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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2023 in all areas

  1. Good morning Lew. Haha, It's funny you ask, when I was just a wee lad thanks to my dear old Dad I took such an interest in all aspects of nature (still do) and especially tracks for a couple years and published a few videos and a book that I simply called wild animal tracks of Canada. That is without a doubt a wolf track from a pretty much full grown wolf. you're right it is too big for a coyote, a coyote track is seldom if ever longer than 3in. A dog track is more roundish as a wolf track is long with the four distinct toes. Normal length for a wolf track is 5in. long and 3-4in. wide. I've only ever seen one bigger. The longest wolf track ever documented (I don't remember when) was in the NWT 7.5 in. long. I would have loved to have seen the wolf that left that track. I'm glad you shared it thank you.
    2 points
  2. I was able to recover some of my pics, not all them but some. They suck though as my computer again wouldn't let me post them on the forum so I had to pull them up on the monitor and take a pic of them, import them into a file then move them to another file in order to post them. So they are grainy. not very clear and the color is washed out, so yeah they suck but here are a few anyway. The first one is a wild horse, coyote of course, then my favorite little buddy came to pay a visit - the very elusive Pine Marten. Unfortunately I only have a head shot of the lynx in the daylight, and I certainly didn't expect to see a skunk way back here sixty miles from any human dwelling or settlement. Anyway I've been at this all day and my little buddy has had to listen to me cussing throughout it all so it's now nap time LOL.
    1 point
  3. Depending on how well the fuel can was sealed it might be ok to use; I wouldn't trust it as Fisherman said... I'd be using the stuff for fire starter. You'll know pretty quick if its volatility is good enough to burn in an engine. Now don't blame me if you loose your eyebrows and lashes, right after throwing the match at the gas soaked wood? LOL Dan...
    1 point
  4. Found a small wolf track and a good size cougar track near my camera this morning. But not near enough to get them on film. Hope fully next time. I should have placed something on the ground next to them to give them some scale as in size. To late smart as usual.
    1 point
  5. Lots of chatter on the prices for launching and parking and the very much lack of shore fishing. They need to work on ticket holders getting free launch and work on shore fishing access . Use to be a great event when the kids were young. We fished many places from shore.
    1 point
  6. Your pretty knowledgeable on animals Barry so I'm curious as to what you think this track may be that I came across behind my place a few years back. Pretty sure it's too big for a coyote and no big dogs around here at the time so I'm guessing a wolf....any thoughts?
    1 point
  7. Hi all, still around 2 foot of fairly decent ice, walleyes get a break for a bit, but crappies are still fair game! Better get out today as well before we get hit by the winter storm tomorrow.
    1 point
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