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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2024 in all areas

  1. My son and I bought new 650s in 2021, we have had several wonderful experiences with them. It has sure made life easier for me, I can just hop in it and go fishing. No heavy motors to lift, no need to flip boats or haul gear. My son is a marine mechanic, I supply the materials, he supplies the labour so the machines are always in top shape and ready to go.
    3 points
  2. On a Bobcaygeon page last week someone posted pictures of a snapping turtle in what looked like some open water beside some current. I don't know if it was legit or not. Also last week me and a buddy fished chemong. A skating rink locals make on the lake every year there had a bunch of people playing hockey. It was 10 celsius that day and when we got closer to them we realized they where playing shirts and skins because one team had all the boys playing bare chested. Never seen that on an outdoor rink before in the middle of the winter.
    1 point
  3. Yeah with lack of snow in to the spring : Good...not too many Black Flies Bad...too many wild fires
    1 point
  4. Had a ride in one as a kid, probably in the late 1960’s. The dealer was trying to promote a sale to my father. We drove it into a pond and out again, my first thought was how rough it was to ride in but also thought it was a really cool machine. Nothing else like it back then.
    1 point
  5. Without question. Tarpon would be the icing on the cake. Quite a thrill when they come out of the water the way they do.
    1 point
  6. I have a propane powered Generac 10k (I have a submarine sized tank for heating and cooking) hard wired to a pony panel that runs all critical circuits. Comes on automatically when there's a power outage (which is often here in ice storm central), so I don't have to be there if the power goes in mid-winter and I'm worried about the pipes freezing or food spoiling. Also automatically comes on once a month for 20 minutes to circulate the oil and keep the starting battery charged. Other than changing the oil every 2 years and occasionally the spark plug...it's all pretty well hands off. I'm fortunate enough to have a nephew who is a Master Electrician, so all done at cost and a lifetime of fishing trips on the lake.
    1 point
  7. Always working on something new.
    1 point
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