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Everything posted by Tomcat

  1. You can purchase a Silva compass at Mountain Equipment Co-op. Today, The Silva Group consists of the parent company Silva Sweden AB together with its subsidiaries Silva Ltd. in the United Kingdom, Silva France, Silva Deutschland, Silva Far East, and The Brunton Company (Brunton, Inc.) in the USA and Canada. Because Johnson Outdoors Inc. owns the Silva brand name in North America, Silva Sweden AB compasses and other products are sold under the Brunton and Nexus labels in that market. You might consider the Brunton Elite TDCL model at $55
  2. Great report and pics! Thanks for sharing.
  3. Another outstanding adventure shared with the rest of us. Thanks very much Andrew. At 65 years of age and with 10 years of retirement already enjoyed, there isn't much that could persuade me to give up my existing life. However, everytime I read one of your adventure reports, I'm ready to jump back 30 years.
  4. That was a great report and the pics were super! Thanks very much for sharing that adventure with us.
  5. Congrats on the new horses! You'll have to let us know how you like the new 60 on your boat.
  6. Great report and pics! Thanks for sharing.
  7. Hope you and Leah have a wonderful summer and that those Double Flutter Trolling lures provides lots of lake trout excitement.
  8. Whether your windows are tinted too much is left solely to the discretion of the police officer who stops you. It's my understanding that no police force in Ontario uses a device to ascertain the degree of tint (different levels of Government couldn't agree on who would pay for such a device). Consequently, one officer might ticket you while another officer wouldn't. Regardless the inconsistency involved in the enforcement of this law, I don't understand the need for drivers to be able to see other drivers. I have tinted windows for two reasons: 1. to prohibit people from seeing into my vehicle; and 2. to keep my vehicle cooler (less AC used = less gas burned = less emissions) The law, such as it is, is only on the books because police forces argued that they must be able to see (through the window) to be able to ascertain whether the driver of a stopped vehicle has a gun. The typical "shotgun" approach. I'll suggest that 99.9% of all Ontario drivers stopped by police don't have a gun in their hand. Rather than the existing law, police should simply request drivers to roll down all windows before they approach the drivers door. If any driver doesn't comply, break the nearest window with a baton.
  9. Hi Ric: Here's an image from Google Earth (from approx 42000 feet) showing Lac Simard, Lac Miller and their spatial relationship to the Gouin Reservoir. Not much different than Carll2 already posted. Anyone can download the free version of Google Earth to view lakes and surroundings from any practical altitude you choose. You can also note coordinates and input them into a GPS unit for use when actually on the lake. My experience on the Gouin is with only one outfitter, Nemio's. Nemio's provides access to walleye fishing in the Nemio River and more importantly in Baie du Nord.
  10. The topographical map of the Gouin I have shows Lac Simard as a landlocked lake very close to the Gouin but not connected to the Gouin. However, as carll2 stated, a portage into Lac Miller provides you access to Gouin waters. From Lac Miller, you can navigate to Lac du Mâle, the most recognizable part of the Gouin in that area.
  11. Sweet looking ride!! I'm envious.
  12. Having fished on the Gouin Reservoir, primarily for walleye, I'd recommend you take one rod and reel dedicated to jigging, one rod and reel dedicated to bottom bouncing and one rod and reel dedicated to throwing lures for pike. If you have your heart set on trolling crankbaits, you can select a bottom bouncing rod and reel that can do double duty. I'd guess that most of your walleyes will be caught jigging. An assortment of different coloured jigs weighing 1/32 to 1/8 ounce should serve you well. Since temperatures can vary greatly, take adequate clothing to be able to layer up when required. Gortex rain gear should be on your list of must have gear. Your cabin is located on the far western side of the Gouin. Your fishing expectations should include catching a lot of smaller walleye relative to the eastern side of the Gouin. If you or one of your fishing colleagues is proficient in French, take a look at http://www.quebecpeche.com/forums/index.php?showforum=2 or post there to get more information about fishing the Gouin or about your outfitter.
  13. I've been using Plano's Airliner rod caddy (model 4588) for at least 3 years for transporting my two piece rods on fishing trips into remote areas. For the same type trips, I've been using a Cabela's reel caddy (a soft sided carrying case surrounding 4 inch foam with cutouts for 8 reels) for the last 4 years. Very satisfied with both products.
  14. I did a little research this morning on this issue on the House of Commons web site. In particular I was reading minutes of committee meetings on Bill S-203. My conclusion is that Bill S-203, if passed, would be inadequate to appropriately address those who are cruel to animals. Indeed, under the proposed S-203, the Atlanta Falcons quarterback (Vick) would not be prosecuted here in Canada for his offence against animals. Bill C-373 appears to have more teeth and to be more capable to address cruelty to animals. Unfortunately, C-373 doesn't explicitly exempt anglers and hunters and therein lies the problem. Mark Holland, MP for Ajax-Pickering, is sponsoring C-373. If interested, you can read some of Mark Holland's views on this issue in his fall 2007 newsletter to his constituents - see http://www.markholland.ca/pdfs/fall2007.pdf
  15. Various Reef Runner models work at different depths. According to Precision Trolling, the Ripstick can be trolled down to 11 feet. If that's your target depth, fine. If you anticipate working other depths, you probably should consider other Reef Runner models or other brands of crankbaits.
  16. As always, outstanding report and pics. After a long winter with near record snowfall, your report shook off my cabin fever real well. Thanks for sharing Drew.
  17. While I concur that the OFAH is probably the best known advocate for anglers and hunters in Ontario, I contend that the OFAH management team doesn’t care much about grassroots input. How many times have individual OFAH members been solicited for their views or for their support of various issues. From my own experience, all the OFAH wants from me each year is my membership dues plus as many other donations as I’ll make. Have I ever been approached to provide an opinion on issues (e.g. select 10 out of the following 15 issues you would like to see the OFAH support next year)? Never! Each spring, it’s the same dilemma – do I support the OFAH for another year. Each year, I conclude that something is better than nothing. And there’s an added bonus - I get to read Ontario Out of Doors too.
  18. I did a Google search on "how to do a compression check on an outboard motor". There was all kinds of information available.
  19. Our group has been doing an annual spring trout trip for nearly 30 years. Usually, we're in camp around the 10th of May. Although we're mainly there for speckled trout, we can't resist fishing for some lake trout too. That early, we usually just troll a #3 EGB with light gear. During our Sep walleye trips, we also do some laker fishing. Then, I prefer to use my portable downrigger. I've had reasonable success using either a Sutton #71 flutter spoon or a Double Flutter Spoon. I have my line counter reel spooled with 14 pound mono to which I attach 25 feet of flurocarbon. In Sep, I've had most of my success trolling my lures at 30-35 feet, close to the thermocline layer.
  20. I'm not pushing one product over another. I'm just reporting that I've used Cabela's Guidewear (parka + bibs) for 4 years now and I am more than satisfied.
  21. My experience on the water with my FRS radio over the last 5 years has been positive too. Its been a great way to stay in contact with the other guys in our group. I have a Motorola T6300. I've been debating about whether to spring for a new GMRS radio due to its additional power (apparently up to 5 watts).
  22. I use a TWS66MLF St Croix and a PS60MLF St Croix for walleye jigging. They are are both good rods.
  23. The Next Bite and Lindners Anglers Edge
  24. IMHO, the greatest thing about these inflatable PFDs is that I wear mine continuously while fishing - and isn't that the point. For over 40 years, although my PFD was always in the boat, it was never worn. I purchased the Mustang Auto Hydrostatic Activation model. It doesn't inflate until it is submerged 4 inches or more in water. Testing the bladder is simple. Inflate the bladder manually through the blow tube (it took less than 6 full breaths to achieve complete inflation). Check whether or not bladder is still fully inflated 12 hours later. The carbon dioxide cartridge is good for 5 years. These inflatable PFDs provide approximately 35 pounds of buoyancy. Most of us require between 10 and 15 pounds of buoyancy to keep us afloat.
  25. The Power Sonic battery referenced is only a 7 amp/hour battery. That would power my sonar unit for less than two 10 hour days. Usually I use a 33 amp/hour deep cycle battery. Determine the current draw of your sonar unit per hour as well as your typical sonar use pattern and then buy your battery accordingly.
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