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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. Some idiot decides to throw it in there. I caught a weather loach in a lake in New Market. Try figuring that one out.
  2. Thanks for the input guys. I'm thinking the mouth of the Humber and Tommy Thompson Park on big lake O. Both are ice free.
  3. Don't give them ideas. They will implament this in a couple of years when they realize people will pay it.
  4. So for the first time in over 15 years I find myself unemployed in April (long story). While I look for work I have gone a little stir crazy. I know nothing about steelhead and would rather try to target the magestic carp in all her splendor. I know spots I even (think) I know how to catch one. My only question is, what's a good time of the year to start targeting? Is it still too cold?
  5. A reputable obstscle racing company with ties to the United States military hinted at an obstacle race on an aircraft carrier with space being limited to 2000 people. I was super hyped. Sadly it was a well done April fools prank.
  6. *faceplam* Trolls be troliin. You know what won't get Strom? Ottawas 21st overall pick.
  7. Oh my god! How were there not criminal charges? Loaded firearms in a vehicle? Discharging a firearm from the roadway? These are offenses that get people killed. They got off way to easy.
  8. Oh no! How is it that the 'worst team in the league' who 'have no sense of pride' just beat the best team in the last 20 games. But.... But.... How is that possible? Welcome to reality sens fans.
  9. Uh oh. Here come the leafs to play spoiler again. Looks like Kessel got tired of Matts nonsense.
  10. http://www.espnfc.us/major-league-soccer/story/1954485/seattle-sounders-give-make-a-wish-recipient-xander-bailey-chance-to-play Never say never.
  11. Amazing. If the leafs are down a bunch I'd love to see em let him on the ice for a shift. Give him the puck and let him take a shot on Hammond. Wouldn't hurt anybody and it would make the kids night. I heard about that before in soccer. Let the kid take an actual shot on net in the game. Why not.
  12. Just getting an idea, is anyone going to be bringing spinning reels for sale? I'm looking to get a decent one to pair with a new UL rod I picked up and would rather give the money to one of you guys over BPS.
  13. You know what I love? In the past 3 pages this has been the talking. Leafs fans: other teams around the NHL, Ottawa, Montreal, the state of the league Non-leafs fans: LEAFS LEAFS LEAFS LEAFS! Geez, you guys must be the ones selling out the ACC on a nighty basis. You care more about the team then us 'die hards' do.
  14. Very nice. It's looking pretty sweet. Between your first one and my snowshoes I wonder how I ever got by without this before. Life is so much easier now. (At least with ice fishing)
  15. Knew I'd find this somewhere. It's amazing how a 5-1 beatdown has Matt back peddling. Scary to see what happens when Ottawa faces a talented NHL team.
  16. I thought a week ago you said Ottawa was the best team in the league. Sure didn't look like it tonight. I don't expect Ottawa to run the table, but you had better if you expect them to make the playoffs.
  17. Looks like the magic wore off. Welcome to reality. Population : Ottawa fans.
  18. Everyone is playing so nice. Must be spring. (I don't mean the leafs I mean on the forum).
  19. Wow. Very cool. I bet someone is emotionally scarred after #3. I believe it. At the Toronto zoo they have a koi pond with a creek that flows through it. It had a fish gate but pike could easily squeeze through
  20. Haha. Pete, if I ever get one of those I'm going electrofishing.
  21. Man, I love this time of the year. Great report. Looks like a blast.
  22. http://www.wideopenspaces.com/underwater-bowfishing-check/ This looks like a lot of fun. Do you need your hunting licence to go bow hunting for carp? Also can bow hunted fish be used for the OFC tourney?
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