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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2021 in all areas

  1. On a serious note here, I have met a few lake front owners, and have asked if they would mind if I parked my truck in their drive, They had no issues. I even gave a bottle of wine or what ever their drink fancied . Have even offered a feed of my catch. Sometimes just carrying a conversation with a local, is all it takes. I have a place to park my truck if need be. Being polite goes along ways.
    3 points
  2. Well retirement and lounging around the house was short lived. I think I'm going back to work part time. Not in automotive; I'm done dealing with people having to make grudge purchases. Applied for a position at a firm called Seniors for Seniors. Not sure if I'll get the position; there's a crap load of personal checks and becoming certified in a few areas; which so far can be done on-line? The job would entail that I would become a companion, handyman around the house, driver and help with day to day things (cleaning, cooking ect) that a client may require (No Butt Wiping. LOL). I've always enjoyed being with/helping the elderly and looking forward to a chance to give this a try. Maybe I could get into customizing their wheelchairs? Dan.
    2 points
  3. If you ever get a 1562 IM6 for sale - i am interested Thank you
    2 points
  4. Well the first IMX 1562 is done and ready to bank Chrome again.
    2 points
  5. Duck hunting is definitely addictive. Years ago in my 20's I too got up at 3 am loaded up the hunting gear and drove to Valens to secure a stand before others got there and sometimes spending the night in the parking lot in my van just to get a stand. Even a broken leg would not stop me. Full length leg cast and friends to carry me to the stand. ( I had a great black Lab that would retrieve ducks so the broken leg was no problem). Like anything though, with age and work and growing kids things tend to fall by the way side and so did my duck hunting. All the stories bring back memories and very enjoyable. Now I'm semi-retired, my son is in his early twenties and keen on hunting and fishing. Its time to start some serious hunting again and catching up with one another. No better place to do that then on a hunting or fishing trip together.
    2 points
  6. Factory builds, especially sliding ring handles are rather thin (in diameter) I find and tiresome over long days with grip fatigue. Many of my customers and friends now prefer a slightly beefier grip as they find it less fatiguing.
    1 point
  7. The same as what you did on mine. I found that the cork was much thicker then a factory build. Took a bit to get use to, but much nicer to hold on to then a factory one.
    1 point
  8. Beauty work bud. Is that the fat cork handle ?
    1 point
  9. I've sent them a few of my Calais, they always come back with all kinds of new hardware on the inside and I'm never charged more then the original service amount. Those boys do good work. Which reminds me, I gotta pack some reels up and get them out there!
    1 point
  10. and they are delicious!
    1 point
  11. I am sure I could, but not worth the risk. I am thinking of getting another .22. Packing out squirrels, aint alot of weight.LOL
    1 point
  12. That's mighty kind of you, and thanks! I am not the fit young man I once was, but I can still do pretty much anything I want to. I hunted the full two weeks of rifle season for deer, and will be hunting the smokepole season this coming week. But a lot of the stuff I used to do is really a young person's game. Like wading in ice cold water up above your family jewels, on a slippery bottom and with a strong current, for example.............same thing for wading out in a swamp to recover downed ducks and geese. I hope you had a good shoot this morning! Doug (aka Shag)
    1 point
  13. Once upon a time when I was a working stiff and did not have a lot of time off, fall meant steelheading, bow-hunting and duck hunting. You can't really do all three, at least not in any reasonable way. First to go was duck hunting, then steelheading. I had a really good run of fall steelheading, but could still do that in the spring, so I did. And I had a heck of a run with the bow, probably forty deer or so. Maybe more, I lost track........ Now I am a retired old fart, and can do whatever I want. And I hardly do ANY of those things any more!!! So enjoy it while you are fairly young and vigorous! Doug
    1 point
  14. yup a while back the town sent everyone a letter telling us we could rent our driveways i want 1000.00 bucks a day, so far no takers lol
    1 point
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