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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2024 in all areas

  1. I'm with Bill on this. You know, some biggest grizzly bear ever recorded was a zoo bear. No choice but to be lazy, fed to be a fat spectacle. But if someone shot that bear Boone & Crocket wouldn't be jumping up and down to change the record books. That to me is what these farmed triploids kind of are. Fat, fast growing fish cattle fed fat to be slaughtered. Even the Blue Mesa lake trout of last year, that thing is a bottom dweller maybe not even triploid but it just looks up at stocked salmon and trout schools and is given the luxury of feeding on highest fat content forage which in nature doesn't really occur too often or in the same kind of way. So, bigger than average lake is sprinkled with high amounts of excess bait food just prime for predatory fish growth. No, no, no! The world shouldn't reward the cheaters in the wild if it doesn't support human cheaters seeking records as well.
    3 points
  2. Triploids. I'll never consider those dirty things for records.
    3 points
  3. Now that would be a riot LOL! 50-60-70lb fish swimming around. We'd probably have to stock bait as well!
    2 points
  4. Personal record, Hell ya! World record, Hell no!
    2 points
  5. Ditto! However I think all Chinook stocking should be triploids, bring it on..... lol
    2 points
  6. i wanna dip some lobster and steak in this so bad.
    2 points
  7. Not a record. Show me a natural that big. It would be cool to catch though, just not a record.
    2 points
  8. no different than these guys catching double digit bass on stocked private ponds down south, I guess its cool and all, but at the same time...comes with an asterix. Heck Ive never caught a 6lb smallmouth yet, and I know perfectly well I could just go fish lake simcoe or Lake ontario and get one, but it would feel like cheating to me. Even my PB largemouth required me to go down south and get it. If I feel my personal records are tainted by the bodies of water im fishing, how in the heck should these things be classified as world records. Ben Milliken made an entire multi million dollar youtube career out of fishing stocked private ponds, but those 40lb sacks are tainted too.
    1 point
  9. That is an old site and not updated
    1 point
  10. Will floating in my Hobie I used to use a Shimano 401 Callcutta CTE casting reel with 10lb mono with a 6lb fluro leader for Chinooks off Bronte in the fall. It was an experiment to see if you could consistently catch Chinnies at noon in clear water when everyone else whet home. The line diameter issue really struck home for me because you most definitely can catch them at noon, and almost immediately, if you drop down to 6lb leader. One time I had one on and it ran out to near the end of my spool on the 401, I figure about 200 yards, but that was not the worst part. While the fish was that far away from me three power boats ran over top of my line yet they did not cut me off. In truth I don't know how they did not cut the mainline. I did eventually get that fish in but the overall experiment proved that yes you can catch chinnies at noon in clear water consistently, but it also proved that it was not fun. It took way too long to land them as you had to baby the fish to finesse them in and it was boring as opposed to exciting. That charter captain did a good job coaching those geezers how to fish for giants but my back hurt just looking at that endeavor. I could never do that kind of fishing anymore, the pain would be too much, especially if you lost the fish at the end. Thank God for GoPros so they at least got some good pics of the Marlin. National Geographics shark special this past month showed guys fishing the oil rigs off Louisianna and they hooked up regularly but lost virtually every fish to sharks that have learned to hover around the rigs waiting for anglers to spoon feed them amberjack and tuna. That would hurt even more because that's some great sashimi going to waste.
    1 point
  11. Parasitic copepods like Chris mentioned above.
    1 point
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