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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2022 in all areas

  1. To head out and get dinner. On at 7,off 8:20. West wind was a blowing. Best anchoring devise. LOL
    2 points
  2. Good thoughts Dan! That is really what I was thinking. The positive and pleasant experience is more important than the actual fish count!
    2 points
  3. Yesterday I went fishing. A couple of fellows in the hut next to us had all the gear, underwater camera, sonar, ...... the latest of everything (including a really nice pair of Nikie running shoes LOL). They saw all kinds of fish on their sonar and underwater camera but couldn't get a bite. We were 100' away, didn't have a toy to play with but we knocked the heck out of the fish with over 100 caught. Is there such a thing as TOO MUCH fishing gear?
    1 point
  4. That goes without saying anymore for anywhere. I'm in a neighborhood that is very quiet, but someone stole my Avalanche right out the driveway. Got back late from Ice fishing on Simcoe. Left everything in the truck including my Skidoo in the back and all my cold-weather gear and tackle inside. Woke up the next morning went downstairs to watch some TV. An hour later my wife comes down and with surprise, she says "you're here" Then she tells me my truck isn't, she thought I went to the shop to unload the sled. NOPE!!! All gone!!! So again it doesn't matter where you live, there are low-life thieves everywhere. Just waiting for a chance to grab your stuff. How to keep the stuff safe, I have no idea? If they want it bad enough they'll get it one way or another. If we catch and retaliate, we'll likely get arrested for assault ??? Dan... Sorry forgot to mention. ENJOY YOUR NEW HOME!!!
    1 point
  5. Was at Starskys this morning. All pork was $5.99lb. No matter loins,chops or what ever. I bought 15 loin chops, had them put through the cutlet machine. Brought home,bread crumbs salt pepper and cajun. It worked out to $2 a piece.
    1 point
  6. My wife and I had a cottage just west of there in Kinmount.. no real spectacular fishing in the area but it's a good spot for sledding and ATVing. And yeah some of the locals are interesting people.. lock your stuff up..
    1 point
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