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  1. So with all that smoking and cooking going on in my other thread, I did manage about 6-7 hours of wetting a line over this weekend. Sunday I got a text from #1 son the bite was on . Not being prepared yet for the fall run,I grab my rod and a few of my balanced silly leg jigs. I have never fished one, but with the orders coming from my son and his buddies, they must work, right ? So get there early,my spot was secured by my son and the other young fellas . They are all rigged up with roe,skein and beads . One of the young fellas asked what I was going to use ? I showed him . That is a nice looking silly leg sir. I said as I always do,do not call me sir,KID. LOL. These young guys are a good bunch of fellas. Respect like when I was a young guy that showed respect to older sirs,I mean ,older fella . Light finally comes after sitting 1.5 hours of darkness . Time to fish . Throw the float,watch as it goes by,twitch as they say in the twitching bug lingo and well,wham . All I felt was the rod tip pull and it was fish on. I was laughing like a young boy. So excited to have a hit on my bug. Then it starts. Leap after leap . Not me,the fish . A steelhead I yelp .SHHHHHHHHHHH, is all I heard from the guys . I couldn't help myself,it was one drift and a hit on my own bug . A nice battle and in the net that my son helped with . Now I know why I have been asked to tie so many. They do put a beating on the jig. So with that adventure day behind me.I wanted to get back at it again this morning. Same bait, but also had my hot shot set up with me. No room yesterday for that. At the bank at early dark to just get the spot that I wanted. Day light comes,start with the bug, but nada. Switch up to the hot shot,nada. Buddy nails one on a 10mm bead. Hey,I got one of those in my back pocket. Not really,It was in my jacket buried some where. Ah, there you are. retie,peg the bead and cast. Float goes by and gone . Set and fish one. Dang me, it,s another nice fish. This one went leaps and bounds . Fresh fish are the best fight. Nice fight,in the net . Want to get out for a perch fish before I put away the float boat,but the river calls.
    1 point
  2. Topwater smallie bite should almost be in full swing right now. Won't last very long though.
    1 point
  3. Yes, I've heard it mentioned before that they suffer from a bad rep from years before
    1 point
  4. I have had several self destruct many years ago. I never gave them another chance. I'm sure they have some good offerings.
    1 point
  5. Labor day weekend and well,there was some labor during these past 3 days. The good fun stuff. Lets get this started eh. Home and get the bacon that has been curing for 7 days ready . Rinse, pat dry and add ground pepper as the norm for me. In the fridge til morning. My smoker was booked for the weekend. Bacon ,some jerky ,sat and sun, Monday was going to be a fishing day . Well Friday night I get a knock on the door and it,s #1 son with a fresh silver salmon. Pop,can you clean and smoke this for me ? Ya ok,I will try and fit it into my weekend schedule . So a quick, slice slice there and a flip flip there, a dump of salt here,couple of dumps of brown sugar there, fill bowl with water, stir,dump in a zip lock bag and into the fridge it goes till a later date. Saturday morning arrives early,4:20. I thought that was an early time to start smoking. LOL Get the smoker fired up and in goes the pork. I could only get an internal temp of 165-168 deg, so decided to fire up the grill to get the proper internal temps of 175-180 deg. Good call, as it did not take long . Turned out IMO, so good. I was slicing pieces off the smaller chunk and just eating. Had to stop or I was going to go into a piggy coma . Cut the ends off of each slab,cubed for frying up and put in home made mac & cheese later on . Sliced and vac packed. Since the grill was fired up,might as well throw on some chops and taters for dinner. Oh look,more beer. LOL No pics,to hungry. LOL After that was all done,I prepped for my first attempt at smoked ground beef jerky. I used this commercial stuff, Hi Mountain. Seems everyone carries it,so must be good . I went a little less then the recipe called for,as this was my first try. So up in the AM Sunday just before 4:20 this time, pull the bowl out of the fridge ,grab my new jerky maker tube pusher thingy. Oh wait, for got. I have been looking for jerky grates, but man, they want an arm and a leg for them. While at CTC, they had these use once and throw away grilling grates for $5.99. Yup,I,ll take 2 of those for my first go at. Now, back to the squeezing of the meat. Stuff the tube,and lock,load and squeeze . Effortless I must say. Laid out the strips like a pro, I thought anyways. Interruption happens,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, TEXT, Son says,fish are on,grab rod and get here. What the hell, I am just about to do my jerky,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hell with it,they will wait. Put racks in the fridge,grab rod and some of my silly leg balanced jigs I tied. I was not prepared, but son calls with the bite on,I got to go . Look for a report on this later,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Now back to jerking,,,,,,,,,, Home by 9:30 am, I get the smoker ready,once again . Get the wood pan going,grates in and wait . Check after 2 hours, coming along just fine,I think. Never did this before,what the hell do I know, but the smell was unreal already . The word is,when you can take a stick of meat, bend and it does not break,it,s done. I was able to bend the sticks after 4 hours and it did not break. Done . Only issue was,I had no pam spray and well,some of the sticks kinda stuck to the grate. No worries,I chewed the remaining stuck pieces off. No waste.LOL One thing for sure I will do next time,is go with a low fat content ground meat and spray the grates. I went with lean and found it was a bit greasy for me. I will go with extra lean or maybe even with ground game. Bison,elk or venison . Have to start some where right. I did get it right,the first try .Vac pac these up for later eats on the river and to share with my fishing buddies. This jerky stuff is going to be a must have come the ice season. Great snacking . Not finished yet, oh no. Master chef at large here . I wanted a nice full spatchek lemon chicken for dinner. Grab one of those free range no antibiotic birds . Ya cost a few $ more, but found that today,s normal pack chicken tastes like crap, no flavor, so gave it a go. Along with some lemons and corn on the cob from a local and fixen,s for ceaser salad. I injected the breast and legs with pure squeezed lemon and sprinkled newfie savory all over it. Man, that bird plumped up . On the grill indirect for 1 hour with 2 large apple wood chuncks. Reached 165 and it was chow time. Man that apple wood smoke on the skin and lemon in the meat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, DROOLING Now back to that dropped off salmon. Once dinner was done, I got the fish pat and racked, and in the fridge til Monday AM. Up Monday real early and well, smoking fish was not on my mind,fishing was, so off to the river for a few hours . Sons smoke fish can wait . Was a good call as I went 1/2 in a few hours. Yes, you will have to find this report in the fishing section of the forum as well . Home,and well, same routine, smoker prepped,fish in,smoked and well, jerky salmon vac packed. Cabelas had this box of bags 15% off . Cost me $22 for alot of bags. Good bargain and lie the different sizes. Easy packing . Mondays feed is, LEFT OVERS. The best kind. A side note after all this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, When I arrived home this morning, I see my granddaughter with a couple of packs of my vac packs. One smoke bacon and one of snack sticks. She was all smiles and said, your suppose to be fishing . Well that was until I tail slapped her with my catch of the day. LMAO. Ya maybe not funny to her,but hey, it,s all fun til you get tail slapped. LOL Hope all had a great fun and safe long weekend . I am pooped out. Beer me.
    1 point
  6. what the hell does this have to do with anything? All this says to me is that you are a holier than thou who doesn't care about peoples rights and freedoms. Your opinion doesn't mean squat to me, and I'm sure many, many others here too. S.
    1 point
  7. Which law? To stay where the guy was and say stuff is not harrassing. If the guy walked up to him and started talking crap sure, but it's not the interfering with fishing/hunting law. In a court, what the guy did would be covered under the charter of rights. The guy is allowed to stay where he is and talk all the crap he wants. There was no mention of the guy moving away from where he is so I don't know where the intimidation part is coming from. There was no "hate" or "racism". The guy expressed his opinion, which we are allowed to do. Not once did the guy interfere with anything. The law was quoted in the thread already. If you have a half a brain you can clearly see that no law was broken. I disagree with what the dude did and said but he didn't break the law. You need to use logic and not emotion Karen. Don't make stuff up.
    1 point
  8. My main kayak fishing buddy is going on 3 weeks now in the ICU at Scarborough Centenary Hospital. He was unfortunately against the vaccine, and has since told me via one of our few text exchanges that he wishes he had gotten it. If they take him off oxygen his blood oxygen drops, so there's likely some damage, and no way to know if it's permanent. I was already distancing more than most and I'm doubling that now. Hope you get things sorted out @DRIFTER_016
    0 points
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