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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2021 in all areas

  1. Make sure you get the 3.55 gears makes a big difference. I tow 3,500 easily.
    3 points
  2. I suggested to my bride of three and a half decades that perhaps some "adjustment" to our relationship might be in order. I passed this along to her as a template for our go forward position, more evenly distributing the daily chores that life gives. I should be out of the hospital and walking upright in the next 4-6 weeks. HH VIDEO-2021-02-14-13-33-46 (1).mp4
    1 point
  3. it is the other ones that should be illegal! Quick hookset prevents swallowed bait
    1 point
  4. So long as it's a loaded rod doing the hookset there is no issue at all.
    1 point
  5. Swish. I do remember those barrels. Being on a tobacco farm, we had greenhouses. Dad would get a couple barrels, dump whatever amount of water in and put the barrels in the greenhouse, startling the walkway. Everyday he'd go into the greenhouse and give the barrels a push and roll them over. What we/he wouldn't do to get cheap booze. LOL Even as watered down that crap was, it would get you going and the whole time you'd worried that we didn't go blind. LOL Dan.
    1 point
  6. Chris is one of the guys from this site I hope to meet in person some time. He also gave me some advice for a trip we did a couple years ago - including a marked map! Doug
    1 point
  7. My dad use to make homebrew all the time. Especially when his favorite (Black Label) crap went up in price. LOL He used a stone crock for fermenting; the whole house had a smell of hops, yeast and wet socks; nice to come home to. LOL After mixing his concoction, he would check it daily, by shining a flashlight into the crock's liquid; looking for the bubbles to stop. Once it did stop bubbling; he'd put a teaspoon of white sugar into each regular sized beer bottles. These were the old stubby bottles; Dad hated it when they went to the long necks; why; I don't know?!! LOL OK it's bottling time; Mom would always fill the bottles with a syphon hose from the crock to the bottles. She never admitted it; but I think she liked the taste of that swamp water? LOL Dad wouldn't let us cap the bottles with that metal cap crimping gizmo; "you'll break the bottles" and this is him breaking one in five. (Again LOL sorry) The filled and capped bottles would go into the basement for its "curing time". After whatever time frame that was he'd open a few bottles and we all had to try it. Well you know the saying a little white lie won't hurt anything. Well I lied through my teeth; Yeah Dad it's not bad a little on the yeasty side. Oh man was it bad; but Dad liked his brew. Sorry for the long post; BUT! One time Dad bottled his brew before it was done doing whatever it does. About three days later; in the middle of the night, I could here something banging/exploding? Went into the basement and there were bottle neck shards and bottle caps stuck in the drywall ceiling. Yup the bottles exploded and shot the tops into the ceiling. LOL Man I miss my Dad and the things he would try! Dan. Forgot to say I still have that old stone crock and everytime I see it I laugh at Dad's homebrew. LOL
    1 point
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