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Everything posted by blaque

  1. blaque


    Yeah that makes sense.......im not a cigar smoker so im not speaking with any experience ive just always wondered if it is a taste thing with the cubans that have such a reputation, or are they smoother, (dont even know waht that means lol) or do they add a little goofy juice to them lol or what. If its just the fact that they are hard to get and thats the onyl factor that gives them such a reputation, and they actually taste like cow manure, then im thoroughly disappointed lol
  2. blaque


    Have him stock up where he usually buyz them before he leaves and buy a portable humidore to take along. What is the big hoopla with these cuban cigars anyway, seriously ?
  3. a few more, man the top 3 have really made a run , yikes!!!
  4. thanks for bringing us along CC..........that is not how I pictured Beirut. Well,......some of it is....Wow. I gotta get away from this monitor more often lol. Its too bad ya gotta get on one of those big flyin things to witness the world. I dont do them very often lol. Ive been on a plane twice ever, and the last time was into chicago with a cross wind and the plane wsa dog trackin when it landed........and it felt like we lost the wheels lol. I literally rented a car after the weekend and drove home
  5. I think that knife is 59.99 off cabelas, so half price aint bad lol
  6. If i were that wealthy, I would just hire my own personal guide..........with all the fixins
  7. Got GAS? Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS)
  8. Actually here is the one i have.........
  9. They are absolutely the bomb-diggity. I dont know how i lived without one for so long. Ive got a no-namer, dont even remember what kind it is off the top of my head.......just keep your batteries charged and ready to go, as theres nothing worse than going to use it and the batts are dead. (i bought a cordless obviously)
  10. weeeeeelllllll, what ya Reaaaaaallllyyy wanna be is filthy stinkin rich and retired
  11. keepin it goin with a few friends e-mails as well
  12. Just make friends with people who have the money to own these types of things, its ALOT cheaper
  13. makes sense jocko.
  14. This is what i have tucked behind the seats
  15. And you thought this was a silly question with an easy answer lol.
  16. Dude, forget the new car, lol...........that cat enclosure is one of the coolest ideas ive seen lol I have an "inside" cat.........and let her out on the porch but as soon as i have to get up to go do something and cant watch her, she is up on the railing and trying to get down on the grass to graze lol. She wont take off, but loves to eat her grass and of course puke it back up. That is one great idea to give them outdoor time but not have to babysit. Never seen anything like it. Great idea.
  17. he saw the coast guard boat on the other side of the dock facing that way and thought.............welp, i guess this is the direction we gotta be facing
  18. Now that thar is funny lol
  19. I just thought it was quite impressive that it is upside down and sitting on its capside balancing there LOL
  20. Im doing my duty
  21. Hmmm, ive never even thought to do that, thats a pretty heckuva darn good idea
  22. Gotta love largies on T to the Iz-op
  23. I hunt da feesheez , thats about it
  24. interesting, just tie some line to it and drag it thru the tub, should give you some idea
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