Anyone here tried using a "Sous Vide"? Shopping - Branded - English ON - Prospect Shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIivWr94eE8gIVh9zICh0BUQ6gEAQYASABEgJENPD_BwE
I did my turkey breast recipe with mine (thanks air miles!) on the weekend. It took four hours in the pot and a quick 5 minutes on the bbq to crisp it up. They turned out great! Sorry, no pics.
I got it on my brother's advice after him showing me the video of the three rib prime rib he did for New Years. 30 hours in the pot, and quick browning on a super hot bbq., there were flames everywhere. He said you could cut it with a fork. He's also been buying eye of round roasts and putting them in the sous vide and again, quick browning on the BBQ. Turns a dry roast into fillet!
I'll try to document my adventures with this thing as I gain more experience using it.