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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2020 in all areas

  1. Hi all, Managing to grab short sessions early and late recently. I got out just before sunrise last week, stunning scenery and a few fish, great start to the day.
    4 points
  2. A week ago there was a deer in my yard that was half white & half brown but she disappeared before I could get my camera. Just an hour ago I looked out and she was here again but she started to head back into the woods but I was able to get this picture from the rear but you an see the two colors very clear. Pretty kool looking critter and certainly nothing I've ever seen before. Hopefully I can get a better shot if she returns. Just ignore the big ole turkey trying to hog the picture LOL
    2 points
  3. I for one am anxiously awaiting a report for the maiden trip. 😀
    1 point
  4. Yeah, sadly your right Paul, if it's unique someone will think it should be hanging on his wall.
    1 point
  5. I have been following that website for a couple of years, mnrwatch gets a small amount of info. I am sure 90% of MNR info goes under the radar. As far as the coyotes, they have been a huge issue recently everywhere. Seems like the person tried to dispose of them somewhat, but not properly.
    1 point
  6. They clearly were not disposed of properly, but that might be the only offence. The coyote "season" for WMU 88 where NOTL is open all year.
    1 point
  7. Heading out tomorrow morning for Nipissing. All loaded up, fueled up and crossing fingers that we're ready to go? Also hoping that the MTO has a bit of forgiveness. Maximum width is a 102 inches, the trailer is legal but the skies of the bobsled measure 109". Oops officer I didn't realize , I had 7 more inches then I thought I had? (I could only wish) LOL Anyway we're off later tonight and will let the cards fall where they will. Dan.
    1 point
  8. "YES Mr Bryant I can get your daughter and coach to the game on time". A very sad mistake for him to give in to "just gotta get there" mentality. PIC broke most rules in the book, including his companies. True reality, trust me I've broke too many of them myself.. a trip to Nipigon comes to mind...
    1 point
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