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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. Met a DFO fisheries officer today who has facial hair. Simon, you know why this just ruined my day. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spincast


      once you're in things are different.....

    3. buick14


      Was it a female?

    4. Acountdeleted


      Lmao mark. Simon, a bit of length to their hair. No shag like mine. Spincast: that makes more sense. Still disappointing though. :(

  2. They still stock 1000 rainbows a year. Usually when I go fishing there I'll land a largemouth or two over a pound and a half. First time Nikki ever went fishing there she landed a 5 pound monster. It's a surprisingly good lake.
  3. I reccomend Heart Lake or Island Lake over Albion. The rec centre at Albion is beautiful and the trails are nice but the fishing is sub-par. Sometimes big bass come out of Heart Lake. At Island the Bluegill and Pumpkinseed are the size of a small dinner plate. Sure to entertain.
  4. Nice! I don't know if there is anything better then too water bass.
  5. Trust fall! http://m.9gag.com/gag/6987717
  6. My dad made a really good point with Revere. He's a great leadoff man and gets on base lots. It'd be nice to see him steal a base, but every time he gets on it seems that Donaldson follows up with a homerun. Not that anyone is complaining.
  7. Time stamped and screen capped B. (That means I'm holding it you to it).
  8. What is this nonsense of week 1? Bills beat Indy St Louis beats Seatle Jets win a game against anyone. Nfl week 1 is always strange
  9. Geez. I hope Tulo is not injured too too badly. Pennigton will do an adequate job until he returns. Just need Tulo back for the playoffs now. I know it's getting greedy but if the Jays take today's game that's 5.5 up on New York. That's the type of lead that sets the Jays up very well for the pennant.
  10. Oh. I just meant because I thought his name was Ghost and not Gose. But yeah, that's another good reason I'm glad I didn't.
  11. Thanks. I'm a math guy not a speller. I get lots of words wrong. But knowing how they are actually spelled is a good first step. I was also very excited to but an Anthony Ghost Jearsy a couple of years ago. Whoops!
  12. Rosedale marina out of Rosedale on highway 35 is top notch. For $150 I got a 16 foot primo boat with all the fixins and full tank of gas (lasted the entire day. We ran out right at the dock). Balsam lake to the west, Cameron lake to the east for a $16 lock lift fee. Even if you don't catch anything (you will catch something) the area is so beautiful you will have an amazing day.
  13. I thought this was going to be about fishing. I usually have a skunk problem 90% of the time I go out on the water.
  14. Another big series. Hutcheson is auditioning for a spot on 'walking dead'. Bad time of the year for he and Buhrle to be going through a slump. Looking back now, the Price aquasition was huge. Hopefully Strollman adds some life into the rotation. It's getting a little scary.
  15. I'm learning stuff today too. Great advice guys. I've always wondered how to solve that problem. Has cost me a few fish over the years.
  16. I usually go with 10 pound braid line, then I will add a 2 foot long fluro leader that is 8 lb to keep the line hidden. A fishfinder and a flasher are very different things. A flasher is like sonar and will show the fish moving up and down, where as, a fish finder only shows the depth the fish was spotted at. They are a lot of fun because you can see your bait as you jig it as well. I'm near the lake in Toronto, if you remind me, once kemp is safe I'll take you out. I can't promise we'll catch anything (still very new to this myself) but I can show you what I like to use and what does what.
  17. Awesome. Thanks for all the help guys. Chris, I'd love to meet sometime. I'm still kicking myself that I missed that ice fishing trip with you and Chris K last winter.
  18. Things that you for sure need (I will save you the hassle I went through) 1: good ice auger. This is were you spend the money. It will make the difference between punching 3 holes and 30 which can make the difference between catching fish. Spend the money. I like the fin-bore III. Other guys like the sweede bore. 2. For lakers get a ugly stick medium to heavy. You can get one for $20. Spend on a good 1000 series that can hold lots of line. Needs to be durable and survive the cold. 3. Sensitive tip ups. Some people make their own. I like Jaques (trout junkie) the store bought I have found has cost me lots of fish. 4. On simcoe a flasher is a good idea but they are exxxxpensive. I was lucky and got mine for under $200. You will get your fair share of lakers and whitefish bouncing off the bottom but for the hog lakers, they love to chase. 5. For the longer trips, snowshoes and a sled are a good idea. If Brian B goes into production on his smitty sleds those are the best bet. 4 and 5 help but aren't needed. Focus on 1 and 2 for now. Should put you on some fish. Also, download Navionics for your phone if you can hold apps. $20 seems like a lot but it gives precise depth contours on simcoe. Helps find the humps, shoals and dropoffs which is a great way to start. Ice fishing can be super frusterating and there will be a lot of skunk days when you start, but I promise it's worth it.
  19. I had a bunch of success on short walks. Minet point, shanty bay. Simcoe has a lot of deep water close by.
  20. That's the problem. John Gibons could do any combination of pitchers for the DCS and no one could really blame him as long as he gets Price to pitch as much as possible. Hutcheson at home? Possible. Estrada for a game? Maybe? It's such a crap shoot.
  21. It's gonna be a strange end to the season. I don't know what to do about Burhle anymore. He looked terrible over the weekend. Now who do you go with for your 3 pitchers in the playoffs? Price, Strollman, Dickey? Price, Bhurle, Dickey? Price, Strollman, Bhurle? Gonna be an interesting month and a half.
  22. On our lake it's kind of an unwritten rule that everyone keeps the walleye and let the bass go. Now we are getting bluegill the size of dinner plates. I'll just keep them and let the sportfish live to fight another day.
  23. I have been thinking about this for a few years but never really thought to post this here. I don't know why. My birthday is in a month and one of the things I have always wanted to do but was only able to once, and in Edmonton none the less, is to get in some good fishing on my birthday. I know October is too soon for ice fishing and I find bass exceptionally hard after the lakes turn over. I imagine October is too late for spawning and running chinooks. Are walleye still plentiful on BOQ? Is there anything else anyone can reccomend? I've honestly been at a loss for ideas for 30 years now and am open to suggestions. ..... Do carp bite in fall?
  24. I have also found ice fishing for anything other then Simcoe perch is a game of numbers. Another reason I don't like huts. Go out, bring three buddies and spread out over as much ice as you can. Set up tip ups, fish as many lines is legal and move as often as you can without tiring out. Finding fish on ice can be haaaaaard work but it is so rewarding when it happens.
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