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Everything posted by blaque

  1. hangin around in your overalls all day, some target practice before lunch, a little banjo playin after lunch, a couple shots of moonshine to take the edge off.......and in between, cookin up some mash to make a buck. Makes ya kinda wonder, whos the dummy?
  2. Just saw the commercial for the next discovery hit show. AMISH MAFIA And no I'm not kidding We have only ourselves to blame for watching the deadliest catch lol
  3. Scripted is an understatement. All of those shows are. I'm not saying they aren't entertaining but they are certainly set up for tv. I mean come on, moonshiners? Ur telling me that they air video of an illegal activity and then air video of the sheriffs trying to bust them. But can't find them? Ummmm, the same camera guys taping the cops just taped the moonshiners DUH!! Gold rush? Do you really believe that these guys are still scraping for money to feed their families. Gambling their last dime to make it in mining? After 3 seasons of being on a hit tv show
  4. I dont palmer the marabou......I do when i tie with rabbit strips. I hate tying with bunny strips lol
  5. Love the big belly shot early on in the pics. There well fed for sure. Nice shootin
  6. Beautiful fish and location. Not many things better than a steak in the woods, and a tailgate dinner table
  7. Not sure what you mean by messed up.......I fished it twice in the last 2 weeks and the waters been in good shape. Was just there saturday. If by messed up you mean, still a wack ton of guys fishing it, then ya its messed up lol
  8. He was actually quite a presence in the area. Everybody knew officer langs name. Now I couldn't tell you the name of any officers
  9. Thanks mike.....I'll definitely give that a shot. I've done contrasting thread b4 but don't think I've done chartreuse. Lord knows I've probably got spools full of it somewhere lol Chris, As others have said just fish em under a float like you would anything else. I dig em cuz they get right down and don't have to mess around with as much if any lead shot. The less lead I have to crimp with my teeth the better!!! And go figure, 90% of my fish today came on eggs or egg patterns lmao
  10. The number of options out there is mind bottling (did he just say mind bottling) I was impressed with the VOX Valvetronix modeling amps back when i was shopping around. They are in that price range as well
  11. I remember when friday nights were much more interesting than sitting at a vice covered in marabou Can you guess what my hot color has been as of late lol
  12. Stunning report. I love the underwater pic Of the Kokanee.......the water clarity is unreal
  13. Pin, spin, fly,......float, bottom bounce, swing......eggs, spoons, streamers. Theres inconsiderate slobs, amidst friendly humble and moral fisherman everywhere ya go. The rod they carry has nothing to do with what group above they fit into. Enough with the stereotypes
  14. Now that everyone knows your provisions are well stocked........Hows ur guns and ammo??
  15. Exactly.....i keep saying the same thing to myself. Everytime i see this fish on the internet all 3 of them are strung across it. Its actually making the fish look smaller than it actually is. I know its a massive fish but it would look even bigger propped up with one guy.
  16. How do you know these mounts werent done to animals with birth defects and/or deformities.......and the taxidermist just happened to capture them Bang On, HMMMMMMM??
  17. THe paper route was a staple "first job" when i was a kid.......A pleasure in the warm months but a nightmare some mornings during the Buffalo winters. And collecting.......UGH, thats where the real frustration set in
  18. "The statue was based on a photo taken by Courier-Express photographer Ron Moscati during a 1975 playoff game against Montreal." Courier Express lol.....WOW I havent heard that since i was a kid helping my brother do "inserts" before he went out to deliver papers.
  19. I'm interested, but I think you and I are on an island here as far as this goes lol
  20. Ugh, same here......and its really been on my mind the last couple years. Im going to try and make a concerted effort this year to try and stop. Its certainly the most productive way to get it done......its not going to be easy trying to mess around with hemo's and tinh shot with numb fingers all winter that for sure Ive got some inventions kicking around in my head for a fix but havent gotten around to prototyping any of them just yet lol
  21. Ha, We used to drive up from buffalo on many occasions for the exact same reason. He always had bootleg cassettes that made me the envy if all my friends as they had no idea where I was getting them from lol
  22. I've heard they only enter the rivers on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
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