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Everything posted by blaque

  1. im guessing this wasnt directed at me, lol........if so, let me re-iterate. The core of my post echos, that i am not implying it didnt happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Like i said, i dont think any of them are innocent, i dont think any of them are guilty.......i do not know. If any of them are guilty, they deserve the ramifications, absolutely. If they are not.....they dont. I cant make that call sitting where im sitting........and because of that, i wont go onto the internets laying into any of them. I cant phrase it any differently to make myself any clearer.....
  3. i have NO idea..........this is my point. Im not in the minds of the accused, or the victims.....nor was i anywhere near the events related to these cases. Nor did i sit on a jury to hear and see every bit of evidence, and alot of that evidence, is still verbage being testified by parties on both sides.........effecting the interests of both sides involved. That leaves me to say i do not know. That doesn't mean i think they didnt do it, that doesnt mean i think they did. But i have a VERY hard time throwing insults and chastising a human being, especially at their time of passing, based on that lack of knowledge.
  4. tough call on this one, dont follow him or his career , or his court cases.......i know i wasnt on the jury, so im not as quick to judge. Bottom line, if he did the things he was accused of, shame shame....he doesnt deserve the stage he moonwalked on. But if he didnt, its a shame that that is what he will be remembered for. Catastrophy actually if he didnt do what was "said". At this point it doesnt matter if he did it or not........most people have made up there mind by watching the television and what the media told them. Again, i dunno either way, which leaves me unable to judge. Any wackjob at anytime can accuse you of anything, if theres a motive.......(and there was def. a motive to do so $$$) and you could have to go thru the system someday.........whats scary, is all the public needs to see is that youve been accused........and your pretty much done,....the seed was planted. Sure this guy is a circus act, and im guilty of taken all the accusations in as well........i wouldnt leave my kid with him unattended for sure, but i'd feel like a real heel had i found out that none of it was true. My point here, is i have no clue.....LOL
  5. watch your cat doesnt go to take a nap and get that GCD in its paws lol
  6. COngrats on the blue pike........strange species are always a good notch in the belt p.s.- you are straight up gangsta in that first pic
  7. If the "3" in P3TA is to try and hide it from P3TA members googling themselves and finding these threads............i think they caught on by this point lol.
  8. Took the words out of my mouth lol..........only it'll be ALOT sooner than 12 years........ Cool post
  9. I dunno, i like the nickname thing.............theres nothing devious behind it, or at all linked to trying to hide behind anything. Its like the truckers do, they have "handles" they go by. I like to think of it as being part of the community, only you guys can call me blaque lol. Its like my "gang" name lol If your not in the group of fishing forums i attend, you cant refer to me by this name............you dont know me like dat LOL
  10. LOL, sorry, that was funny Seriously though, those formations are SICK!!! Its unbelievable to me. I say every year im going to go to one of the air shows and never do. I gotta get off my butt. Last time i was at one was when i was a kid and i remember being totally floored at the noise and the maneuvers. I had my own little show a few summers back as one of the lakes i fish has a base near by, (oneida in new york) we were getting our gear in the boat one morning, and a fighter jet out of nowhere came what seemed to be right over our heads and banked hard, it made my entire week and i think shut the fish down for that morning as i remember there wasnt much of a bite going on. I dont know what the pilot was thinking, but since he pulled it off safely, i was glad he did............whatever it was he was doing lol I took the nephew by the airport (buffalo) the other night on a bike ride, and we sat and watched the planes land right over our heads by the runway entrance........HE WAS DIGGIN IT, Hed LOVE going to one of these airshows for sure.
  11. hmmmm, glad you askd that, ive gone to OFC on other computers and seen that and was perplexed THanks
  12. ironic, i use stamina as well..........i buy all my owner hooks thru them for the Marabou jigs i make and also i believe i got all my blades for my harnesses thru them as well.
  13. In all seriousness....i see your point. We even introduce,.....purposely,......... non indigenous creatures into what we like to think are "our" own little custom made fisheries.........but the word custom here is exactly that. Its tailored to some, not all. One mans trash is another mans treasure. Some see bass as a garbage fish, and some see carp as a game fish , some see pike as a prize fish.......and some see musky as more valuable. And the exact opposite is true for others. Its all subjective i guess. Im suppporting your post by the way, not sure if its coming off that way lol. Gobies and zebra mussels are a different topic i think. The actual "invasive" species list so to speak. And even these species.....there are some that see them as a positive. Zebra mussles are improving water quality which to some is good...to some its bad. On the same token, they are full of the toxins they filter and some species feed off this. Not good?. Unless its the goby that feeds off of them someday, then it turns into a good thing? Gobies die off? Or is that a bad thing because our shores will be filled with dead rotting disease carrying gobies that will need an emergency clean up? The gobies are also even being looked at positively by many smallmouth anglers on Erie, professional tournament anglers and others. Because the smallmouth gorge on them and it is creating a trophy smally fishery. Its all way too crazy to manage and even think about. Im glad im not a fisheries biologist in this day and age LOL
  14. i've also heard gobies can be quite tasty this way, but it has to be the dill not the sweet
  15. Couldnt be more true.........there have been many a round that midway, i am ready to give up the game, and have sworn (mumbling under my breath) that i am done paying so much money to be so miserable LOL.......only to finish with a couple good shots that have me at the #1 tee box the following weekend. GOLF- The game i LOVE to HATE
  16. What about the move from toronto to Vegas??? Doesnt sound right to me. I actually made the drive to toronto in 99 to see the awards show in toronto. It wasnt my cup of tea as far as entertainment when the show began. BUt it was fun to experience it in general. Watching the players walking into the ACC on the red carpeted front entrance was the highlite for me. I actually heard on the radio this morning that Bettman is tinkering around with the idea of another NHL team in Las Vagas??? And thats why he planted the awards show there? If thats true, this guy gets goofier by the day.
  17. BTW,.....What caliber of golfer are you camill. A weekend hack, or upset if you arent in the lower 80's
  18. As long as all 18 holes played are different holes......it dont matter. Does that mean if you hit the fairway off the tee once in a round, (yes ive had one of those days, ok, more than one) that doesnt count cuz you drive from the tee all day lol.
  19. I drained one once with the 9 iron from over 100 yards,but never a hole in one.......off the tee. Ive put a couple REALLY close off the tee, and thats a GOOD feeling.........with lots of par 3 course play involved mind you lol. I cant imagine droppin one off the teebox. Its too bad you didnt get to see it go Kurplunkittyplunkittyplunkitty. CONGRATULATIONS........Could be another 35 years before you see that again
  20. Respectful disagreeance here as well lol, more of a knee jerk reaction to seeing this stuff constantly thrown in the face of a 13 year old girl that makes it such a chore to try and make sure she is digesting the right imagery of what she could and in my brain, should be focusing on. Its such a battle all the time when the world shows her sexism day in and day out, and that its normal and right, and me.......one guy, is trying to show her she is so much more than T and A. Regardless, i feel bad because i kinda jumped on the hi-jack here. ANother time and place maybe lol
  21. I dont know much about this family.........but im pretty sure she wouldnt be where she is if it werent for her dads position. Her morals are compromised in my opinion. She half naked on a website and turning a paycheck off of it. And i would say that she completely targets young girls who would like to get into the sport of fishing. And there are FEW women out there that hold a position of influence in this arena. And of the few that are in it, i dunno, its just ridiculous............my girl sees this stuff everywhere she turns, and i thought fishing would be one place it couldnt show up, but BAM........there it is. Leaving her to say.......man i cant even look toward female fishing influences without running into an image of a woman taking her clothes off to be noticed. Allz im sayin
  22. party pooper here........the fathers an idiot for compromising his daughters morality that way, or at least letting her compromise herself. Raising a 13 year old girl changes your perspective on this stuff quite a bit. One more girl teaching teenage girls they gotta show there skin to be worth anything in the world. A girl cant just get in a boat and fish, shes gotta be flirty and half naked. All in the name of a few bucks. DAH!
  23. i missed my spring trip up to nippissing this year.........now i REALLY MISS IT!!! Thanks for bringing all those images of the lake back to my brain. In a way......yer killin me lol, but i still thank you
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