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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2022 in all areas

  1. Seems kind of an oxymoron that if there were no pacific salmon other than early seeding of some chinook and coho failed miserably. Pinks were not really all that successful until around mid 1950's, so how can bow hunting for salmon other than Atlantics be recognized as something FN's did that far back. Other than Atlantics, they were not there.
    3 points
  2. I think there should be limitations on what is traditional and what is abuse i think there should be a different set of rules for a native who has fully integrated in Canadian society and one living on a reservation
    2 points
  3. At the end of last winter I used up all of my firewood - luckily there are a lot of dead ash tress around so I can put up enough dry wood for this coming winter - you have to be very careful when cutting down these dead ash - the upper branches are dead and weak so when you cut a tree and it starts to fall these branches break off and fall down - at that point you better be somewhere else - the upper branches are nice and dry but I've been finding some trees where the trunk is starting to get spongy - I guess if the tree has been standing for a long time water probability wicks up the trunk and makes it that way - I burn about 5 or 6 full cords each year and getting enough wood takes me quite a bit of time - what I need to do is cut a year's worth of wood that I don't use until a year later - I have a lot of oak trees and love that wood but it takes a good year to dry properly - been burning wood since the mid 70s and cut a lot of trees down over the years - great exercise - the thing I wonder is when all the ash trees are dead and gone is the ash borer going to disappear - let's hope so
    1 point
  4. Why I grow my own potatoes - I just got harvesting around 200 lbs. of potatoes from my garden - here's why I grow my own - years ago I was in a barber shop with my kids waiting to get hair buts - in the chair at the time was a potato farmer who regularly put a lot of acres inn potatoes - we were talking about the bugs that attack potatoes and the need to spray them - the farmer said he didn't have much problem with buts because he uses systemic sprays - for you guys who don't know what systemic sprays are - these sprays actually get right into the plant foliage and when a bug eats the plant it kills them - we told the farmer that the spry was also getting in the potatoes - he just laughed and say he didn't think so - but the true is that the spray does get into the potatoes - I live in the country - my place is pretty much surrounded with farm fields - this year one of the farmers planted acres of potatoes - in the spring the first thing he did was spray the field to kill the weeds - then he put down fertilizer - planted the potatoes - then sprayed them twice during the summer - the other day he sprayed to kill the potatoes's foliage - next he will harvest them with big machinery - the potatoes will eventually get sprayed again so they don't sprout - that's why I grow my own potatoes -
    1 point
  5. Well he just might find out what it’s like to be abused
    1 point
  6. Gifted my oldest grandson with a couple of river gifts. He has become quite the river rat. Seems to be following in the steps of poppy and his dad. Dad and son have have been having a great re bonding. Brings joy to my heart. He will grow into the new stick, a pin will be a couple years away, but a spinning reel will do for now.
    1 point
  7. Plant them and net pen them so they distribute well. Ban roe harvest and derbies to establish a mentality of assistance to the stocking by minimizing a thoughtless slaughter. Open up upper reaches of tributaries to allow salmon and rainbows and browns to achieve at least a modicum of spawning success. There might even be a place for trying to replace alewives as the primary food source for salmonids in the Great Lakes (lake Herring would be one option as they provide food for salmonoids and people)). Non of this will ever happen of course. The MNR is run by people that really have a minimal understanding of their job, just like the rest of the pencil pushing goofs in our civil service.
    1 point
  8. It is good news that many species have recovered from DDT we see many more eagles and hawks now Due to our governments inactivity over the years we have many species we would rather not be here. With some action on past research the Cormorant resurgence may not have been the problem that it is. All I can suggest is that if they are that close to your feet, bring a hockey stick next time you go fishing
    1 point
  9. I was fishing at Bronte Creek yesterday and cormorants are now so bold there that they were fishing at my feet (I'm in a Hobie pontoon rowboat ie. very small and feet in the water). I have no idea what they were fishing for because they can't swallow a 20lb Chinnie. They are nasty looking birds up close but the good news is that I see far fewer of them on Lake Ontario from Oakville to St Catharines or on Erie at Chrystal Beach area. To shop the stupidity of some of our ecoligical community the 3 part series on the Great Lakes watershed on TVO made a point that it's "GOOD NEWS" that cormorants have "RECOVERED" from DDT inflicted die offs to take their rightful place in the pantheon of Great Lakes fauna. Clearly the same people that work at the MNR and spend millions of taxpayer dollars to plant (massively unsuccessfully) Atlantic Salmon knowing from the get go that it could not possibly work. Thank goodness there is now a governmental permission to get these things down to minimal numbers. Have at them
    1 point
  10. Probably adds up to a lot less than they are paying to the 20/30 year olds that are mortgaged to the max and then some, new cars in the drive, maxed out credit cards and mega cellphone plans, don't have any savings , living paycheck to paycheck and now can't afford their $7 morning lattes screaming " HELP ME " cause there is a hiccup in their paychecks coming in.
    1 point
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