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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2023 in all areas

  1. Some ugly weather forecasted ,so got out this morning so I could get some bug orders done the next couple of days. Thursday is looking good. The thing about fishing the area I do,there is no beat,n down path,so dem drifts were a pita. No worries though. Slow and easy gets ya there. Lots of bait again LIKE. Whities stuck again to the bottom, LIKE. Well ,one did take the high hook blood,
    4 points
  2. https://www.insideottawavalley.com/news-story/10857139--hiding-them-in-the-grass-illegal-bass-fishing-near-burritts-rapids-nets-2-people-big-fines/ IMO, the penalty was pretty light considering they knew exactly what they were doing...intent to break the law.
    1 point
  3. Very nice thanks for the info beauty fish
    1 point
  4. The new MOD is taking time off to go fishing? 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲
    1 point
  5. You wouldn't believe what goes on at the FB group page for my cottage lake.. One yahoo regularly posts photos of himself holding up a Bass in May or early June...with the caption "oh don't worry it was released". Another clown posts photos of out of slot size Walleye...on a stringer, standing on his dock...with the caption "let go to swim another day". The worst of it is the little old ladies that mostly frequent the page...then post comments like.."nice catch" or "great fish". When I post letting them know they're actually breaking the law...they call me out for being a "Karen" ...and then the same little old ladies complain "the fishing isn't like it used to be" Jeez...
    1 point
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