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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2022 in all areas

  1. Thank you for disabling your ad block. It is this small revenue that keeps enough money in the kitty to afford our site and security upgrades current. Cheers Art
    1 point
  2. Googling the article I can’t say I’ve ever heard the term “Cabbage Dragon” before either, but I like it,
    1 point
  3. It’s an ad that someone paid for you to see the tv is full of them, ignore them, laugh at them or hate them. They help pay the bills so we can chat here
    1 point
  4. Don't get me wrong here. My screen shot was only to show Rizzo. Me, I don't care. Could be an ad for anything and I just pass on by.
    1 point
  5. As a veterinarian, I am glad Ontario put restrictions on Pit Bulls. The problem is the breed is poorly defined. Crossbreeds, Staffordshire crosses etc. Mastif type dogs are related. Of course owners that are kind and firm will have better outcomes with their Bullies. Training and leadership are necessary for all breeds but especially the potentially aggressive breeds. Most human and inter dog attacks are by intact males. Not long ago most dogs were bred for a job. Herding, guarding, fighting, hunting etc. In the last century dogs became pets and became part of the family. The traits originally selected for are still within the breeds. Without training and discipline these traits can come to the fore. Bullies and mastifs have powerful bites and tend to hold on, resulting in terrible damage to the victim. When several dogs are together, especially if not neutered, their aggression is increased. Leaving kids, especially small ones, unattended with any dog involves risk. That risk is much highly with Pitt Bulls and several other breeds. Especially if not neutered. My 2 cents. Peter.
    1 point
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