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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Trying to watch, but streams are miserable again today. 1-0, so far so good
  2. And not one Palamino,.... i am glad however they didnt include the Trouser?
  3. probably too busy trying to dial in the sport of fishing, afterall......this is a fishing board and not a Hockey board Either way.......I didnt get to watch either the US or CANADA game as this whole work thing is getting in the way. And multiple online streams were awefully sticky today. May just have to take a half day Friday to watch this match up
  4. Meh, 97.5%..........think the mountain vs lake whitefish may have gotten me a time or two Edit: 97.5 is one incorrect answer, so it got me once lol
  5. Pretty amazing, win or go home... and they put one goal up. Names like Ovechkin, Datsyk, Kovalchuck, Semin, Malkin.......and they light the lamp once in an elimination game. I smell riots
  6. I can only imagine, im humbled just seeing the little baby gorges here in NY (letchworth, zoar valley, watkins glen). I could only imagine the feeling one would get standing in the middle of this behemoth
  7. Yep, same here BUF/CHI/LA
  8. Very cool, your sno-caps turned out way better than mine.......you appear to be further north than I traveled as well based on the size of the mountain range. What amazed me the most, was i was the only one on both of my trips out there that was gawking out the window the entire flight taking hundreds of pics. Everyone else was plucking away at their i-pads or had their face buried in a book or a pillow
  9. I agree, i did it last year for the first time but the whole trip this year was unimpeded by cloud cover so i got to see some incredible landscape. I coulda swore i was flying over Mars a time or two
  10. I would love to take it in from ground level someday!!!
  11. Went out to LA this past week and got a few cool pics flying over the park. Thought they turned out pretty decent for airplane window pics lol
  12. I could watch that for hours. Crazy good
  13. Oh.......My........God..........I lost the dare. I cant even imagine the circumstances of how this happened, its obviously organized hockey and not just a midnight ice rental pick up game
  14. Guess ill weigh in here. I believe in God.......but in my own little vacuum lol I dont belong to any church, or consider myself a part of any denomination. I dont find myself in any steepled buildings on sundays. Ive never read the bible. I know but a few prayers. Ive never preached to someone or even talked to someone about what i believe. I just DO. In my mind, i truly believe theres something/someone higher than us. Same as i believe space is never ending, and time is absolutely eternal. (which is a whole other topic that messes up my brain completely when i sit and think about it) Theres also a small part of me that wonders if, whatever you believe happens to you in the afterlife, is what happens to you. This topic is way too deep for a thursday afternoon
  15. Safe to say these two teams are pooped in the third
  16. Agreed......out of all the things I see aired on a daily basis on the boobtube, Al Lindners wrap up is among the VERY LEAST of my objections
  17. Ok geek squad, I had it figured out on the iPhone but just switched to galaxy and none of my links will play streaming video? I looked into it a little but seemed like a Lotta work. It's gotta be simpler than what I found on google?
  18. Lucky you! Great and original band.........."Soundtrack to your escape" has spent many an hour blaring thru my trucks speakers!! Cant tell you how many times ive listened to "My Sweet Shadow" on repeat lol While were on musicians of this genre (sort of)........You may be the only one to recognize my picks: Mark Morton (Lamb of God lead guitar) Davey Havok (unusual frontman of AFI) Adam D (Killswitch guitarist)
  19. I stopped reading when you compared hockey development to war
  20. Uhhhhh.....WRONG!!!!! On both counts!! And I ought to know....
  21. Agreed on all counts......I actually had to look to see if he was driving in reverse in order to get the tracks/truck to go forward
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Mme3WOxO1k
  23. O.J. has gotta be lickin his chops from his jail cell
  24. Ya can't blame me for being a little moody, I'm a sabres and a bills fan merry Xmas as well
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