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Everything posted by gone_fishin

  1. completely agree! depends on the user.
  2. never caught one myself but a buddy of mine did (rookie fisherman too)... we see lots of them out at West Lake cruising around the surface, they rarely hit lures though. that being said my buddy got his on a huskey jerk. sorry i couldn't help much.
  3. reminds me of that old commercial for "Berkley Tournament Strength" with the guy walking down the fishing line aisle and the song in the background was "did you ever have to make up your mind". hahaha, good times! AND that was the best line EVER... as for your question, i would have to say Power Pro with a mono or flouro lead. you'll feel everything, no stretch at all. but if the cost is an issue, Trilene XL is fine. Berkley Sensation is another good mono, but a little more expensive than XL.
  4. Yeah, a couple of my heavily used rods are pretty dark, and starting to crumble apart... i'll replace the handles soon.
  5. hahaha, the best thing is staying away from the sides of the tent, obvious but true... i've tried those spray on products, pretty sure they did nothing.
  6. I'm not disagreeing that the leafs were terrible this year... but come on... Leafs vs Canadiens in the playoffs... it would be a battle and a half. this year the two teams played 8 times, the leafs won 4 (one of which was in overtime), the Canadiens won 4 (one was in overtime, and another in a shootout). and you don't think it would be a close series???
  7. yeah, that was strange, i just copied and pasted it into my browser. don't know how the old thread got attached to that... weird!
  8. i got it to work. after inflating it manually the first time, then releasing all of the air, i tried opening up the valve again, and this time it inflated itself. who knows how long it was rolled up for at the manufacturers building and the store, it seems to be working now. i guess it just needed to be stretched out. it doesn't completely fill up like someone stated, but 2 breaths of air and it's good to go... the first time i opened the valve to inflate it, it didn't take in any air. so i think i've got it now. thanks a lot everyone!
  9. I'm so sure you just sent me an SNL link... Hahahaha
  10. do you mean varathane? as in like a wood finishing type product? urethane is an ethyl based solution that used to be used for treatment of tumors and other pharmaceutical treatments. if you're thinking of a wood finishing type solution... i don't think i would want my rod handles feeling like that... i'll probably give these handles another year or 2 then replace them... thanks for the help guys, it's always appreciated!
  11. i've got a couple rods with cork handles that are starting to fall apart a bit. is there any way to make the cork stay together better, and in turn make the handle section of the rod last longer?
  12. i just removed my signature, just in case it was what you were referring to in terms of the "language" portion of your post... it wasn't my intention to offend anyone... it was simply just a quote from a tv show... i'll find something that is more appropriate.
  13. i'm thinking it's probably option number 3... i'll take a look at it again and make sure it's not options 1 or 2... thanks!
  14. "I've decided to stop breathing it's too painful. Screw it; I'm not getting any oxygen anyway." That is GOLD!!!
  15. it'll never be the same. even if the league decides to try going back, the fans will expect the lame calls and boo every time someone falls to the ice. they've ruined hockey!
  16. i agree, me and my dad were just discussing that tonight during the game.
  17. nah, these things are literally "self-inflating"... well, when they aren't broken... she's goin back tomorrow morning... that's alright though, gives me an excuse to get out of the house and away from homework.
  18. i agree, LAME penalty indeed! those refs are getting worse as each game passes. it's hard to watch games sometimes when these guys are calling a penalty every time a player breathes on one of his opponents. and they are so inconsistent from game to game.
  19. i think there is a leak in the valve, i filled it up manually, but the air releases once i take my mouth off the valve. thanks for your help.
  20. by far the funniest thing i've read in a long time... i had tears in my eyes i was laughing so hard. thanks for posting that!
  21. i left it open overnight and it had done nothing... i'll try blowing it up manually and see if it holds... otherwise i'm taking it back. thanks!
  22. it didn't inflate, that's my problem... i am doing it right though? open the valve and it should "theoretically" inflate?
  23. there it is, game over
  24. Hahaha good call! but i don't know how the Bruins made it this far... man they suck!
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