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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. The trout stocking was a just plain waste of money. It was too shallow and warm for salmoids and when people got word everyone and their brother were keeping their limit. I don't care who you are 8000 stocked frylings don't last very long when everyone is keeping their limit in a city situation.
  2. I've fished it before. Its fun for the little panfish you get out of there. For my money though try lake aquataine. I'm not sure how they got in there but the black crappie population has just exploded, nothing big mind you but still fun to pull out, my buddy and I got about a dozen each last weekend. Worms durring the day or a tiny surface lure right before sunset, that was the best part. Plus I still see the occasional large mouth come out of there.
  3. Wilcox should improve over the next few years with all the habitat restoration the Toronto Conservation authority has completed. Lots of very young small bass in there. I hear rumors of walleye from the locals but have never seen any, Same with pike close to a meter. I'd love to fish in there but I'm pretty sure all the land is private surrounding it.
  4. Wow. Good job. I have a buddy who shore fishes the mouth of the credit that has had little success over the past year. Good to know there are some nice big ones out there.
  5. Good call, I was hoping though someone had gone before just to fill me in if the sites were any good, if they took good care of the park. etc. All that stuff they probabally won't tell me by calling.
  6. So after aproximatly 10 weeks of working 6 days straight I was able to convince the boss that I need some much needed time off for fishing, so 3 years in the making I am planning a return fishing trip to North East (Though I suppose technically North Central) Ontario. After doing a little research I figure my plan is to leave Mississauga on Thursday June 21st at about 5am to arrive at MacLeod Provincal Park at around 5-6pm (The park is just south of Gearlton off highway 11 about 4 hours east of Thunder Bay). The question I have is the Provincal Parks website left a few key points of information out of their park description. Most specificly when the front office closes to be able to book a campsite and how busy the park tends to be (Its first come first serve or campsites.) Has anyone in the OFC community been before or know of anyone who has been before? I'm just worried I'll get there, be out of luck for a site and then have to spring for a Gearlton hotel room or drive back to Hearst for a campsite. PS - Fishing report is most definatly to follow.
  7. Same here. Dryden was one of the most beautiful places I've ever been, local hospitality was amazing and the fishing was out of this world. Thunder Bay would be a close second.
  8. Judging by the picture they are for sure sea Lamprey. Although the barrier on the Credit is supposed to stop them, there is a study going on this year because the DFO has concerns that they lamprey have been able to get over the barrier.
  9. Man, now thats hospitality. Thanks guy.
  10. Next weekend for Walleye opener I was thinking of taking my canoe to Rice lake for some early morning fishing. I'll be coming from Peterborough as I'm visiting with a friend for her house warming. The problem that I'm having is that every website that I look at that describes Rice Lakes boat launches don't say weather a launch is public or at a Marina. I figure if I can save a few bucks and use a public one (or even toss my canoe in at a public park) I would do that. But I don't want to be driving around for 2 hours just to save a few bucks. Can someone give me some advice?
  11. Anyone ever see/catch walleye on Wilcox? I've heard the locals tell tales but I've never seen one come out of there.
  12. Time to count the lateral line and caudal scales.
  13. Yep, but that one has a white leading edge on it where as on bluegills the white leading edge will be absent....... We took 3rd year fish at Fleming together didn't we? 2007 graduate?
  14. Could be the boxes that hold the lamprey pheremone distrubtors. Was there a dam or a stream blockade near the box? I'd get in touch with Simcoe Conservation.
  15. I can already tell you its not a Redear sunfish and its not a pumpkinseed. I'm 99% sure its a bluegill. Best way to identify is that it doesn't have any red or white on the operculum (ear flap) other then counting scales on the lateral line or the caudal that is the best way to tell.
  16. Bluffy Lake in Ear Falls. The owner Keith is a class act and will treat you like family.
  17. When I was working for the MNR in Thunder Bay and we had to portage our gear into the lakes we often found the best (and cheapest) way to bring the motors to the lake were by tightening them on to a 2x4 then throwing the 2x4 over our shoulders. (Requires 2 people though)
  18. I find it sad that people bail when the going gets tough. I'm a leafs fan through thick and thin because, although it may take years when the leafs win their next cup, the biggest party of all time will be held in downtown Toronto. It may last for weeks.
  19. How come no one has answered my question yet? The Maple Leafs pretty much have a licence to print money so the cost isn't the issue its the cap hit. The cap is a lot higher then when those guys signed their contracts and I think you'll find that when many of them resign their value will go up to mid 6's, high 7's (don't count St. Louis or Hossa, they're getting old). Again, its like what kickingfrog said, its all about supply and demand. If you can get a better centre in this offseason for 5.5 million.... or any money value, I'd be impressed.
  20. Lets play GM for a second. Between now and the begining of the start of the next regular season you have 5.5 million. What would you spend it on? I figure what is the sense of picking up a first line centre if you are going to lose your 30-30 second line centre.
  21. Agree with kickingfrog. If the leafs didn't sign him for 5.5 someone else would have and the leafs would have been looking for another 2nd line centre that can score 25+ goals a year.
  22. At this time of year if I woke up that early and I had today off I'd do all the final preperations for the nerf outing that my buddy and I are hosting this weekend at Heart Lake Secondary school. (thats right, I said nerf outing). Assuming I was done that work at a decent time I think I'd try and finally tackle Bellwood lake for walleye..... or go back to bass pro and mull over the Frabil Excursion that is on sale for $375.
  23. Salmonids don't like me for some reason. I don't know why but I just can't seem to catch them.
  24. Last year me and my buddy missed our Kawartha fishing trip so my goal this year is to get back out for that, hopefully we can break our softwater curse and actually land some walleye or bass this year. I've lived a pretty charmed (albeit short) fishing career due to being able to spend a few years in Northern Ontario so size and number arn't really goals for me. That being said I'd love a weekend to be able to head back up to Thunder Bay to do some fishing, so I guess I'll add that to my list. Oh, and there was a river just outside of Goderich I've been meaning to fish for 2 years now. This year I want to get in for the spring to land some of the walleye that were packed into there. I'd love to catch a Salmonid over 2 pounds though that may be a bucket list thing rather then a this year goal.
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