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Everything posted by blaque

  1. I feel like we need an e-Harmony section on the forum after reading this.
  2. Its funny how we have that gem of a ballpark thats actually in the right location (downtown) for our minor league baseball team. Yet we still have this antiquated NFL stadium miles from civilization? I guess i shouldnt complain........it would suck tailgating in parking garages in downtown Buffalo.
  3. Those things creep me out. I dont like an insect that can actually turn its head and follow you. And they DO acknowledge you if you move as if they are looking at you.
  4. I feel like im watching an episode of Pawn Stars "so what are your concerns with this piece Rick"
  5. HA, i actually love the studio version of this song.......
  6. Purdy fish, that first one is a chunk. Look at the tail section on that thing.
  7. The Great Lakes.......all the feel of oceanfront vacationing, none of the jellyfish or hurricanes
  8. thanks for checkin it out guys, and for the kind words !!!!
  9. Im sorry did you say they are IN megadeth lol. Or did you mean to say "into" megadeth. If you mean they are in the band, ill be hittin you up for backstage passes. As far as Chris and Willie Adler, and Mark Morton........they are the be all/end all of metal musicians right now. Trying to learn a LOG song has this bedroom guitarist putting his guitar down in frustration often lmao
  10. Thanks Man.......i appreciate that coming from a fellow guitarist The camera is simply my i-phone, i bought a tripod for it and took the holding mechanism off of the tripod and mounted it to a little clamp i made and it clamps on and off the headstock
  11. Hmmmm, as big a fan as i am of david gilmour.......i think that song is 90% synthesizers and the guitar is acoustic. And i just got rid of my acoustic LOL. Good thought though, i was trying to learn goodbye blue sky before i got rid of the acoustic
  12. Hmmm, thats odd and im not sure how to fix that lol Thanks man
  13. Sooooo, ive been goofing around with recording guitar covers and came up with my first video. I record the audio and video seperately and then bring them into moviemaker and sync it back up....(just easier that way with less "takes")...so theres a couple minor discrepancies between the two but overall not bad. The music isnt everyones cup of tea but give it a shot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=humRSwa1VTc&feature=plcp
  14. May not be once in a lifetime for some, but i dont get up to bear country as often as some...........and even when i do, Ive only once ran into one of them swimming past the boat LOL
  15. Thats the way to do it right there
  16. The oppurtunity arose for me to head out to califoria last week. Mostly work, but i found some time to do a little site seeing as well. Im not a fan of flying, (thats a major understatement) but now that im back on safe ground.......im thrilled that i decided to take my boss up on teh experience. Heres a couple pics, sorry, maybe next time ther'll be fish involved Fishermans Wharf Alcatraz Fish Tacos mmmmmmmmmmmmm Panoramic of The Golden Gate Structure reaching into the clouds The little white line in the center of the pic was the shore breaking WELL BELOW Me reaching cloud level lol Loved the cliffed shoreline of the bay
  17. lmao is right. When ya get to old to "market" thuglife anymore, ya gotta jump to the next available "part"...........i wonder who/what EZ-E would be right now if he were still with us
  18. Love this technique, Fish just cant resist the natural presentation......it almost feels like cheating
  19. Exactamundo.......and the ones in the baitshops were always softshell crabs. If you were just getting a couple thumps and then nothing........you knew you just got robbed right quick. Home caught hardshells (from same body of water your fishing) is the more durable way to go On the topic of them crawling under rocks. Just drop shot them, with a short tag so you can hover them just off bottom
  20. I dont always use live bait.....but when i do, i prefer leeches. Stay thirsty my friends.
  21. Also checked that website......some wicked work but, of the paintings with his signature.....its nothing close to the OP's pic above
  22. Agreed , i stopped on it for a few and ended up surfing for something better.....i think i landed on "The First 48" lol
  23. Dont it just figure...im supposed to be heading out saturday morning on the south shore (U.S) near wilson harbor on a friends charter boat. Ahhh well
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