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Everything posted by Fishmaster

  1. I spent $800 US on a charter in Mexico for 8 hour for Bern & I and i still Tipped ..and we only fished 6 hours instead of 8 ..if you go cheap on charters you get what you pay for ..Big boats = Big Bucks
  2. PM sent ..Thanks Lew ..I run my big boat outa St Catharines Port Weller Niagara area ... and Kings are On ..
  3. Gerrit you need to be less bashfull all the time ....wheres all your fishing report ...
  4. Bern it has been a pleasure teaching you and your boys how to fish ..wait till the end of summer and see how much they like fishing ..hopefully they will be good enough to snag my 840 probe off the bottom of Lake O ..lol
  5. Yes these fish run up the Lower Grand in Dunnville every year to spawn then back out to the lake they go ..
  6. Live Bait is the only way to fish ..well somedays
  7. Well Fishlips stops into the store this morning with a few beauty Silvers Bass he caught at the dam ... So i thought I'm feeling a little better today mies well run up to the dam with the boat and try my honey whole for 30 min or so well i stayed a hour and here is what i ended up with ...all caught on minnows 3ft down beside the boat ...they are in thick wish i could have spent the day fishing ...but i got dinner thats all that counts ;D
  8. Peanuts and Cow Bells is what us Lake O guys use for Laker's ..i have had lots of guys coming in the store that are going north to get Peanuts from me and have had great catches with them ...also Spin & Glows work just as well about 18" behind the Gang Troll..
  9. Well i figured it's about time i made some time to do a post ..it's been very busy spring for me gettig the Marina cleaned up and doing charters ..This year a new Lake Ont Derby started its called the Salmon Masters ...with this tourney all my clients have a chance to Win $500 a Day for the Biggest King of the Day if figured i better buy the Boat Ticket so that we would all have a chance at some $$$$$..so far this May i have been within oz of winning ...best rig has been Dipsys and E chips on a 3 setting 275 back ...riggers down 55 to 120 with Moonshine spoons ... well here are a few pictures for you to veiw ... Even Bern got into the Action with me for the eve ..
  10. Right now is prime time for Kings ..
  11. My dog would have had that goose by the neck ...and can you say Smoked goose Zoe loves Smoked Goose ...ive watched the geese on my rocks chasen people around while fishing it pretty funny to watch ..
  12. I wil be fishing Kings Fri Sat Sunday ...after my charters i will be on the Grand for the eve fishing Walleye ..
  13. Sonny lets get out one night this week for some slabs ...you can't be like a bulls moose in a boat ...we got right into them and the boat drifted over hit the we were fishing around and they were gone ...had to move around and find them after the ...gota be quite fishing large Crappie there smart..
  14. If you now smoke with your Children in the car you can be charged $250
  15. no need to follow me just ask ..
  16. Well im back in action with the Kings & Brown Trout.. if your looking for some Salmon Action get ahold of me ..
  17. Well after the crappie weather Saturday ..thought i would take the boys out after some slabs and did we land some big Crappies ..thanks Chris & Leyland for going fishing with me .. Here are just some Pic's of the Big Girls
  18. Ive called the tips line a few times ..waste of time never seen a Co come around watsed hours of my time waiting to see if they would show up..yes the tips line is good to use to show the Goverment that there is lots of poaching going on and that they need many more wardens out in the feilds ..my 2 cent
  19. I have a guy here in Dunnville that does the best work i have ever seen .my walleye mounts are over 10 years old and still look live ...if you need the info send me a PM
  20. Good Walleye fishing right outside my marina on the Lower Grand Dunnville ,,,Walleye Opens neek weekend in the river ..as for Lake Erie it don't get good till 1st week of July on the East end ..
  21. Forsure Shinners ...might be less now my net went over them lol..
  22. The cats here bite all summer long ..if your down this way stop in maybe ill have time to get out with ya ..
  23. Been watching 3 Big Toms for a week now ..Hopefully will have some pictures of it in my hand tommrow ..usally im chasen Kings right now ...not chasen Turkeys but i got a young lad that wants to hunt BAD
  24. Sonny wish all the best my Cat days are just about done for the season ..Now It's King Time
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