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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Im no scientist. But how does one person feel it and another not. I felt nothing. NOt during this one or last years. (Im in western new york) Ive got people telling me 10 miles away how they felt it, and now it was felt up into canada? How did it get past me lol. Im between you guys and the epicenter. Im seriously asking how this happens.
  2. Hes just being proactive I'd guess. LOL He's gonna get there eventually, and didnt want to start his post count all over again by having to change his username when he gets there.
  3. I was 6 when he died......but i remember my dad listening to elvis non stop in the car when we drove down to Disney World,... Bout 28 hours of Elvis lol. Wasnt exactly what i wanted to hear, but listening to it now brings me back to those road trips to Florida. Fond memories for sure. I went to high school with a guy that has been a full time Elvis impersonator since he graduated high school. Pretty famous here in western new york actually.
  4. It takes alot to get me to read thru the narration of a report and not just skip to the eye candy..... lol, But you had me interested from the word Go. Great story, great report, great visuals. You should be beaming with pride for sure.
  5. Turtle wax or MOTHERS?
  6. Thats always the way. Thats what makes them even more impressive, because even just the pics look overwhelmingly breathtaking . I couldnt even imagine how humbled Id feel actually standing there in front of all that.
  7. absolutely STUNNING!
  8. Just spitballin here, but what is the depth of the mississippi? You see these things taking to the air in alot of videos, but would this be based on the fact that the mississippi channel is 10-15 feet deep or shallower?? i duno, im asking. If its shallow then the boats are ripping thru these fish and in turn, the reason behind them launching. Do these fish generally hug the bottom? If so, would the fish launching be an issue haulin butt out in 30 foot of water, 40 foot? Duno, just thinking out loud here. I also dont know what to make of the article. Im not a fish biologist, so who should i believe??
  9. Gorgeous pup. Is she an American or English labby. Where did you find her, as you know, im not far from you and i was looking for a chocolate about a year and a half ago. I retracted my search as things changed in life and the timing wasnt right. But ill bet you probably looked at some of the same breeders i was in contact with. There was a woman in west seneca that bred american chocolates (field labs) that i almost went with and she may be the same lady where you found yours. Just curious. Have fun with the new addition
  10. proud of you guys.......(so far)
  11. Our poormans lobster consist of lobster dainties. I dunno if they are actually just baby lobster or what they are lol. They are about the size of shrimp, or big crayfish. But they call em lobster dainties here at the local clambar. They taste like lobster, and they're cheap. Lotta work however lol.
  12. just got in from carpin..........no dice

  13. Funny cuz ive been on pandora all day at the office. Went from Lamb Of God - Break You/ the passing/ blackened the cursed sun/ etc etc to Dave gilmour - Comfortably numb live/ Shine on etc etc
  14. Ive got some good drawing skills, but thats just OUTRAGEOUS!!! I had to re-read and make sure you didnt say "photograph of my pooch"
  15. what u call soft, i call smart
  16. Mcarthur and Connolly re-united. lol You guys did pretty well snapping up Mcarthur from us as i believe he panned out well for you last year? Or at least had a few streaks that i recall. I can assure you however, you will be disapponted with your latest sabre acquisition. Next to Roy........he was tops on the list of players we wanted to go bye bye. For example.......if we wanted to stretch and give him any praise at all, we had to look HARD and found a small bright spot in his penalty killing. Not exactly what your looking for in a player of his supposed skill. Buffalo milked that cow for a long LONG tenure and i wish him well...........but i assure you guys, you will not be impressed. I almost feel bad for the guy as hes had a tough go at it injury wise........he surely has the talent, but it doesnt manifest itself on the ice.
  17. Ya, i personally dont get it......what is it exactly that they do? What is their function lol Having said that, i do realize that they are a sensation and that sure does make your photos quite impressive. You should have gotten a couple close-ups though
  18. I dont smudge an entire city based on the happenings of that evening, nor do i group a vancouver canucks fan into the stereotype of "Rioter"............I can however tell you that you'd never catch me in Vancouver near that arena for a game 7 Stanley Cup final thats for sure. How'd Luongo ever get outta there alive........he must have a Heliport on top of the arena
  19. just razzin......i know there's talent involved. Theres obviously some sort of draw based on the amount of people who like it. As you said.........i just dont get it thats all. Im gaga over hockey and you arent........same thing.
  20. Ya mean pack a chew, have a seat, and maybe gear up to run a base a couple times a game..........maybe have to cowboy up and catch a ball once or twice. Id have more fun doign a Sudoku puzzle.
  21. Two things in your post almost made me throw up in my mouth a little.........Baseball, and the New England Patriots
  22. Were the rioters made up of roaming gangs again, and they just used the Stanley Cup Final loss as an excuse to loot the city and flip cars. If so, ther gang attire is a strange choice what with all the Vancouver hockey jerseys and capes, and sponge hockey puck hats.
  23. I hate boston, lol...........but this comment makes no sense. Would you hold it against your team if they won the cup because their goaltender played lights out???? Dont forget the guys up front scored 23 in 7 games (something like that)
  24. You guys think too much.....
  25. Phew, i thought i was using "to" incorrectly all these years lol
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