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  1. Healthy looking fish. 10 yrs ago the only salmon I caught on a GB outing was skinny. Big head, no gut. Seems the bait fish are back.
    2 points
  2. While out last weekend,I noticed clouds of 1/2-1 " shinners, so tied up a couple to try. Sure has heck,they were chomping on them. Could not get enough bigger fish for a feed, but yet another, tie that catches. I even took out my ultra light that I was gifted a few years back, maybe more from Porkpie. LOL Oh the sun rise was amazing this morning. Like a painting. Even the moon looked great, better the the photo anyways. A side note,I need to get a lithium Ion battery for the new finder,as it draws more power then I thought it would from the 7.2 sealed one I have been using. I am looking at getting one of those milwhacky converter battery attachments for my 5 hr batteries. I know they work well,as another fellow angler uses that for his set up. Home depot did not have any when I was there yesterday. Guess it,s on line for one, if I can find it .
    1 point
  3. Took the chance with my cranky back and went along with my son out to GB for a morning of lure washing. Meet at 0500 at the launch, load my coffee, lunch, myself and a few pain killers and off we went. No sooner out of the harbour and the waves were a tad on the large size but dammit we're going. A slow ride out but set up by 0530, rig and set the rods. At sunrise the first rod pops, nice 11 lb'er, into the box. About 40 mins later, a 7 lb'er bit the cheater, you're coming for supper. Around 8, a zinger, line burner, ends up being a 15 lb'er, nice fight and into the box. A few minutes later another on the cheater but managed to free itself. That's all my back could handle, time to get back to hard ground. Had a great day, I'm glad he convinced me to go.
    1 point
  4. I have seen nothing but huge fat salmon the past 6-7 years now . Largest I have caught was last year, 26lb hen.
    1 point
  5. Finally got around to buying one of those chimney charcoal things. What a game changer this thing is for getting the coals hot and ready fast . I have always been a pyramid stacker like my pop . Add fuel, let sit for 5 minutes and fire up,wait 40 minutes til coals go white. With this new addition,coals are ready in 15-20 min. Game on then. Went indirect heat . It,s the only way to cook butt chops. Let that excess fat drip away. Once done, put them over the heat, bit a char and mop on the gooyness.. First got to get the corn and taters done Then the meatfest begins.
    1 point
  6. Zipper with its tongue sticking out.
    1 point
  7. You should see him in person. Turns sideways and cant see him . LOL
    1 point
  8. Well done, buddy! But by the picture, you are wasting away to a shadow............ Doug
    1 point
  9. My trusty mechanic will do the job next week no problem. He is very reasonable $$$ and said it would be a quick job. By the time I bought the repair kit etc. this figured to be the smartest play.
    1 point
  10. When you helicoil apply grease to the drill bit and drill slow. This will catch the filings as they form. IF the grease melts you are going to fast. Grease the tap as you rethread the hole for the new helicoil. With this method you can drill and tap a sparkplug in a head still installed. For a video look at one for helicoil an aluminum head and you will find one. Art
    1 point
  11. Drain hole. I will look into the helicoil info, thx.
    1 point
  12. Did you strip the bolt or the drain hole? If it's the hole, helicoil it and get the correct bolt to fit.
    1 point
  13. Getting started on my winter soups and bake beans meat. Smoke one day, fish the next. Pork hocks and fat back. 1st time doing the hang thang. I like.
    1 point
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