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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2022 in all areas

  1. Headed to Wawa for the weekend Through LSSP. Beauty day to travel. Sunny and cool Lotsa snow Like, lotsa snow. Got the Vector stuck 10 times, the Voyager almost the same 4 hours to get a couple km into camp 2 wore out dudes at the end of that day. We took the easy way out the next day. 30km to our second choice lake. It panned out ok Pretty good weekend all in all. Couple shots at camp
    5 points
  2. The past 2 days I have probly walked 5-7 miles drilling here and there. Yesterday was a bust,just one whitie on and unbutton half way up.It sure was a great day to just walk and fish though. No hub,heater,just the finder,auger and sleigh. This morning was the same,another great day to just go and explore. Every hole I drilled there were perch. Anywhere from 29 fow up to 16 fow. I probly hooked well over the 100 mark in 5 hours. This morning before I left,I did a quick tie of a couple of shrimp scuds. Turned out to be the right move. 98% of the perch took the high hook tandem above a Meegs bait. Even got 2 on the Meegs. Really like the pin set up combo. The tip on this rod is so sensitive. You can even pick up a bite when the perch take the fly up. I could of easy kept a 50 limit,but I do not freeze fish and I hate cleaning these buggers. LOL Going to be fresh fried taco,s tonight.
    4 points
  3. Due to most of the consumer shows being cancelled again this winter, I got to go ice fishing a lot more this year! I didn't really think about it in the past but I normally spend about 6 weeks of my winter at trade shows! Now I spend it on the ice LOL! Still a few weeks more!
    2 points
  4. I zip through the ice with my electric set up in seconds and my battery's last all day,so no need for that thing, and yes , there are so many myths out there about using a transducer through the ice. Even one with using windshield washer in a bag with the ducer. My finbor 3 6" ,is 10 years old,(right Terry) and cuts like a hot knife through butta. I look for possible spots and only drill on them. I just dont drill anywhere and here. Back at it in the morning byes. Perch were mighty tasty, and well,I would love another nice fresh feed. Might do a breaky dinner of fried eggs and fish and some smokey bacon. Dang,got me drooling already.
    1 point
  5. Misfish: Try cleaning Perch like this: Regards, Snowball
    1 point
  6. I keep walking like I have been and breaking down pounds,I might see a 4 pack. LOL
    1 point
  7. They look great!!!!
    1 point
  8. First question is, do you have your own gas refinery? Likely to cost over $500.00 for a fill up
    1 point
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