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Everything posted by tizfun

  1. Here's the Serial # 1002R C 75553 it says it was made in Peterborough...
  2. Well, I got this little motor from my father-law before he passed and I've tried to get her going and nothing.. It ran when I got it but it's been sitting for about 2 years now.. I've changed the plug, and added new gas and where do I go from here ??? I'm no mechanic, so every little bit of help is much appreciated.. She sputtered and that's it.... If I don't get her going soon, I may offer her to some mechanically inclined person to get her going.. Tiz She is a older one.....
  3. Fished Pigeon today and it was the best ever.. Total of 22 walleye and 3 smallies and a 11 lbs Muskey while jigging for walleye.. We were on the water @ 8:30am and I had 3 walleye boated within the first 10 mins of fishing.. Nothing really big but kept 3 of the biggest for dinner.. Fish were constant most of the day, but around 3:00pm when the rain started, they just shut down.. When I hooked into the Muskey, I thought and hoped I had a pig of a Walleye on.. Hooked it on the stinger hook off my jig using 8 lbs mono.. Great battle !!!!! I'll post a pic of the Muskey as soon as my bud sends it too me.. I'll be back on Sunday for another try at some eyes... and a good troll for the big girls.. Tiz
  4. We've been there a few times and never had a problem with the owners.. When we got there a few weeks ago and the owner gave us the same map and highlighted all the spots to try.. Troll here and fish here and livebait here... He was very helpful.. In the fall, he has indicated that a regular customer of his comes every fall (after Thanksgiving) and catches a few good walleye under the bridges using minnows .. Another spot is Potato Island ( gray cottage ?? ). We fished there with pastic worms and couldn't keep the smallies off.. It was loaded with fish and we were fishing maybe 4 feet of water.. Then there's the channel heading to open G-bay, as soon as you get to the mouth of it, head to the left and fish in about 9-11 feet of water close to the shore .. Good Pike here for us using live bait.. We'll be heading there is a couple weeks if my partner keeps his boats out.. If not, the owner said that he would leave his boats out until November.. Tiz
  5. Hey everyone, I'm about to take my dad out for his yearly fishing trip again this week.. Looking at the weather, most likely Tues/Wed as they're only expecting 5-10km winds and sunny.. Now, I took him to Pigeon last fall and he got himself a decent muskie.. Now he has asked me to take him somewhere for walleye where he wants to anchor up, and fish with minnows or worms.. (good sleep for me ).. I don't have my boat anymore, so we'll be out in his for the last time.. It will be forsale after this fishing trip... It's too early for Quinte and him being 75, he's not much for the colder weather... Since I do the very odd live bait fishing trips I'm in need for some help to make me look good.. So, here's my question to you all livebait and walleye experts.. Where can I take this man and get him a few fish ??? Any tips/locations/maps would be of great help... You can PM me if you like and your secret is gold with me.. Thanks, Tiz
  6. Very Nice... I had this boat on my Ebay watch ..... I'm glad someone got a great deal ..... Figured it was a bit far to drive.. I too look everyday for the perfect boat in the USA and found one I'm working on.. Congrats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's the one I'm look at.. Seems like alot of boat for the money.. Asking $8900.00 Best of luck to you !!!!!!!!!!! Tiz
  7. Hey everyone, Trying to get out this weekend, and was informed we have to stay closer to home as my wife made arrangements for us to go to an early dinner.. So I never been to this lake and I've heard so much about it.. Anyone have any tips on what to use and where to find a launch ramp (public/pay) If you wish to give some secret info, you can pm me... lol Thanks in advance, will post when we get back Tiz
  8. Thanks for all the replies.. The 150 hp will consume some gas but what better power for an 18 footer would there be ??? We've been sitting on the fence for a bit on this one.. I found out that the owner has disconnected the oil-injection and now pours oil right into the boats tank.. Not good ?? What about the Tracker Nitro Sport 185 or the newer 188.. Are these boats any good ?? I have found a few available, just not sure on the Tracker issue... Tiz
  9. Hey all, I haven't posted in a while here but I've kept up with all the reports.. You're reports are awesome, some are like I was there with you !!! I haven't been out fishing at all yet this year as I sold my Princecraft last fall and still haven't been able to find the right boat for my family's needs and mine too.... I say this as the Princecraft was sold because my girls & wife wanted to do more tubing/skiing/wakeboarding and the side console boat just didn't have the comfort for the 5 of us out all day.. Great fishing boat wish she was still with me.. I've now looked at a few in the US again.. Lot's out there and good deals too.. Here is one that I've had my eye on and for the price, it looks pretty good.. It's a 1994 with Merc 150 hp XR6 ... $6000.00 Tell me what you think, is it too old ??? Your opinions/suggestions would be appreciated .. Thanks, Tiz
  10. Central Outboard Marine in Markham has them.. I spoke with the guy in parts and he said they've installed a few without any complaints.. Give them a call.. Tiz
  11. Hey Gang, Great to hear everyone has great time at the G2G and just wanted to let you know that you were all in my thoughts that weekend as I was out shopping with the family.. Decided to Quinte one last shot yesterday not caring too much about the rain, just wanted the winds to die down.. Lanched at the Ferry @ 8:00am and didn't know whether to troll or use live bait.. Flipped the coin, and it was off to Shermans Point to drift live bait.. Winds were perfect for drifting as the winds were pushing us from the point directly to the red channel marker.. Rigged my old reliable (floating jig with a walking weight) and in our first 2 mins of drifting, I get a solid hit.. (14 ft depth)This is a bonus and I thought we were in for a great day.. Here's my first fish after 2 mins of fishing.. On our second pass, just as we got near the marker (18 ft depth), I feel a bump, then some solid weight.. Set the hook and we're on another fish.. 6.2 on the digital scale Since we were doing well here we decided to stay for most of the day.. Drifted the same passes another god only knows how many times and nothing.. Well, the winds picked up after 1:00 pm and decided to troll our way back.. Stopped by Thompson's Point for a little jigging and got one hit and it was gone.. Bye now the rain is coming down nicely and our wind gods just wouldn't let up on us.. Now it's 3:00 pm and I'm wet, tired and in need of a Timi's coffee.. Boated back and made the ferry across by 3:30... Great day for me, buddy got skunked again.. Quinte and him really don't see eye to eye... Time to put the boat away, Will hold off if someone wants to buy it.. Tiz
  12. Best of luck to you all !!!!!!!!! May the wind gods be with you because they sure weren't with me yesterday.. Cheers to all !!!! Tiz
  13. I picked up my Princecraft last May from the USA.. Border crossing is no problem if you have all your paperwork.. I was ( should have ) brought another this week.... Hoping to get something again before the snow come in... Tiz
  14. Congrats !!!!!!!!!!!! Something that I've always admired and wanted to be a part of... Best of luck to you !!!! Tiz
  15. Oh my God !!!!!!!!!!! My cousin who live is Arizona just emailed me the exact pics and said that his nieces husbands brother caught it while fishing on Rainy Lake.. He said it was the new Canadian record.. I replied back with some of the other peoples records with the same pics... He seemed ticked that he had been lied too... Go figure !!!!!!!!! Tiz
  16. Here she is... Tiz
  17. Now that's what I'm looking for and have been for years.. Great fish !!!! Maybe I'm targeting the wrong waters.. Can Pigeon and Buckhorn hold this size of fish ???? Tiz
  18. Morin all, I've got the morning off so I'll be out getting the boat ready for Thursdays trip back to Pigeon in search of my own Gator Enjoy the warm weather... Tiz
  19. HIMTI, The way you see it there cost me about $6500.00 CAN.. Original cost of the boat was $4500.00 and I've added a few things to it.. It came with a Johnson 50 hp.. Sold that motor for $2500.00 and bought the Yamaha 90 hp (same year) for $1900.00.. Kicker was another $400.00.. Looking at a few others now as I may sell this one in the spring and move to a larger boat.. I would look to the US for boats before anything here.. It pays to drive a little... Tiz
  20. sent you a pm with trailer info.. tiz
  21. Congrats on your new boat... Hope we'll me on the water someday.. \ If you still need a trailer, I think someone on the Simcoe board or the Out of Doors board had one.. If non there try Kijiji site.. I'll keep a lookout .. Tiz
  22. Irishfield, I forgot the rear anchor.... I usually don't do it, but this was early in the morning and not another boat anywhere near us.. If this had been any other time, I wouldn't have been tied up there.. You noticed it !!! Sharp eye !!!! Tiz
  23. Here are the pics... Just trying to figure this out..... Tiz
  24. Hey all, This is my first fishing post and I hope the pics and all work out.. Since neither of my fishing partners could or wanted to head out last Thursday, I gave my dad a shout to see if he wanted to come out and fish with me.. He's 73 and his first question was where are we going, and what time will we be back.. Told him not to worry, if he needed his afternoon nap, he could lye on the floor of the boat.. Geeezzzz !!!!! Picked him up @ 5:45am and headed to Pigeon Lake in search of some walleyes and ski's.. Launched the boat @ 7:20am at the top end of Noggies Creek and slowly made our way down to Gannons Narrows.. Fog on the lake was really thick.. Don't think I had the boat up on plane as you couldn't see a damn thing... Fished under the bridge in the narrows for about 2 hours or so and only caught a few small bass.. Pops is all ready for some Muskies and he say's let's start trolling.. There's no fish here.. Off we go and start trolling towards Pigeon Lake from the bridge.. He must have switched 4 different lures and neither one was a bait for large fish.. So here we are trolling and just as we reach the opening to Pigeon, he yells out "fish on".. I look and his $30.00 Shimano FX rod with 12 lbs mono and it's just a screamin.. I say to myself, You've got to be joking.. After a 10-15 min fight, we boat this fish and he's all smiles.. It's been a least 10 years since he's been on Pigeon and a least that long since we've fished together.. I was so happy for him.. It made my day seeing his reactions to such a great fish.. Few pics are added of him fishing, holding his fish and the release... Great trip, would do it again in a heart beat !!!!!!!!!!!!! http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x69/pro167/DSCF0533.jpg http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x69/pro167/DSCF0535.jpg http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x69/pro167/DSCF0536.jpg And as some may remember the boat I bought last May from the USA.. Here's a pic of the rig.. Few changes... Just love my boat !!!! http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x69/pro167/DSCF0524.jpg Thanks , Tizfun
  25. Skeeter99 you are a a life saver... Took a copy of your instructions to the boat with me and wired it up just like you said... IT WORKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thank you very much for your help and taking the time .... Again I thank you and good night ..... I'm exhausted......... Tiz
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