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  1. Got to spot and checked for no parking signs . Not a one to be seen, so unloaded and parked the truck up the road . I already had my mind set on where I wanted to park my ars on the cold surface, A large flat once again that dropped sharp and flattened out at 45 fow. It was not a far walk, so I was set up in 20 minutes . Still a 1/2 hour before sunrise, I was set up and the finder was full of bait fish and the odd large marks on the bottom . Grabbed the litttle box of flys and went, eni,myni mo, you will go on . Tied a lean shrimp fly drop on the meegs rod . Fish came in for 2 hours . They came up to look at the fly, yet not a hit . They hung around on the meegs just enough to make me think they were interested then bugger off . Nothing was interested in the vibrado. New area again, new fish,lets go back in the day. WTH can happen ? Catch a fish ? Not wanting to put the meegs away, I took the vibrado off the other rod and tied on old friend, the 1/2 and 1/2 hammered 3" williams. I fish it traditional, lay on the bottom and lift,lift,lift and pull, but I also will hang it 20 ft from the bottom and rip it . They will chase it. I start off by ripping it up and letting it flutter. There was a couple that would rise, but go back down . So, lets go traditional. Drop it on the bottom, let it sit,lift lightly a few times then yank it up a foot or so. Sure as S, first yank, this fish comes up. The lure does not drop, but the fish is still on the finder . That aint right. The darn fish had it and was swimming with it. Set the hook and well, ole school prevailed. Get the fish to the right side of the ice . Fished another hour without another fish to come in, so it was pack up time and head in. Home,clean and cook up with fish crisp to take into work for my co-workers to enjoy tomorrow. Oh I sampled few pieces.
    2 points
  2. Just pulled into the motel in North Bay and instantly recognized the vehicle 😄 looks like fun.....I was getting some looks bombing across the lake today in my Subaru stuffed with big A/T tires lol. Dude's getting stuck with 4x4 pickups as I floated over the crusty snow 😁 Lotsa fish caught today, not a keeper in the bunch tho.... Josh
    2 points
  3. I got caught on my fly once. Something you never need to learn again.
    2 points
  4. With our go to being taken over by smelts and small herring, it was time to explore . My buddy Walleyed says, lets try line X and take the 4 wheeler . I cant refuse a free ride . Give the short legged ole man a break from walking . Now we left from line X and fished out from line X down the lake. Trying to fool me ? His devilish grin and snarrel was a give away. LOL So with a new area, one never can tell whats up or even if there are fish there . A large flat with a steep transition was a good start. Marked nothing but those herring/smelt and some perch again on the flat. Darn things are following me, or are really on the rebound. Moved out just a bit past Rob as he said he was marking, but not hooking up. Marking is a good thing, not hooking up well, maybe the fisherman . HAHA. J/K buddy . As I start to walk away from them, I realize I was in his grace, as we only brought one auger. Limit the weight on towing my smitty, left mine behind . Walk back and get the auger, and off I go. Set up again and right off the bat, I am marking . I have the mini meegs down just dead sticking 6" off the bottom . They come in, they rise, I drop and tap a tap, and they go . Never do they just look and go at a meegs. How dare they do this .This happened 4-5 times . Even had 3 come in at one time and did the same .GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Decided it was time for a cup of java and a cinny bagel with pb&j . Sit back, chill and watch the boob tube while I listen to some Dean Martin . Isn't that a kick in the head . LOL Against my better judgment, I grab rod 2 and drop the vibrado with a new shrimp bait drop shot I tied. After about an hour of lifting slow,banging the bottom and dead sticking, a fish comes in. I lift the bait slow . As i lift, the fish bypasses the vibrado and streaks for the shrimp. I just twitch and the rod tip jerks down . FISH ON All I was thinking , I have a fish on with one of my own ties again. I was pumped. I reeled up slow and steady as I use 6lb floro as a leader . Once I could see the white bugger, I just guided him into the hole . I had his head out and trying to grab him,but the bugger was having nothing to do with it . I finally decided to do the bear grip and said, enough of this crap. Grab him by the head, squeeze and the battle was over. A quick snap,blood peeing out, I had another first on a tied fly . I had no cell to text Rob or my buddies to share my joy . It was weird . I felt guilty for a moment, but dropped my bait again not even giving it another thought, and was hoping for another fish to come in, but it was not to be. The rumble of the 4 wheel was my que to pack up and it was the end of another outing . Thinking after and talking to Rob when he came to pick me up ( love ice UBER shuttle service ), I would of bet if I had a drop shrimp above the meegs, I would of caught those ones rising up. Now I will have drops on all my set ups. I have a red and white worm I have tied to try . Might not look like much, but it worked. Even cooks nice . Off to another line X spot in the morning . Got to keep moving. Long read, but I love sharing my stories.
    1 point
  5. The challenge with making ice outdoors is the cold is "coming" from the top and going down. Rinks with refrigerant of course do the opposite. If you put too much water on top of the ice the top freezes and then the water underneath starts to freeze. Water expands as it freezes and the previous frozen top pops off into that shale. Keep the coats of water thin and let it freeze solid before coating again. The other trick that works at home (if you have access to indoor tap) is to use thin coats of hot water. It helps to smooth out the skate ruts. On a lake, shovelling off as much of the snow and skate shavings first help if you don't have hot water.
    1 point
  6. I haven't been there but I've been to a few other places in Cuba. It's similar tactics regardless of where you go. You want to focus on casting from shore (beach or off some rocks), bridges, and piers. You can also troll off of catamarans or get them to take you to the reefs where you can go nuts on fish. I made quick video on that in November.
    1 point
  7. You could say “come to Brian” and they would come.
    1 point
  8. That's gotta be gratifying. Looks delicious too (assuming you like fish!)
    1 point
  9. Hi all, Just a quick video from a recent trip to the Lower Niagara River where I try and quickly describe how to locate good drifts that typically hold Steelhead. Enjoy and subscribe!
    1 point
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