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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2023 in all areas

  1. Getting my ties out there to many anglers and those that help promote them, and meeting the right people, it has gotten me an invite to next months,June 17th fly tying seminar at Cabelas here. It will be a bass,panfish and pike tie combination . I have the bass and panfish baits covered and working on a pike one . A 6" dragon tail . A bit of a challenge,but I will have it down come the 17th, I hope. Now I wonder if they will allow to have a cold one,while tying at the table ?
    6 points
  2. I expect you guys have had about enough of my best buddy Trooper. just an update, a story and some pics of him all healed up now. I went with my neighbor when he bought Trooper (eight weeks old) and then he realized he didn't have the time for him so he let him go to a farm. Four and a half years later word got back that Trooper was being beat and abused and had been for the time they had him. So we jumped in the truck, drove out to find him tied up just outside the patio door with a six foot extension cord, no food, no water, no shelter. I was fit to be tied. I didn't knock on the door as there would have been He%$ to be payed. He recognized me right away (dogs don't forget) and almost went nuts. I released him from the extension cord. He knew exactly what was going on and made a bee line for the truck and couldn't get in the back seat fast enough. By this time the farm owner realized what was going on and tried to chase us down even driving through fields, that's where he wrecked his truck Haha. He's very lucky to have gotten off that easy. Some of you may have seen the pic with his face all buggered up, any way he's all healed up now and has a very happy home and we love each other to death. Thanks for reading.
    1 point
  3. Out to Camp Jiggy Jiggy.. Holy crap is it quiet out here.. been 6 months since were last here. Everything in perfect condition for another year thankfully. Ha da bit of Crown to power down last night and slept for 10 hours.. best sleepy poo I can remember lol.. sure is quiet out here.... anyway went for a quick troll up the river and Monique managed this one!
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Congrats misfish, I am not a bit surprised having seen your work if I may call it that as you obviously enjoy and take great pride in it. You deserve it Man.
    1 point
  6. Get yourself the biggest Tim you can find and fill it with cold one or one of these! You are becoming a tying star.
    1 point
  7. Damn, you are just a baby!
    1 point
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