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Everything posted by largemouth

  1. I have felt and witnessed similar in the past, when i went to see what it was I found a CO with a set of binoculars and a radio spying on me, he was calling his partner who was making his way to the other side of the river incase i decided to run....
  2. well said! OFC as described to me by other members is a "family forum with fishermen" not a fishing forum. A lot of the more serious fishing members realized that and have gone elsewhere for their fishing reports and info but are still members here for the community aspect of it.
  3. I respect your right to an opinion.........but it doesn't change mine.
  4. funny what people do once the fame goes to their heads.
  5. some people are like slinkies, not really good for anything but brings a smile to your face when pushed down a flight of stairs
  6. maybe they should of laid her off until the hair grows back?????????????? many waitresses are hired on their apperance as well as their skill, If it affects business it makes sense. Was it hooters by chance
  7. Tim and Justin are active posters on other fishing sites too, hope they start posting here as much once bass season opens.
  8. I say leave it the way it is, thats what seperates OFC from the real fishing forums.
  9. phoning canadian tire directly never crossed your mind? Is it your smithwick rouge i still have?
  10. I have heard wal-mart be called walli-world before, maybe he means it is across from Wal-Mart?
  11. Most decent resorts will do the same, why didn't you thank them via email? free advertising or spam?
  12. I agree comparing gas to bottled water is completely different since bottling water costs pennies compared to refining gasoline, yet cost the same per litre to the consumer.......My point is that the gas prices over the last decade have increased by approximitly the same % as other staples (milk, bread etc,) Go and stand on any highway overpass and count how many hundreds of cars have one one person in it.....maybe gas prices are still to low?????
  13. if you take gas prices 10 years ago and compare it to the cost of living increases over the past decade you will find gas price rises are not as bad as you might think. it has gone up the same percentage as milk and bread and other staples. Just because it has risen quickly in the last 2 years ppl feel the need to complain. But when people pay over $1 for 500ml of bottled water or $2 for gatorade while complaining about gas increases i have to laugh.
  14. nice report. Did you snag up with another boat and lose a smithwick rouge in haybay by chance?
  15. If someone wants to share a spot with me I don't mind, but don't expect me to return the favor. loose lips sink ships.
  16. thanks to Irishfield.
  17. use your gun..........
  18. he didn't swear at a customer either, he swore while talking to his buddy, you over heard it. not much differance if he read your complaint about him behind his back.
  19. I enjoy the similar videos from Afganistan, taliban members being taken out from 1800-2000yards, that seems more of a challange than killing defenseless animal with a sniper rifle.
  20. i have the same bait and it has caught plenty of lakers and salmon, hootchies behind flashers have tricked their fair share of GB lakers for me to. good luck.
  21. very talented group and a great song, thanks for sharing!
  22. I prefer the professional service and friendly advise I get from FishingWorld in hamilton over BPS or LeBar's. But i enjoy the large fishtank at BPS.
  23. it will take forever to remove the signs but the regs say different to the sign, maybe bring a copy of the regs when fishing thata rea....
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