new outfitter/owner since 2008. Whether you post in response or send me a PM, all information will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  5. My deepest sympathies for your loss Albert.
  6. Perhaps its just my poor writing construction Terry. Regardless whether I give my walleye possession limit away or not, I can not legally catch and keep more walleye on one day than my daily catch limit. That's why I stated that the daily catch limit was not impacted by giving fish away. I'd like to make a second point. Not everyone can legally fish without a licence and with a full limit. While residents under 18 or residents 65 or older don't require a fishing licence to fish, those between 18 and 64 years of age do unless they satisfy some other exemption.
  7. Every Ontario resident is entitled to a possession limit of whatever species regardless whether they have a fishing licence or not. The only caveat as I understand the current interpretation from one Conservation Officer, is that the person receiving the possession limit must be old enough to understand that they have received a possession limit and from whom. Consequently, I can legally give my own possession limit of walleye to my neighbour, my wife, my daughter or whomever. And once given, the number of walleye in my own possession is reduced to zero. The daily catch limit is not impacted by giving fish away. And no, this is NOT written anywhere within Ontario's fishing regulations.
  8. It would easier to respond to your inquiry if you specified the type of fishing you were planning for this walleye rod and what your budget is.
  9. I use a Stradic 1000FI on a St Croix Premier PS60MLF for jigging walleyes and a second Stradic 1000FI on a St Croix Legend Tournament TWS66MLF for jigging/slip bobbering eyes. I'm really happy with both combinations.
  10. I'd recommend you purchase Mustangs MD3153 inflatable PFD. I purchased mine in 2007 because every other PFD I ever had was never worn. I've never experienced a rain induced inflation in 4 years and I've been in lots of downpours. And as Radnine posted, they're so comfortable to wear, you'll forget you have it on. And that's the point to buying these things! It's a purchase you won't ever regret. Here's an excerpt from Mustang's web site about model MD3153: The award-winning MD3153 Inflatable PFD with HIT (Hydrostatic Inflator Technology)is Mustang Survival's top-of-the-line inflatable PFD. Designed for serious users with exclusive technology that enhances safety and minimizes maintenance, this is our most popular inflatable PFD.The Hydrostatic Inflator Technology offers reliable inflation in a low maintenance design that will only automatically inflate when submerged in 4 or more inches of water and not inadvertently due to rain, spray or humidity. Exclusive to Mustang Survival in North America and maintenance-free for 5 years or until inflated.
  11. I'd recommend you have the "right" contractor do the job. Sure it will cost $$ but, if done properly, it will last for years. I had my driveway completely redone 4 years ago with asphalt and interlock. The contractor dug down 20 inches plus. Installed Geotextile material and followed with a 4 inch layer of 3/4" crushed stone. He dispersed a bag of Portland Cement over the stone, watered it down slightly and then compacted it. This layer of 4 inches of stone, cement and compacting was repeated until the driveway level was where he wanted it. Driveway still looks great after 4 years. Find a contractor who will satisfy or exceed standards established by the Interlocking Concrete Paver Institute.
  12. Just wondering whether you would mind sharing the rod model number - I didn't see any GLommis walleye series rod at 7 feet 10 inches. What fishing method is this rod and reel combination intended to satisfy?
  13. I purchased an HDS7 last April at Cabela's - just made sense when currency exchange was factored in. I had been using a Lowrance X-85 for 9 years. IMHO, there's just no comparison. The resolution on these HDS units is outstanding. And having a Navionics chip in it with the depth contours of your favourite fishing lake certainly enhances the fishing experience. I concur with the statement "Buy the biggest screen you can afford". The only negative in my experience was that my original HDS7 filled with water and died after 2 hours exposure to rain. However, I had a brand new head unit delivered to my door within 3 weeks of sending my HDS7 back to Lowrance in Mississauga. I rain tested the second unit for 4 hours without incident. It's easy to recommend getting an HDS unit.
  14. I'd recommend looking into the Abitibi-Témiscaming area of north western Quebec (about 65 miles north east of North Bay, Ontario). London to Témiscaming is 353 miles (just about 7 hours driving according to Mapquest) and a lot of it on 4 lane highway (e.g. 401, 400, 11). Quebec walleye possession limits are 6 or 8 depending on location and there are no size restrictions other than a minimum size limit. The Shield Lakes in north western Quebec are deep, well structured and provide access to lake trout and northern pike fishing as well. A non-resident fishing licence for 3 days is $27 CDN. If you have any interest in trying a fishing trip to north western Quebec, let me know and I'll send you a PM with some recommended locations and outfitters.
  15. My condolences to you and your family!
  16. Outstanding report and pics! Reading your post was the best 10 minutes of my morning! Thanks for sharing.
  17. My deepest sympathies for your loss!!
  18. Great report and pics!! Thanks for sharing.
  19. I'm not satisfied with the way my 1 year old Honda 15 HP 4 stroke trolls. Trolls too fast in forward for walleye fishing. Consequently, I do a lot of back trolling. Still, I've experienced some stalling problems while back trolling. I thought that checking the RPMs during fishing trips might facilitate a solution . In that regard, can anyone recommend a portable (battery powered) digital tach? Tiny Tach and a Stihl EDT6 were hits on a Google search. Thanks in advance
  20. Great report and pics! Thanks for sharing.
  21. I didn't experience the rusting problems discussed in this thread with my 1991 Explorer. Here's a picture of that 16 year old truck taken in 2007 - still with its original paint. It got me to all those remote fishing spots I like so much for 16 years. All I did was maintain it and treat it with rust proofing each year. Because I enjoyed my 91 Explorer so much, when I replaced it in 2007, it was with another Explorer. Here's a picture of my current Explorer.
  22. It doesn't really matter if the COs across the province have different interpretations because apparently, most fishermen don't share the same interpretations either.
  23. The stranded debt that we hydro customers have been paying off with each hydro bill started out at 19.4 billion back in 2000. The last time I contacted Hydro for information about the size of the stranded debt was in Jan 2007. Their response included a statement that as of 31 Mar 06, the stranded debt was 19.3 billion. WOW! When you consider the amount of dollars paid towards the Debt Retirement Charge (DRC) every year by we consumers, you’d wonder why the stranded debt doesn’t decrease (you know – the way your mortgage principle decreases with payments). The reason this DRC does not decrease as rapidly as we would expect is that “the powers to be” keep adding to the debt. Back then, the OEFC estimated that the residual stranded debt would be paid off between 2012 and 2020. Whoever prognosticated 2012 was obviously dreaming in technicolour.
  24. I've had a passport since the early 80s because work involved international travel. Although retired, I still renew my passport every 5 years - facilitates crossing the US/Canada border both ways. And as already stated, the renewal process now takes less than 10 days.
  25. The only restriction with a design from HD is that the design will not include any lumber size they don't carry.
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