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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2022 in all areas

  1. They need to be charged ,found guilty and fined in the amount they won over the years including the cost of boats and sponsors gave them then a ban from fishing for life and whatever time in jail for fraud
    5 points
  2. It is one thing to cheat on your income taxes or in a card game or when playing golf -but to cheat in a fishing tournament is as low as you can get - the death penalty might be in order
    3 points
  3. And the jokes just keep coming. Art
    3 points
  4. It was disgusting to watch this video. This leads me to say I really like where the bass tournys are going to in the states. A scrutineer that is with the angler and weighs the fish right there and released. I think you will see a length instead of weight coming soon for pickeral tournys. . To add, I was very surprised these guys were not getting their licks from the ugly mob. It could of gotten even worse. Good on the other anglers for just keeping as cool as they could , under the circumstances.
    2 points
  5. apparently hundreds of thousands of dollars all time plus a boat....yeesh
    1 point
  6. As I understand it these were the same guys that were leading the fall brawl tournament last year on Lake Erie and couldn't pass the lie detector test. https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/fishermen-accused-of-adding-weights-to-fish-to-win-popular-lake-erie-fishing-tournament
    1 point
  7. Back from our trip to Pointe au Baril and wanted to say thanks to everybody who helped me with my questions. We had OK weather and decent fishing and it was great to go to the area again. Surface temps were right around 21 degrees pretty much everywhere. Hit the usual spots and some new areas for us. Generally pleased to find very little boat traffic but of course the river was getting hit pretty hard. We did well just upstream past the narrows catching quite a few SMB and the usual Rock Bass. Also some decent bass action off of Whitsun Rock. We had no luck with pike and usually don't like trolling but did get 4 surprise walleye casting in a Bay off Gordon Point. They were all in the slot but fun. However, similar to previous years the best spot for us were the bays along outer channel north side. Caught a 4-1/2 pound SMB and lost 2 others of size in Pelham Cove as well as multiple smaller fish. One we lost broke the water and looked to be about 6 pounds but you know how those estimates at a distance can be. Eastward from there we did OK in Aldrich Cove and the other nooks and crannies farther into the channel but nothing of size. Was surprised how small the usual perch bycatch were. In years gone by most days we used to catch a couple decent perch but this year we probably got a half dozen but not one over 6-7". Did get a couple of chubby Pumpkinseed to round out our species report. I hear there are some new bait regulations in place but I do have to say, wow, the minnows were expensive! At the local bait store they were $12, $18, and $24 per dozen, depending on size. It does seems to make it suck more when one wiggles out of your grasp, gets cast off, or is lost by a mini fish hit. There goes another Loonie or Toonie!
    1 point
  8. It’s a tiger for sure pike in these waters look very different these were the same week and much different rent
    1 point
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